Judgement – "Striking the First Blow"
by (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   "Striking the First Blow"
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Tue Aug 16, 2011 @ 3:41pm
Location   Classified by order of the Tal Shiar
Timeline   Classified by order of the Tal Shiar
The hunt had been slow for the crew of the pirate vessel Scorpion's Way, eighteen days out and so far no targets had presented themselves. ~Actually, that isn't true.~ Colin Shea, the captain, reminded himself. A target HAD presented itself a few days earlier, a big. fat cow of a Klingon freighter, but there had been a damned Warbird in the area, ruling out any attempt to take that vessel or it's contents. ~What were the blasted Romulans doing out there anyway?~ He thought, ~And offering protection to a Klingon freighter no less. Those pointy eared bastards are up to something.....~

"Captain." Second Mate John Smee disrupted Shea's thoughts, "We've got something on sensors."

"Well, put it on screen." Shea commanded, he didn't like Smee, he was an idiot, but what could he do, he was his cousin after all.

Smee's fingers flew across his console, bringing up an image of a Cardassian Groumal freighter, modified for civilian use, "Registry number indicates that this is the S.S. Humanity and it belongs to a charity group called New Worlds, carrying supplies to colonies in the sector. Mainly medical equipment, but from what I see on the scans there are some industrial replicators, too. Looks like about five of them, Captain."

"Five?" Shea grinned wickedly, knowing five industrial replicators would be worth millions on the black market. After mulling it over in his mind he asked for an assessment, "Armaments?"

"Light shielding, light defensive phasers." Smee answered, "Four security personnel, armed with hand phasers only."

"Well, well, this is indeed a ripe target." Shea laughed, "Fire one across the bow, Mr. Smee, then put me on screen with their Captain."

"Aye, Captain." Smee nodded, then proceeded to do just that, firing one disruptor shot across the bow of the Humanity before establishing visual with the helpless freighter, "Visual established."

"Captain of the Humanity, this is Captain Shea of the Scorpion's Way." Shea began, "Lower your shields and prepare to be boarded."

"Captain Shea, how dare you?" The Humanity's Captain, Paul Standish, gasped, "This vessel is on a mission of mercy!"

"Mercy is all well and good, my dear Captain, but I'm on a mission of...." Shea laughed before being cut off by Smee, "WHAT?"

"Captain, we're being hailed." Smee replied calmly, though his heart was now beating at twice it's normal speed, ~He's going to blame ME for this!~

Before Shea's eyes a beautiful Romulan woman replaced the middle aged, paunchy Standish, a woman in the uniform of the Khelliana, ~Frack me.~ He thought, pledging to himself to kill Smee for this, "You ignorant bastard, you didn't think that maybe you might want to scan for the FRACKING ROMULANS before we jumped on this freighter?"

~I knew it! I knew he was going to blame me!~ Smee thought, not replying, focusing instead on his work.

"Ummm, excuse me." Rianni interrupted them, "If I could have your attention...."

"Of course, lovely lady, you can have every bit of my attention." Shea replied, putting on his best smile and every drop of smarm... charm he had, "What can this humble Captain do for one as beautiful as yourself, Miss......"

"erie'Riov Monteros-t'Khellian." Rianni replied, knowing that the other pirate, the one who had just been so thoroughly cussed out, would be running her name in an effort to redeem himself, "And YOU can lower your shields and prepare to be boarded, Captain. You, your ship, and your crew are now in the custody of the Galae."

Rianni's bridge crew groaned silently, but in unison, she was going to go arrest the pirates like she was still in Starfleet instead of making an example of them in the traditional Romulan way.

Smee had struck paydirt when he searched the Romulan's name, everything from her family connections to her military career, to her discharge from Starfleet, the look on Shea's face told Smee he had just saved his own life.

"She's not ready for a pirate style fight, still thinks like a Starfleet officer." Shea muttered to Smee, "Charge all weapons, fire on her, and set a course for the nearest asteroid field, we'll lose her there and circle back for the freighter." Not even a Norexan warbird could navigate the asteroid fields the way his vessel could and Shea knew it, he'd get her trapped in that mess giving chase and still collect his prize.

"Aye, Captain." Smee smirked, this could still be a win for them.

On the Dhelan Rianni already knew what everyone was thinking and muted her conversation with the Scorpion's Way, "Tactical, charge all weapons, Helm, thruster controls to my console, everyone strap in for evasive maneuvers." ~This fracker is going to start shooting.~

The Dhelan's tactical officer, Arrain M'Tar, readied the ship's weapons, alerting Rianni to the status of the weapons of the pirate vessel, "erie'Riov, the Scorpion's Way is firing on us."

"I knew it." Rianni laughed, "Pirates are so damned predictable!" With a few deft movements of her fingers over the console the Dhelan banked hard left, causing the pirate's weapons to miss by hundreds of kilometers, before swinging in an arc around the Scorpion's Way, ending up directly behind it and between it and the Humanity, "FIRE!"

"Aye!" M'Tar obeyed, unleashing the full power of all of the warbird's disruptors onto the smaller pirate vessel, destroying it instantly, "erie'Riov, the Scorpion's Way has been destroyed."

"Well, that'll serve as a warning shot for the next bunch I guess." Rianni sighed, she had hoped there would be a way out of this without destroying the vessel, she could've gotten a lot out of the information the Tal Shiar would no doubt have gotten out of Colin Shea, "Send a message to the S.S. Humanity, let them know they will be escorted to their destination by Romulan fighters. Oh, and one more thing, M'Tar!"

"Yes, erie'Riov?" He asked, more than willing to serve her now, she'd just proven she was a Romulan after all.

"Send a message back to the Embassy on DS5, copied to Tal Shiar sector command, DS5." Rianni ordered, "Let them know we've just won our first battle."


erie'Riov Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
CO IRW Dhelan