Intermission – Is it right?
by Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Is it right?
Mission   Intermission
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Tue Mar 25, 2014 @ 12:01am
Location   Captain's Ready Room / Box of Delights
Timeline   SD 80 & 101 19:00

==SD 80==

His hand shaking, Wyman took a deep breath to calm his nerves. Suffice it to say it didn't work. He knew the uneasiness was a result of his frazzled mental state and not some nervousness at speaking to the Captain.

The skin on his hand was still an off shade of pink from where the dermal regenerator had done its business. That certainly didn't help his uneasiness. But standing there outside the door with a few tired looking petty officers looking at him funny wasn't going to get anything accomplished. 'Just push the damn button.' he thought before finally laying his index finger on the chime.

The temporary commander peered across the top the PADD and took a breath. There was never a moments peace in this chair and as soon as the current caller had recanted another excuse or request for some piece of equipment that was readily available from stores or the quartermaster or for whatever the reason maybe he would find some place where he could both gather his thoughts and finish this station report.
He pushed the enter button and gruffily beckoned the lieutenant forward with a single swirl of his hand as he lay the PADD aside.

Clasping his hands behind his back, Steve stepped up to the desk and took a deep breath. "Sir, I know this is going to be out of left field. And I can see where it's going to be a ridiculous request given what's just happened. But, one of the casualties of the attack was... he was basically my mentor, sir. He was killed by the immediate blast. I've been in contact with his superior on the Cavalry, and his last request was that he be buried on Andor. I know I'm an engineer and not security, but I'd like to lead an honor guard to escort his remains home."

Tucking his left leg beneath the chair Commander Grendall, the temporary XO eyed the lieutenant carefully as he formed his response. "Mmm, left of field, yes, but not a ridiculous request in the least." He said leaning forward. "My initial response would be to decline, but I can see by your eyes you had an exceptional bond to your mentor, but before I allow the request, I need to know your department is buttoned up tight before you depart."

"I have the utmost confidence in my people, sir. Lieutenants Straggard and Sullivan are promising young officers who'll probably be running the Corps of Engineers one day. And Senior Chief Wyman is possibly a better engineer than I am - and I'm not just saying that because I'm married to her." Steve explained, his hands still jittering.

The XO leant backwards into his chair. "Request approved Lieutenant, but remember, you will still be a representative of Deep Space Five, dismissed." He waved his hand.

"I don't just represent Deep Space 5, sir - I represent Starfleet." Steve answered before turning on his heel and exiting the office.

==SD 101==

Prying himself loose from Gwen had not been easy, but thankfully she understood that Daddy needed to report to the Captain that he was available to return to duty. At least she had her plush Drakt to keep her company.

A small smile crept across Steve's face as he thought of the silly toy made in the likeness of his best friend - right down to the three sewn on gold pips on the collar. Though the last thing he cared about was how ridiculous it was, as long as it made Gwen happy.

Taking a glance at the PADD Ceridwen had provided with all the updates on repairs, Wyman decided he was going to be as ready as he was ever going to be. After a quick adjustment of his collar, he took a deep, steadying breath and walked into the Box of Delights. Seeing Captain Tahir seated at the bar, he walked up behind her, cleared his throat, and said, "Excuse me, Captain?"

The sound of a clearing throat behind her made Tasha rotate on the stool to see who it was and had a suspicion that her arrival back on the Station had not gone without notice. She saw the slightly paler than usual, chief engineer. "Lieutenant Wyman, pleasure to see you. Pull up a stool." She offered as she began to turn back to her hardly touched beverage.

Thinking that this was going about how he expected, Steve took the chair next to Tasha. "I'm sorry to catch you when you're just getting back, but I just got back aboard myself. And... I know I left the station without her chief engineer when she was full of holes, but... it was something I had to do. I had to stand by my friends, when we all needed each other the most."

Tasha eased her shoulder around as Steve awkwardly sat on the stool to her left. "Full of holes and still spinning." She remarked as she toyed with the glass. "Sorry, not the exact response you were looking for I suppose." She smiled thinly as the engineer settled. "No need to explain, not here anyhow. Look chief, we all have personal morals we either lay aside or follow. If you felt your actions were best suited, then as far as I am concerned there are other engineers aboard who either coped or did not. How do you think they did while you were away?" She said bringing herself around to face him fully.

Sliding the PADD he has been holding across the bar to a spot in front of Tasha, Steve gestured toward the small device, "Repairs are still ongoing. The engineering staff has been working double shifts to get the station back to one hundred percent, but she's not there yet. Those bombs did a number on us, but the old girl isn't going to go down without a fight."

Tasha shook her head and smiled. "Well, I left too, purely for professional reasons and Deep Space Five is still here, waiting to get its wiry hands back on my shoulders." She confided allowing the beverage to barely touch her lips as she tipped the glass.

"I won't lie to you Captain - I went away for personal reasons. Commander P'Trell was a towering presence in my life, going back to my Academy days. I didn't always like him, because he wasn't a likable guy. But you HAD to respect him, and you had to respect his undying devotion to the Federation." Smirking slightly as he looked down at his hands, a slight chuckle passed Steve's lips, "I'll be blunt - Sharas was a bastard, but he was OUR bastard. I needed to be there to pay my last respects, and I had to make sure Drakt was going to be all right."

Tashas brow dropped a little as the question formed. "Who or what is Drakt?"

Chuckling softly, Wyman realized he should have explained this before. "Drakt is the best friend a guy could ever ask for. We've known each other since we were both assigned to the Hyperion. We both started out as fresh from the Academy ensigns and at some point he shot past me. He was my best man at my wedding, he's Gwen's godfather, and if he heard that Deep Space 5 was in danger he'd find a way to commandeer an entire battlegroup just to save her." Looking down at his hands clasped together on the bar, he sighed, "But, for the purposes of this moment, he was also Commander P'Trell's department head. He was the one who ordered Sharas to bring the intell on that alien telepath to us, and he's taken Sharas' death really hard."

She studied Steves face for a moment as he lost himself in his thoughts momentarily. She knew loss and she knew that in time, the pain would fade but every day she felt new losses, new hurt and new anguish but on the flip side, she also experienced new friends, new joy and occasionally a sense of pure satisfaction.
She then thought for a second on how best to put the engineer at ease.
"Steve, all commanders know they may be sending a subordinate to their death, it's part of our responsibility but no amount of training can ever truly prepare any commander when someone is killed." She eased herself around to face him fully as her hands went flat to her thighs, "We then have to suffer the consequences of our commands when that does happen and I would not assume that Drakt has sent others before, but how he and you, continue from this point onwards is what is important. You lost a friend and a colleague and Drakt lost an underling and he will always feel a misplaced guilt and he will have to find his own way of dealing with it." She paused, allowing Wyman to reflect before asking, "How are you doing?"

She was right of course - Wyman had sent his unfair share of people to their demise in the name of saving the ship. It was never easy, but the needs of the many outweighed the needs of the few. "I've certainly been better, but I've also been a hell of a lot worse. When the bombing happened, I felt... utterly powerless and lost. I came within a hairs breath of losing everything that mattered to me. But the wounds heal - slowly, and painfully, but they heal."

Tasha picked up her glass and toasted in a hushed voice, "To healing." and took a small sip as she thought of how time heals but doesn't always mend. She placed the glass back onto the counter and toyed with it, turning it around steadily watching the coffee tinted liquor make hardly any movement within its container before remembering that there was company beside her and how poorly her manners must have appeared.
"Sorry Steve, would you care for a drink?" She asked apologetically, even if it did come as an after thought.

Raising a hand and waving off the offer, Wyman gave a quick head shake, "No, thank you, Captain. Once we're done I need to get back to work. I'm sure I have a mountain of reports waiting for me."

It was Tashas turn to chuckle as she pushed the glass away from her. "And so we must apply ourselves to our duties. Reports, reports and more reports." She said sarcastically as she swung herself around on the chair and prepared to leave the 'Box'. "If you have nothing better to do, then mind if I accompany you part way? She queried as she lowered herself onto her heels and smoothed down her uniform in one adept movement.

"By all means, Captain. She's your station, after all." Wyman replied, allowing Tahir to take the lead.

Captain Tasha Tahir


Lieutenant Steve Wyman