Judgement – ''what do you mean Flash Gordon approaching?" (2)
by Commander Richard Dunham & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   ''what do you mean Flash Gordon approaching?" (2)
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Thu Sep 08, 2011 @ 10:32pm
Location   Box of Delights (Holosuite)
Timeline   SD 39 21.30
::Old ::

The radio crackled back with a blustery male voice, "Save a few for me! Dive my Hawkmen. Diiiiiiiivvvveee!"

:: On ::

Spartan looked down at the large gap between him and the giant rocket as the bike was brought back around. Well this was going to be fun..... without a moments hesitation and just before the bike had come fully around, he let go of the pretty girls waist and free fell to the metallic surface bellow. He hit it with a loud clang, and began to slide down its polished surface. His hands reached out for the first thing they could fine, whioch was some sort of anteni. With one hand holding on he looked about himself. There appeared to be some sort of balcony beneath his feet just under the lip of the roof. He let go again and fell until his arms grabbed around the banister of the balcony which he hit hard. If the safeties where not on he would of cracked a rib. he started to pull himself up t the ledge. Suddenly out of the doorway appeared red and golden armored space man. Spartan who was a heap on the floor at this point, leapt up with an undercut to the man's chin knocking him to the floor. He grabbed the mans weapon and headed inside.

A corridor, smooth, featureless except for sealed doorways. Patrolling guards were heading away from him, when suddenly there was a loud clang from above. Surprised the guards stopped and looked up. then one started to turn.

Though Spartan consider himself a solider and had his own code of honor, he was a survivor and he had survived by being practical. He raised his weapon whilst setting it to auto fire. And as the guard turned to face him and his men still had his back to him, he sprayed them all down with a torrent of laser fire.

As the bodies fell a panel in the ceiling began to screech open behind him.

Instincts kicked in. Spartan rolled forward onto the floor then spun on the spot, from a crouched position using the bodies he had made for cover he pointed his gun up at the panel

Vedra gave a squeak of suprise "its me, don't shoot!"

Spartan shouldered his gun, He held out his arms "Jump down. I ell catch you"

She didn't hesitate, swinging her legs down and sliding over the lip of the hatch before dropping into his waiting arms.

Still holding her and forgetting to put her down, Spartan turned to look both ways up the corridor. "So....whats the plan? what do we do now?" he asked uncertainly.

The risian pointed down the corridor. "Storm the bridge and takeover the ship. Fight through the minions of Ming and turn the ship on the city. Easy peasy!"

"We are going to need these then" said Spartan putting the girl down and picking up a couple of grenades from a dead guard. They then made their way to the bridge, crouching and hugging the wall for cover. Across the ship they could hear the noises of battle and combat, but apart from the occasional body on the floor they seem to be avoiding the fight. Soon they arrived at a large set of airlock doors. It was locked "Are you any good with locks?" asked spartan as he activated his grenades.

The waitress held up one hand, and pointed the large ring on it at the door. It beeped and slid open. "Access all areas!" she whispered gleefully. Then she nodded at the grenades. "Fire in the Hole!"

Spartan tossed in the two grenades wth a under arm throw. He ducked behind the door until he heard and felt the two explosions go off. He dived into the room, rolling into the middle of it, springing up into a crouch position he then let rip with his laser rifle using double tap on the trigger on each target, one shot going to their heads the other to the chest. Laser fire darted over his head. Spartan returned fire shooting everything that moved. When the dust settled and people had stopped shooting him, he chucked his weapon aside and jumped into the pilots seat, trying to make sens of the flight controls as he did.

Vedra looked over his shoulder. "Hmm, maybe I should have got a pilot as well as you. Have you got any idea how this works?"

"I can tell you that the auto pilot has been destroyed. I'm going to have to fly this thing in manually."

"I bet you say that to all the girls." Vedra purred as she locked the doors behind them. "Hopefully vultan and his hawkmen will keep our backs covered. Can I help you?"

"Grab that" he said pointing to the co-pilots flight stick. The rocket ship shook violently as the laser fire target at them increased in intensity. The Rocket ship began to saw towards the red spiraled city of Ming. Its engines out the two would be liberators had to guide it through the torrent of lancing laser beams and they certainly were not dodging all of them. The Glass window shattered and the left wing caught on fire. Spartan looked across the all the buttons and knobs in front of them trying to find something to shoot back with. He did, he flipped the lid off a covered red button and pressed it. Two twin fire blaster cannons went off hitting the central spire of the crimson city. It also made a good thing to aim for. Both pilots shook in the seats as the rocket began its descent dive bombing into the huge red tower.

Vedra opened a channel. "Cease Fire. this is Princess Aura. I order you to cease fire!"

Another woman's voice came from the radio. "Traitor! You will surrender immedieatly or I will see you executed alongside your lovers!"

The risian switched the adio off and through herself back in her seat. "It was worth a shot. I hope this thing has crash dampeners."

He looked her up and down. "Princess....figures." He smiled and concentrated what he was doing, which was guiding a very large rocket ship bang smack down into the middle city. He spoke to himself; "Never gone down with a princess before." The rocket ship burned around the them, laser fire screeched pass them and the city loomed very close

"Help me finish this damn game and you get go down with one as much as you want."

"Well then we better make sure we live" Encouraged by her statement Spartan guided the rocket ship on its kamikaze approach. The giant rocket with its pointed tip nose, shattered through the cities outer defenses and shot towards its target like a dart. "Down!" shouted Spartan instinctively as the ship, breached the outer wall of the spire. Both of them were thrown from their chairs lying in heaps on the ground as around them sparks flew, metal grinded on metal, and violent shock waves crashed through the rocket.

Vedra raised her head from the protection of her arms. "Are we still alive?"

Spartan poked her arm uncertainly to double check that they were alive. "Yep" he stated after his scientific experiment proved her to be solid.

"Good. Let's go get Ming." She scrambled up and grabbed a fallen laser rifle. "After you."

Spartan kicked down the door and burst out into the rubble remains of a great red stoned plaza, it looked like a bomb had hit it.....or in this case a giant rocket ship. Guards clad in red and gold armour started running towards them weapons firing. Spartan returned fire, ducking and weaving amongst the devastation as he did. Laser fire darted passed his head and Spartan had to use one of the guards as a shield by grabbing him around the neck. His own weapon ran out of ammo so he had to throw his now dead body guard into another, then let loose with a flying kick. There was a satisfying crunch of armour and bones as his foot made contact with a guards jaw. He grabbed the guards weapon; a bladed pike thing and began to fight off two more soldiers in deadly melee. All this time there was no sign of Ming.

Vedra swore and grabbed a stunned guard. "Where's Ming? Where did he take Dale?"

"Uh, his chambers, highness." the man slurred. Vedra swore and turned to Spartan. "We have to hurry. He has an escape shuttle on a private landing you can only get to from there. If he gets away I'll lose the game!"

Spartan head butted the last guard, the guard dropped to the floor like sack of potatoes, he turned and smiled grimmely "Well we can't have that, lets get going."

They ran through high spacious corridors facing little resistance. "The shuttle crashing must have drawn everyone away." Vedra laughed, managing to keep up with Spartan despite her high heeled boots. They skidded to a halt at the top of the stairs leading to the enemy's apartments. "There's bound to be guards up there though. Ready?"

Spartan nodded an affirmative. As Vedra hit the button to open the door, spartan rolled in, and came to a crouch position in the middle of the room, his gun swung around to all the corners of the room making sure it was clear. It wasn't to royal guards in red robes and carrying golden pikes landed on top of the marine. Soon he was lost a bundle of fists, golden metal, and red material.

And when he emerged, he was confronted by the sight of Vedra struggling in the grip of a tall man, robed in shades of pink, bald, with a forked goatee and what Spartan decided was the scariest pair of eyebrows he had ever seen. He looked at Spartan and smirked. "Flash Gordon! You have defeated my troops, swayed my most warlike princes and twisted my treacherous daughter into outright rebellion. You could have gone far in my empire."

This would be the point of a witty rhetoric, sarcastic comment or dramatic speech from the hero. But Spartan wasn't a hero, he never had been. With lightening reflexes he brought his gun up to his shoulder, took a quick focusing glance through its targeter then promptly shot the extravagantly dressed man between the eyes.

Vedra gave a short scream as the laser singed her hair, and then looked down at the dead body of Ming. She tugged the ring form his finger with an excited squeal. "He's dead. You got him!" She threw herself into Spartan's arms and planted a wet kiss on his cheek. "thank you thank!" She pulled back slightly and looked about, "Now where's that bitch Dale Arden?"

“Who?” asked the despondent marine with a puzzled expression through his normally grim demeanour. He really still hadn’t got a clue as to what was going on, but judging by the impressiveness of the dead man’s clothes, he reckoned he had just shot the person in charge. Unfortunately Spartan was finding it pretty hard to focus right now…that was a pretty great kiss he just got to the cheek

"Dale Arden. Flash's girlfriend. She has to be rescued." Vedra gave a theatric sigh. "Useless woman. Look around, he must have stashed her somewhere."

Spartan began a room to room search of the top mans apartments. Never dropping his weapon, he worked through the rooms methodically, they were lavishly decorated quarters, all gold and silk. He was about to give up when he heard a banging from a closet. Cautiously approaching, he opened the large extravagant cupboard, with one hand, while pointing his weapon at it with the other. Opening the door he found a women, in what appeared to be a black wedding dress, tied and gagged, her eyes widened in relief to see him, but Spartan just closed the door on her turned around and shouted to
Vedra. "I found her."

She gave him a dazzling smile. "Brilliant. Arden rescued, Ming dead. There's only one thing left to do."

No, he didn't. Spartan rested the rested the barrel of his weapon on his shoulder casually, realising she was not forth coming in what they had to do next, it seemed he would have to ask. "No I don't, please tell."

"Become empress. Sorry Spartan," and she raised her hand, Ming's ring on the middle finger, and sent a blast of power straight at his heart.


NPC'd by: Yolanthe Ibalin


Corporal Spartan
NPC'd by: Rick Dunham