Beg, Steal or Borrow – It's all Greek!
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   It's all Greek!
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Sat Feb 07, 2009 @ 11:03am
Location   VIP guest quarters
Timeline   SD8 - 06:30
The morning alarm sounded, but the commander was already awake and had been for at least an hour.
He had listened to the constant thumping of the power generators and the occasional kick of the station keeping thrusters and he knew he would have a great deal to get used to.
There was always something going on and though the soundproofing of the quarters along with the dampening field, he could still feel the stations heart thumping with life around him.
He was a guest aboard and though he was in temporary command, he had to show respect to those around him and do so with decorum.

Eventually he kicked the sheet off the bed and made his way to the replicator, ordering unsweetened Welsh tea and toast. It took a moment before the swirl of silver blue light delivered his breakfast, which he carried over to the desk and began to sort through the morning reports.
He was amazed that Tahir could do this by herself, there was more requests and reports here than he would see in a week on a starship.
He bit into his toast and chewed it, reading about the damage to the shuttlebay and the parts list along with the requisition order just to put it right. That reminded him, the Oberth would need a name now that it was to be stationed aboard the station, but would it be his place to do so?

He checked the names of the craft on board and found a common factor to their names, Ancient Earth Gods, well, the twins Pollux & Castor were, so he searched for a thread and eventually settled on their mother as the name of the ship, and entered into the records, the USS Leda.

Finishing some of the reports and his breakfast, David undressed, showered and donned a clean uniform.

He sent a message to the department heads, requesting a morning meeting for 10:30.

He then set about setting the diary for the morning, before heading off to operations.


Commander David Davies