Beg, Steal or Borrow – "Diplomacy, Flight, and Dinner"
by (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Lieutenant T'Pal

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Title   "Diplomacy, Flight, and Dinner"
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Lieutenant T'Pal
Posted   Sun Aug 02, 2009 @ 8:22pm
Location   Ayren's Quarters
Timeline   Late evening SD 9
Rianni found Ayren's quarters with no trouble, standing at the door with a bottle of Romulan Ale and a meal in a basket, she rang the chime and waited for Ayren to answer, ~Here's to diplomacy.~

Ayren had just stepped out of the shower, drying her hair as she padded towards her bedroom. She sensed someone outside her door and smiled when she recognized her. Wrapping her gown around her, she instructed the door to open. "What a pleasant surprise!" she said. "Come will have to excuse me, just got myself cleaned."

Rianni couldn't not smile at that greeting, especially not how it was delivered, "Well, for what it's worth you clean up very well." She complimented, "I brought food, Ale, and me. Thought you might like to take a ride in one of the fighters before we begin discussing diplomacy and other heady subjects."

Ayren chuckled. It seemed like Rianni was exactly what she needed. Her day had been rather eventful, with Fox surprising her, the Klingons's arriving, Da'nal's children back on base... Yep she needed this. "Ooh, now you are talking." she said with a toothy grin. Her eyes dropped to the ale. "I suggest you keep my away from that before we fly," she laughed, finding herself excited by the prospect.

"Okay, I understand." Rianni laughed, "Little early in your flight life for drinking and flying. We can move on to multi-tasking later." She sat the basket down on Aryen's table and opened it to show her the contents, "My lady, tonight's dinner is roast chicken salad with a selection of dressings, lamb gyros; you know, something Greek, and of course, a Romulan delicacy, viinarine, with German chocolate cake for dessert. Must be something there that strikes your fancy." ~Or something here. Oh, crap, she must have heard that!~

"Hey if you to take a risk letting me drink and fly... go ahead... Ale goes straight to my head...!" Ayren laughed. "Oh and that rumbling you hear... it is my stomach growling.... can we eat and fly?" she asked grinning sweetly. "Everything strikes my fancy..." she said, leaving the implication of what she had 'heard' open.

"Yeah, I think we should eat first, I'm hungry, too." Rianni nodded, "Old Romulan proverbs and all, they must apply to flight, too. " She turned and pulled out a chair for Aryen, "Please, enjoy."

Pleasantly surprised to be treated as a guest in her own quarters, Ayren sat down in the offered seat. Her quarters were large in comparison with most others, as part of her job was to entertain VIP guests here. In the dresser was real fine porcelein, rare crystal and exquisite cutlery. "I will have to make up for this," she said and leaned to the side to get a lighter, to lit the candles always present on the dining room table.

"I'm sure we'll think of something." Rianni smiled, taking a seat across from Ayren, "By the way, you look amazing, Ayren." ~She must hear that two hundred times a day, real cool, Rianni. Crap, she must've heard that, too!~ "So, where do we want to start. Oh, and by the way, the lamb is real, not replicated, my grandfather sent it to me from Athens."

A soft lavender fragrance filled the room, mixed with evening flowers from Betazed, as the two candles spread their aroma. 'Thank you for the compliment..." she said smiling at her. "And dressed like this..." she added referring to her still wet hair and gown," I don't hear it that often," she said teasing Rianni a bit. she just couldn't resist that one. Focussing on the delicious looking spead, Ayren inhaled the smell. "This comes from earth? Wait, let me get some real plates and cutlery out." She got up and quickly laid the table, adding glasses s well. "I think.. don't be shy with the ale... This needs a toast!"

"Totally agreed!" Rianni broke into a wide smile, popping open the bottle of ale, "If I'd known diplomacy was this easy and this much fun I'd have done this forever ago." She poured them both a glass of ale, raising hers to Ayren, "To us, to the night, and to whatever it brings."

"And to a very charming and beautiful companion who is making my day.." she said and after touching the rim of her guest's glass, she brought the ale to her lips. "I am really glad you came.." she said before she took a sip of the blue liquid.

"Me, too." Rianni smiled, wishing for a second she was Ayren's glass, ~Charming and beautiful, nice! Crap! She heard that too!~ "So, how's that Ale treating you? Aunt Isha's people supply it to me, being a member of the house has it's privileges I suppose."

"So far so good.. " she answered. Ayren had only on occasion explored the part of her sexuality that included woman and she was very selective when she did so. From the time in the staff meeting when they had met, Ayren had found herself thinking about the pilot a few times, not in the same way she had thought of Da'nal, but still. The reference to the Romulan Ambassador caught Ayren's attention and she cocked her head slightly. She was on Da'nal's ship on the way to Romulus. "How is she? Have you heard from her?" she asked.

"We haven't spoken in a few days, actually." Rianni replied, "But, Isha is tougher than any Marine I've ever known, I know she'll be fine. She's the aunt I mentioned at the meeting, the one who wants me to learn more about diplomacy. She's... she's really been a source of strength for me lately, I mean, I woke up here in medical, not knowing how I got there or how long I'd been there, all I had was Isha." She turned her eyes away for a second, not wanting to let her emotions about the incident that brought her to DS5 to stay to ruin this beautiful moment, "And, she gets the very best ale in the quadrant."

"That seems true," Ayren replied, her tone gentle. "Hey..." she said softly and placed her hand of Rianni's. "It's ok... we can talk aboout anything... including what had upset you.. ," she said as an open invitation. "Up to you... anytime," she said but sensing that perhaps they needed some good girl fun. "I hadn't had the pleasure of any dealings with your aunt, but I am sure I would once she gets back. She gave Rianni's hand a little squeeze before she removed it. "So you want to learn about diplomacy?" she asked as she tucked into the delicious food.

"Yeah, Aunt Isha thinks it would be good for my career, and she's right." Rianni smiled, placing her hand on Ayren's, "Once you get to deal with her, well, she's unforgettable. You'll learn a lot, I'm sure. Just like you'll learn a lot from me when we get in those fighters." Her smiled broadened, she loved to fly and it never got old to her, "You're going to love it!"

"I know.. so let's eat up and drink up, at least a little," she said chuckling, referring to the ale. She was not going to be her usual contolled and restrained self. She was going to let her hair down a bit tonight. She was certain that she would be able to learn from a person like the Romulan Ambassador and was looking forward to dealings with her.

For a while the two women ate, chit chatting in between, but Ayren was in a hurry to get to the 'real' fun. "I suppose my attire isn't quite appropriate," she joked, when she cleared away the dishes. "For flying that is.." she giggled. The ale wasn't without effect.

"For flying, no, for making my pulse race, yes." Rianni smiled, standing up to help Ayren with the dishes. The ale was clearly beginning to affect her. "I have an extra flight suit you can use, no worries."

"That would really help," she said trying to keep a straight face, but then chuckled again, feeling flushed, whether from the ale or from her company or both, she didn't know. "Don't worry about the dishes," she said. "Let me just get other clothes on," she said and padded, still bare feet to her bedroom. "What do I wear under the flight suit?"

"Umm, whatever you want, though, from experience I can tell you less is more." Rianni answered, "It can get pretty hot underneath one of those things."

Ayren threw off the gown on her bed and donned on a pair of shorts and a tank top, and crawled her toes into a pair of flat sandles. ~Shit...look at my hair..~ she asked herself, looking in the mirror. "Hey! why didn't you tell me my hair is so... flat," she asked as she walked out of the bedroom, tying the black mane into a pony tail. "This ok?" she asked pointing, indicating her choice of clothing.

"Looks great." Rianni smiled, "And your hair looks great, too. I'd kill for hair that awesome."

"Right.... and you can have the trouble too," she said struggling to pull the last bit through the elastic. "There," let's go," she grinned and grabbed the bottle of ale. "This going with?...No?" she smiled sweetly.

"I'll take the trouble." Rianni smiled, running her fingers through her own short bob, "And, yeah, we should probably leave the bottle, it's not going to go anywhere before we get back to finish it."

In a mock grumble Ayren placed it on the table. "Perhaps you are right....I don't need *drink and flying* on my record.." Turning to the bottle, she put her hand up. "Stay!" she ordered it, as if it had the ability to go somwhere. "I am in your hands, Ma'am." she said with a glint in her eyes.

"Well, in that case I promise not to drop you." Rianni joked, taking Ayren's hand, "Come on, this is going to be great!"