Judgement – Necessitas Non Habet Legem
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal

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Title   Necessitas Non Habet Legem
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Posted   Sun Oct 17, 2010 @ 11:03pm
Location   Deck 56. Court Complex
Timeline   SD35. 14:35
Newly installed in a set of offices in the court complex Isha smiled to herself. That morning she had gone to Villiers and brought charges against Gabriel, and in the same move had prevented the Commander from attending a meeting where her expertise might have proved inconvenient to have on hand when her niece presented.

It had all gone rather well so far. The rest of the morning had been spent launching an appeal for witnesses, partly through contacting those that the records the Federation had shared indicated had had dealings with Gabriel in his role as Security Chief and before that as Intelligence Chief. There were even names from far beyond the station, and they had been contacted too.

Now she was taking representations, some from the named witnesses, and others from people on the station who had encountered the garrulous Lieutenant Commander Gabriel, and who, either because they were curious, or wanted revenge, were willing to offer their stories.

Isha found the process rather barbaric, particularly as there was quite enough evidence to have Gabriel forcibly removed and tried quickly in a Rihannsu court – a matter that would take less than a day. For some reason the Federation thought it more merciful for proceedings and uncertainty to drag out for weeks, sometimes months … Isha did not understand that – better to put him out of his misery quickly.

Still, it was what Proconsul tr’Vainlli had requested, and here she was performing in a Federation circus because proving Gabriel guilty was what her government wanted.

She scrolled through the list of appointments, some with names she did not recognise, others, who wished to remain anonymous merely listed against a time slot. The next appointment, the third of the afternoon had given no name.

The tall frame of a man entered Isha's office, and at first, said nothing. Just looked at her. Then, the words that Isha would find all too familiar filled the room.

"Hello dear," Tharek stated.

It was the first time they had met face to face since he had attacked her, since he had raped her.

As she straightened in her chair Isha gripped its arms beneath her desk until the blood was squeezed from her hands. The court officials had refused her bodyguard access, citing rules that forbade weapons and private armies on the premises, and as the court officials would not even allow them to wait outside the complex Isha had no choice but to send them away.

"Ambassador Getal," she forced herself to say, unable to do anything about the petrified expression fixed on her features. "Why are you here?"

Tharek held up a Cardassian PADD in one hand, and tapped it with his thumb. A recording played, of a Cardassian being beaten to a pulp by Gabriel. Tharek then stopped it halfway through. "Gabriel is now a Cardassian matter too."

Isha lowered her gaze, "I don't require your evidence. Gabriel's prosecution depends neither on your support nor approval. As far as I am concerned you can stick your evidence down your throat and choke on it."

"Whether you like it or not, Romulan, you need this. Gabriel will be lucky to recieve a Federation court-martial, if that. With this, he hangs." He said, shaking the PADD gently to emphasise a point.

Somehow she slackened her grip and her hands fell into her lap. That action allowed her the freedom to move. Isha rose sharply, her chair rolling back behind her. "I will not take this from you or from anyone," she said, she knew that she did not need what the Cardassian held. "Get out of here, Getal," she told him.

Tharek disobeyed, and hulked forward to her. Lightly brushing her cheek with the back of his hand, he smiled. "Listen. What is Gabriel going to get more for? Your evidence on his activities, or further proof from another government on top of that evidence?"

It was all that Isha could do not to back away. As it was there was nothing she could do to prevent the involuntary shudder that shook her body as he touched her. Isha was still trembling as she forced her gaze to meet his, "I don't want your help," she said forcing her mind away from the last time they had been alone together.

"And I don't want to help you!" He said, removing his hand from her cheek, then lowering his height to be less than a breath away from her face. "But I want Gabriel dead. So, to accomplish that, I need to combine my evidence with yours, securing Gabriel's future!"

"I don't care what you think you need to do." There was not even a glimmer of remorse or understanding there. He actually seemed to expect her to listen to him after what he had done. Isha just wanted him to go away, "I do not want your evidence," she said again.

"Don't test my patience Romulan, whether you hate me or not, I really couldn't care less. But, you know that this extra evidence will condemn Gabriel, if not kill him. So, don't be stupid and throw this away."

Isha was being stubborn, that was true, but there were few people who would blame her for her reluctance to co-operate with Getal. There would be very few people who would have blamed her if she had killed him dead the moment he walked into the room. She also knew what Proconsul tr'Vailnli had told her; that it was very important to her government that Gabriel was taken out of service, and that she should use any means possible that would secure his prosecution whilst appearing at all times to comply with Federation expectations.

Isha turned away as she rubbed her hand over her face. If Getal had evidence, then she had to see it even if his presence made her retch; she had a duty, and it was killing her.

"What is its source?" Isha asked as she turned back. She really had no choice.

"Legate Turven." Tharek said, announcing his name with distaste. "This evidence was recieved at no small cost. I want to utilize it, and the only way I can use it fully, is by... co-operating with yourself... " He almost choked on the words.

"I hardly imagined that you would be here if you had anywhere else to take it," Isha remarked as she pulled her chair back to her desk.

Tharek murmured. "Do you accept the evidence or not?" He said, wanting to leave the room, before Isha had an embassy full of angry Romulan's clawing at his throat.

"I haven't assessed it yet," Isha said as she sat and gestured for him to do the same if she was going to use his 'evidence' then she was going to be damned certain that it was worth her while before she admitted it …Getal seemed a little anxious. He thought that she had summoned her guard, she surmised. She would let him continue to think that, it was better if he did not know that the court officials had their rules.

"Who is Legate Turven?" Isha asked, assuming her litigator's face.

Tharek complied, and sat. "Legate Turven, is a pompous măgath." Tharek said with a sour tone in his voice. "He operates on another starbase somewhere... Protector or something like that."

She noted the name for reference. Getal clearly did not like the man, therefore this Turven likely had some redeeming characteristics, "Why would he give you information?" Isha asked then, "and how did he acquire it?"

"Gabriel is on my nerves, and I make no effort to hide it. Word travels quick apparently." Getal said, relaxing back into the chair. Knowing that if Isha wanted him dead, she would've done it by now. She was interested. "I didn't ask how he acquired it, I wanted him out of my embassy. He was lucky he was Cardassian, otherwise I would've ripped his tongue from his skull."

Isha swallowed, "For giving you information that might be useful?" she questioned.

"No! For insulting me in my own embassy, an inferior giving me orders... It's unthinkable! They should have removed the rank of Legate the day we left the Dominion!"

"We, We being the the Romulan-Federation-Klingon alliance should have removed sovereign authority from your people at the same time the Dominion surrendered. Your people have done little since then but scavenge and harass," Isha observed, right now he needed her so she was going to take advantage of this opportunity to goad him a little while she was 'safe'. "You might be physically stronger than me, Getal, but I have the unconditional trust and loyalty of thousands," she said, recalling the recent gathering of the clans. "They will support me in life, and they will avenge me in death," she told him. Isha did not blink, though beneath the desk her fingers were knotted in her skirts.

"Personally I plan to slit you open from your anus to your throat, and I am speaking literally," she told him, Insulting enough for you?. For someone who wilfully offered insult he was remarkably sensitive; Isha noted that too, it spoke of a deep insecurity one that he covered by bluster, in much the same way that Isha covered her own with a mask of serenity.

"I personally plan to remove your head from your shoulders with a rusty dagger, then deliver your skull to your own house. And I'm speaking literally too."

"I'm sure you are," Isha replied. "Everyone should have a dream to strive for," she continued certain that the pun on her own name would be missed. "Please play your evidence," she requested, "Then I will determine if it has a place in my courtroom." Isha dearly wished that it did not, for if it did then as a witness there was nothing to stop this reptile from creeping back here at will.

"I have the loyalty of an empire. I command the lives of thousands of men, who would gladly die in my name. Do not think that I am only physically stronger t'Khellian. I am emotionally stronger too. I look back at my past and laugh, but you? You fear it."

Isha raised her gaze to meet his though she did not speak. He misunderstood entirely. Isha saw no reason to enlighten the would-be despot of her own full influence, so instead she dipped her head slightly; let him have a false sense of security, let him continue to underestimate her.

Tharek tapped the PADD, and played it through. The sound of the Cardassian men being beaten was not a pleasant one.

It was not pleasant, but Isha wondered at Getal's concern.

"Useful evidence, perhaps," she said, "But you find this repellent when you, when you ....." she found herself unable to complete that sentence.

"Say it." He said moving millimetres from her face. Gazing directly down into her eyes.

Isha stared back unblinking as her body crept back in her chair away from the Cardassian, "You beat me, and you raped me," she said fighting the tremour in her voice.

Tharek stood back up and laughed. "All necessary things to put you in your place!"

"Not only are you a sadistic brute, you are also an opportunistic coward," Isha told him as his callous laughter rang in her ears, "I have always known my place and sooner or later someone will remind you of yours." Isha was quite certain of that.

"Sadistic brute? Opportunistic coward?" Tharek burst into laughter again. "I am merely doing what needs to be done to secure the future. I do not need reminding of my place, I know exactly where it is. And it's here, on this floating trash heap, securing relations between empires. Mainly mine and Rh'vaurek's. You are insignificant. A dog. A common, disease ridden flea-bag in the way of my empire. I will enjoy gutting you when the time comes."

Even if he needed her now, that time would pass, Isha thought as she twisted the green stoned ring that Darson had given her around her finger. It would not be over until one of them was dead.

But for someone 'insignificant' Getal was investing a lot of time and effort in Isha and she knew that despite his words he still thought her to be a threat to him. This was just one more effort on his part to undermine the self-respect she clung to. Isha was not going to let him win.

"I forgot to mention conceited and self-aggrandising," she said with far more confidence than she felt.

Tharek moved his neck to the side, then in the opposite direction. A sickening click left his spine. "You're pushing it, Romulan."

"And so we have established the only way you can get yourself a woman without paying for her,” Isha said, “and all along I thought we were going to talk about whether or not I would permit your 'evidence' to be used against Gabriel," she retorted. “How can you have the affront to come here and demand my co-operation. How do you expect me to act? Do you honestly expect me to comply without question?"

"No, knowing you. I expect you to comply, whether you question it or not is your choice."

"I am not subject to your commands, even though you seem to have deluded yourself into believing that I am," Isha told him. "And I am not here to accommodate your whims, and whatever tactics you employ, I will oppose you. If you want me to listen to you I suggest you start acting like a civilised being, we have a goal in common, Getal, and your insistence on trying to demean and intimidate me at every turn is not conduicive to achieving it," she said with a fierce determination. "I have a title, I suggest you try using it. You might find me more amenable that way," Isha suggested.

"I doubt that, highly. I could call you the Bajoran Prophets and you'd still act as if a Klingon's bit you on the ass."

"Did it ever occur to you to try?" Isha asked in frustration, "You started this! I had done nothing to harm you, and anything I have done has been in retaliation to your abuse.”

"You know... For once, you might be right. t'Khellian then." He said, knowing he was fighting a losing battle. But, the real battle, he knew he'd come out on top.

It hurt her so much just to be in the same room as him. Ishe knew that in his opinion he had simply used a weapon to subdue her, one that she feared he would use again without hesitation if he deemed it necessary. It had worked, and inexorably skewed the balance of power in their relationship in his favour, but that did not mean that she was going to make it easy for him to dominate, nor did it mean that she would make no effort to move the balance back.

Isha rose from her chair, not shifting her gaze from the Cardassian, "So, Getal, how do you propose we take Gabriel down," she asked in a business like tine though her stomach was heavy with fear.

"I'll quite happily arrange a Cardassian trial for him, and you know how that ends. All we need to do is save face with the Federation, and demand that we have Gabriel in the name of "co-operation"."

Isha walked a few paces across the room; when approaching a case she preferred to think on her feet, "I'm already pushing for extradition, you have an case of common assault, I have a case of murder, one of the many, many crimes punishable by death under Romulan law," she told him, Getal would see her point, Isha was sure. "My government have ruled out having Gabriel extracted and taken for trial. As I believe you are already aware, they have an interest in this sector and that requires a greater than usual accommodation of Federation sensitivities. I will admit your evidence, it will be damaging to Gabriel, but I will not allow you to hijack this trial," she said as she crossed the room again and took her seat once more.

"Of course. I expected nothing less than co-operation, I wouldn't want to take the trial out of your already capable hands." Tharek stated.

If Isha had not known Getal better she might have msitaken that for a compliment. As it was she did not know what to make of it, understanding this man was utterly beyond her.

"I am confident that I will be successful in securing Gabriel's extradition," she said

"You can have his extradition, as long as I get his head." Tharek said with seriousness in his voice.

Proconsul tr'Vainlli had explicitly told Isha that Gabriel was merely a tool to use to help secure a larger end; it would be easy enough to hand him on to the Cardassian, but she was too cautious to agree too readily to that demand. "As you wish," she told Getal. Wondering why he was so keen to take care of Gabriel himself. "I will see what I can do to persuade my government to grant your request."

"Gratitude." Was all that he said, before he dipped his head in thanks, then slipped away out of sight. He got what he wanted, that was what he came for, and that is what he got.

Almost before the door was closed behind him Isha ran to the sanitary unit just off the office where she parted company with what was left of her breakfast before collapsing in a sobbing heap on the floor.



Ambassador Isha t'Khellian

Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal