Cascade – Winter is comming: Preparations
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant JG Gralthek Sirran

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Title   Winter is comming: Preparations
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant JG Gralthek Sirran
Posted   Fri Jun 21, 2013 @ 7:46pm
Location   Meeting room: Intelligence office
Timeline   SD 71 0845 hrs

Rhiana had finally managed to get a meeting with the strategic ops officer, the meeting room in the intelligence offices was logical for the meeting, but not the most convenient. she didn't know this new officer, and didn't know what to expect. She stood as he entered, "take a seat please."

Sirran offered a single nod. "Lieutenant t'Sahen. Thank you for your patience. What can I do for you?" He waited for her to sit down before taking his own seat.

"I received a communique that a VIP codenamed Winter is being escorted by and agent codenamed Ghost, translation some VIP is on an urgent cloak and dagger mission of some kind, so we might need to clear some priority docking and an extra couple of security officers when they arrive." Rhiana fired off the basics then preemptively answered the first logical question "I don't know who the code named persons are, but the ship is named Dawnstar."

She took a haul off her thirteenth cup of coffee for the morning then looked to her visitor "Welcome to the hell that this posting has been since Lieutenant Wallace died."

Sirran's antennae angled forward in curiosity. "I'll be happy to help however I can, of course. I'm assuming that Security and Operations have been briefed already?" This type of duty seemed more their concern than his, and the Andorian was feeling uneasy about their lack of representation in the room.

"Security is supposed to be here, no show again, and there is no one in operations with any clearance to be here, plus I did want to meet with you at some point since your arrival since we do have to work together." Rhiana paused to take another sip "The expected arrival time is off hours for normal cargo traffic, plus I don't have any registry info on the ship so I don't exactly want to say 'oh by the way there's a ship of some kind coming in with out any markings delivering a VIP' before I take off for the night, I'd like to keep this as low profile instead of putting the whole station on alert."

"I see," Sirran said evenly. The whole thing was very peculiar and didn't seem quite on the level, but he decided to play along for now. "What exactly do you need me to do then?"

Rhiana thought this through, "There is some degree of urgency, don't know why, plus I don't want any more drama this week, don't know about you but between all the bizarre behavior, and the mystery on Ivor I would like some easy cloak and dagger stuff, sounds like plan?"

Sirran gave a single nod. "Sounds like a plan. Can you give me an estimated time of arrival for Dawnstar? It might make it easier for me to ensure that a docking port is kept open during that time. I'll say I need it for some training purpose. As for security I'll enlist my own staff, small as it is. Will that suffice?"

"Yeah, I think that will work better, I still have to brief the Captain on this, I'd like to know who these people are and what is up with all the secrecy." Rhiana said looking to the other officer "Who is so important that we have to dock them off hours, and with so much secrecy?"

"A person's mind could soar at the possibilities," the Andorian deadpanned. "Although given how these things generally go, I suspect I will not be on the need-to-know list."

"I plan on changing that, I need people who might be affected by some of this craziness to be up to speed in a hurry, and I'm not gonna follow the normal rule book any more." Rhiana said as she poured a coffee and offered one to her guest.

That was a reasoning Sirran could sympathize with, even though he was very much a by-the-book officer. He nodded graciously as he took the steaming cup. Rhiana, he realized, could be a valuable ally. "Is there anything I can do in the meantime?"

"Lets' get back on the same page here, I've been trying to get the scheduled intelligence meetings back on track, and I would like to keep your department more in the loop." Rhiana tried to extend friendship to the fellow officer.

"That would be most appreciated. Most of the intelligence I get comes from probes and long-range sensors. It would be nice to have more reports from agents in the field. It would help me get a better feel for this region, and in turn I could better advise the Captain on matters of strategic importance."


Lt (Jg) Rhiana T'sahen
Ds5 intelligence

Lt (jg) Gralthek Sirran
Strategic Operations