Cascade – First Impression
by Arrival Sarish Anjar

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Title   First Impression
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Arrival Sarish Anjar
Posted   Mon Jan 07, 2013 @ 10:08pm
Location   Kala Meressa/Shuttle Bay DS5
Timeline   SD70. 18:00
Anjar, pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a small size. He had already contacted the authorities of Deep Space Five and had been vectored in. His ship which was slightly larger and faster than a runabout, the Kala Meressa, Bajoran for winter, was on automatic pilot. He could relax. Or at least he should have been able to relax, but something at the far reaches of his consciousness bothered him. He couldn't put his finger on what it was, probably nothing more than an over-active imagination, but still he couldn't deny the feeling either.

Of all the locations he could have 'retired' to, the deep space station seemed to be ideal, at least according to his research. It was far enough out of the way to put most of his enemies, he had a long list, off the scent, but close enough to the action to ensure him a lucrative and Prophets willing long and draw out golden years.

He had reached an agreement and signed a contract for his restaurant/club Endeavors and through sub-space transmissions worked out the innovations for all the needed renovations. Within three days of his arrival Endeavors would be able to hold its grand opening.

Endeavors would be unique, restaurant that featured real cooked, not replicated meals (with a take out menu of replicated comfort foods from various homeworlds) with daily features that were reproductions of famous dishes from famous chefs throughout the galaxy. It's tables would also be unusual, they would be mini-holodecks, where patrons could eat in romantic settings of their choice.

The club portion would have a neighbourhood feel and feature live entertainment every evening.

Running the place and acting as the Head Chef, would be his day job or his cover profession.

His real job would be something much different. Who would suspect an unassuming Bajoran mystic, turned entrepreneur? Ambassadors, merchants, spies, mercenaries Star Fleet officers would all be making themselves at home and when such a diverse group of people congregated information was sure to leak out. Anjar would be there to pick it up.

He knew that he was going to have to tread carefully. More than likely the authorities would not be too keen on him and his plans. It wasn't because he wasn't loyal to the Federation, in fact the polar opposite was true. It was true that he did not suffer fools gladly and thought that many within the leadership of Federation were mere politicians and more dangerous than any Cardassians or Jem' Hadar ever thought of being. Never the less he was thoroughly loyal.

He planned to pass on that information when the time came and for the right price, so Star Flee probably would not be too upset if they found him trading in that since they would benefit from it. The other part of his 'real' job they would no not turn a blind eye to, but he could not help himself

He just had to stick his nose into places and situations they would consider inappropriate. But helping the underdog, the down and out get the justice and protection that they deserved and looking after the best interest of his people and the Federation was not just a job for him.

In fact it could best be described as a compulsion. Four years ago he had learned of the tragic error in judgement he had made eighteen years ago. Ever since then he had been trying to atone for the innocent, albeit Cardassian lives he had taken. This coupled with his natural protective nature made him step in and get involved in endeavors that would often put him in harm's way, but hopefully result in others being helped. Those escapades, or adventures would have to be done without official sanction or even knowledge.

He breathed a slight sigh of relief as he heard ^=^ Kala Meressa, this is DS5 control. You're almost here sir. Just five more minutes. I've been informed that you have a temporary quarters set up. If you like we can beam you aboard now. Everything is automated anyway.^=^

Anjar was somewhat reluctant to turn his ship over to anyone, but in the end he agreed. The familiar blue waves of the transporter washed over him and he soon found himself with all parts in the right place on one of the myriad of transporter rooms on the huge station.

"Welcome aboard sir," said a petite transporter chief, "All the arrangements have been provided as you requested. However the CO would like to see you as soon as you are settled in."

Anjar nodded, thanked the woman, got directions, and left the Transporter Room.