Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Misconception
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Misconception
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Mon Sep 29, 2008 @ 1:17am
Location   Deck 1753
Timeline   SD3 12:00
He stood back, ensuring each and every item was accounted for. Once he was happy, he made his way down to the lower deck, to follow up on what he had been keeping a careful watch on all day, the man and woman he had overheard the night before.
It was lunchtime and the promenade had began to fill with the crowds feeling their hunger pangs, a time he knew he would not make any sales. He often thought about selling food, but he didn't know how to cook and his hands were a little too dirty to present person with food.

He had seen the commander on 2 occasions this morning and now, he was sure he would see her again, shortly, especially if he followed this pair, or at least that was what the Bolian hoped.

He found his intended target, for she was not too hard to miss, the uniform that she bore did not quite fit her body as it hung in all the wrong places. Her arms were too short for the sleeves and her hair was not exactly regulation. He felt rather proud that at least the clothes he stole, he adjusted them to fit himself. He allowed himself a moment of pride, the woman glanced over her shoulder, before turning right, opening a door and disappearing through. He knew where she was heading, as he had been up the same stairs a few weeks ago when he had followed Kaia through the very same door. It led to an upper gantry that afforded a spectacular view across the promenade. He turned, and stepping backwards, sat on one of the many benches that were laid out across the promenade. and slowly tipped his head back, working his eyeline across the roof space until he caught sight of her.

He only had to wait a few seconds, before he made out her shadow above him and when she had moved forward enough, he pushed himself upward and turned in an elegant movement and dashed to the door, gripping, turning and pulling at the lever as the door opened outward to grant him the same access.
He skulked upwards, placing each foot on the steps, moving forward until his eyes drew level with the top step. He peered over the top, catching sight of his target.

She was sat on the gantry, a PADD in her hand, taking estimated measurements and distances to the main rostrum that had been set up at the main promenade square.

Mokab watched her for a few moments and began backing down the stairs.
He turned as he placed his foot on the bottom stair and reached for the door, just as swung outwards and like a cat caught in the headlights, he instinctively dove to the floor as the woman's accomplice entered the stairwell.
Mokab pushed himself back into the darkness and the man stood for a moment, waiting for the door to close behind him before he made his way upwards.

As he disappeared at the top, Mokab again made his way up and stopped just below the top riser, listening to the hushed conversation.

".....view to the centre stage. Are you ready?" The man asked.

"Yes. My kit is here and I know what I must do. Will you be close?" She enquired.

"I will be watching, from a vantage point on the upper promenade. If anything should go wrong, then I have a back up plan." He said and Mokab heard them kiss, which he took as a sign that the conversation had finished and they would soon part. He scurried back down the stairs and pushed himself back into the corner, watching and waiting for the man to to come back down.

A few minutes passed and the man did not come back down and Mokab grew nervous. He sidled the wall and with his back against the door, reached for the handle, turned it and pushed, practically throwing himself outwards. He pushed the door closed and with his head bowed, made back to the bench on which he sat earlier. His heart was thumping wildly in his chest. He knew he had to tell somebody about the devious plots going on, but he was not yet fully sure who the target was to be and indeed if it was a plot. The conversation the night before had pointed to the Commander, Tahir, as it was her station, but if he went to security or indeed to the Captain herself, who was to say that his word would be taken as honest truth.
His head now looked upward, not directly at the place he knew they were, but all he could see was shadows, no figures. He decided it best if he took this to security, if they didn't believe him, then that would be their folly.


Mokab Mellibrate.