Beg, Steal or Borrow – Dinner and diplomacy.....
by (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Lieutenant T'Pal

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Title   Dinner and diplomacy.....
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Lieutenant T'Pal
Posted   Wed Aug 05, 2009 @ 10:16pm
Location   Ayren's Quarters
Timeline   SD9 late... after the *flight* post
After landing the Valkyrie and turning it over to the capable hands of Rianni's, make that Micklin's, mechanics, the two stripped off their flight suits quickly and headed back to Ayren's quarters to find that bottle of ale, Rianni having the hardest time forcing herself to keep her hands off of Ayren as they walked through the corridors, ~Much more and I won't give a damn who's watching though.~

Very aware of Rianni's feelings Ayren felt herself flush and this time, she couldn't blame the Ale. Unconsciously they both rushed to the privacy of her quarters and after putting her code in the panel they disappeared from the public eye into the privacy of her quarters.

The moment they were through the door, Aryren turned slightly, tugging a stray hair behind Rianni's ear. "I also have Irish whiskey and a number of other drinks... or stick to Ale...what would you like?", she asked softly.

Rianni pulled Ayren close and began kissing her again, running her fingers through the diplomat's silky long locks, "Found what I like." She smiled, "Very intoxicating."

A warm feeling flooded Ayren when their lips met and she snaked her arms around Rianni waist. "I agree... you taste better than the Ale..." she murmered againt her lips.

Rianni kissed Ayren deeply then took her hand, leading her towards what she figured to be her bedroom, "The ale will keep." She said.

Ayren merely murmured her agreement as they entered her bedroom. Her pulse raced, feeling not only her own, but also Rianni's desire. Pulling her tank top over her head, she drew Rianni close to her again, kissing her.

Rianni didn't say a word, just fell deeply into the kiss, pulling her own shirt off and leaning forward to gently lay them down on the bed, the time for talk was pretty much over for now.

There was liittle to nothing separating them now and the sensation of their skins against each other caused Ayren to suck her breath quickly. With both lying on their sides and facing each other, Ayren ran her fingers feather light down Rianni's side, while she leaned forward to kiss her again.

Tingling at Ayren's touch Rianni gently nibbled her lip, stroking her legs all the way down and kissing her deeply again. It was now hard to tell where she ended and Ayren began, and she felt herself melting at her touch as they wrapped themselves fully around each other in passion's white heat.

Lt Comdr Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

Ayren Kelan