Unity – Best left to the experts
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   Best left to the experts
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Wed Jul 07, 2010 @ 4:16am
Location   Dranora Serctor; L class planet
Timeline   Interlude

The Darkstar dropped out of warp near the planet, Jarred looked at the sensor readings "The wreckage is located in an arboreal desert, we can set down about two clicks south with out any problems." He paused and looked at the readings, "Looks like cold weather gear is in order, no life readings near the wreak and radiation is with in tolerance levels."

"How about I stay and guard the ship?" said Dunham with a smile.

"Deal, I'll need help with the transporter anyways, I'll use the ATV in the lower cargo bay when we land, looks like the ambient temp is minus 10 Celsius, that open area near the wreckage is fairly flat, lets put the ship down there."

Dunham looked at the area on the sensors then glided the ship in to a landing position. "OK ready to go?" said Dunham happy he didn't have to get cold. He was more of a space kind of guy, planets made him uncomfortable.

"yeah, as soon as I signal that the pattern enhancers are in place you can start beaming the salvage, the priority is computers, keep an eye on the orbital sensors in case we get a visitor or two." Jarred said from the drivers seat of the ATV. Jarred pushed the floor release and dropped the ATV to the planets surface, the cold air blasted across his face, "There's a windchill factor out here, just like home!" Jarred called out as the ATV peeled off of the lift.

Jarred drove the ATV hard to the sight of the wreckage, the bouncing of the wheels and the body of the vehicle combined with the bone chilling wind made the trip difficult but not uncomfortable for him, as he closed in on the wreckage he saw two things that made this not a Borg ship, the first being the shape of the ship, a wedge shape and the second was the greenish blue color that the hull was painted. "Wallace to Dunham, we have a UFO, designate this greenie one for now."

Jarred parked the vehicle and got out, his rifle at the ready, the heavy back pack with the three transport enhancers sticking out of it. The only audible noise was his feet as the crushed against the gravel, the wind howling and the small clouds of steam rising as he was breathing. "No signs of survivor's, combat damage is inconsistent with any known weapons damage signature, I'm going inside."

"Uh huh" said Dunham down the comm, with his eyes closed and his feet up on the flight control dash board.

As jarred walked through the opening in the hull he noticed the foul stench of decay and fire. The dim light from his rifle mounted light and the little bit of natural light that was still coming in. As he walked softly he could feel something wasn't normal about the ship, there was an odd staining on the wall, "Rick I'm going to transmit you a scan of some stains on the bulkheads see what the computer spits out for me, it looks like methane and argon deposits but I need some confirmation."

Dunham sighed to himself a little, turned down the music he had been listening to on his head phones, got his legs down off the console and pulled his chair forward to check the sensor read out appearing on the monitor "argon check, methane check, and......" he drum rolled his hands on the console "trace amounts of coldenine."

"Methane breathers, I found three bodies here, dead from some kind of atmospheric deprivation so we've got biological samples to add too the list." Jarred reported. "I'm attempting to access their computer, damn this language is complex I'm just going to find the computer core and beam it out, and see what else I can salvage."

"Roger that." said Dunham with a smile on his face. He had his feet back up on the flight control panel and now was reading something from a data padd.

Jarred walked into what looked like an engine room and found the reactor completely inactive, and what looked like the computer core Jarred set to the task of setting up the transport enhancers, "Beam out the first Items Rick."

Dunham swung his legs off the console again, reached over with one hand, leaning in with his body and with a flourish of his fingers across the controls beamed out the item in question to a secure hold on-board the ship.

"Rick I'm going to try and find the bridge, I've tagged the bodies for transport to a stasis unit in the cargo bay, Then I think we're going to get out of here." Jarred said

"Isolinear tags in place, beam the bodies to the stasis cambers, I'm going to move forward to the bridge." Jarred said into the comm link, as he started to walk away he set a demolition charge against what looked like a plasma conduit.

Dunham continued to work on the console beaming the bodies directly to the stasis chambers, "Were ready to go when you are mate."

Jarred climbed along the hull, "Rick I'm going too set the remaining charges looks like the hull is pretty well crushed" he paused "Rick we've got visitors, looks like a Ferengi ship!" Jarred attached another charge on the hull, "Power up the ship!"

Jarred jumped down of the hull of the ship and started to run towards the ATV, as the wheels caught on the ground Jarred pushed the remote detonator causing the charges to ignite and turn the hull to turn into a burning hulk.

The ships already powered up, thought Dunham to himself. He had never powered it down in the first place, having needed the ships power on for the sensors and transports. The ship sensors at this time were telling him that the ship in question was a D'Kora-class cruiser, and was making its way into the system.

As the ATV came to skidding hault on the lift Jarred called up the Dunham "Lets get out of here!"

Dunham didn't needed to be told twice. The dark looking ship pulled away from the planets surface at a very sharp angle of assent, almost directly from its take off location. Dunham smiled, enjoying himself. He hist the ships engines, preparing for warp almost as soon as they left the atmosphere.

"That D'Kora is moving fast, uh...yeah" the ship got rocked with disruptor fire as Jarred spoke "Lets make a break for it, I'm going to slow them down til we can jump to warp." Jarred manipulated a few controls and a photon torpedo fired from the rear.

Dunham put the ship into evasive flying pattern, dodging the lancing phaser fire from the Ferengi ship. As the ship twirled and looped out of the upper atmosphere, it's warp drive flashed blue for an instant and then they were in warp.

"That should cover out ion trail enought to keep them guessing where we went, lets get back to the station we've got a few things to catalog." Jarred said with Irony


Lt Richard Dunham


Lt Jarred Wallace