Database: Government

The Rihannsu government, the seiHehllirh, is a three-tiered organization owing its existence to an ever evolving empire. The seiHehllirh, most commonly known as the Tricameron, came into power shortly after the defeat of Vriha T`Rehu, the Romulan Ruling Queen. This institution, a very strict and authoritarian body, is a system of checks and balances designed to prevent any one group or individual from monopolizing power for any long period of time.

The Rihannsu government was originally created to rule the Twin Worlds, ch`Ríhan (Romulus) and ch`Havran (Remus), and has evolved to the capacity of an Empire over time. Originally, the Romulan government was known as the Grand Council and was founded shortly after the Travelers made planetfall on the Twin Worlds. The Grand Council was a representative body in which each village or clan was to send representatives. Over a time of nearly 100 years, the Grand Council involved into what the Rihannsu know today as the Deihuih, most commonly known as the Romulan Senate.

The Deihuih is divided into two parts, the el'Deihuih (Upper Senate) and the ne'Deihuih (Lower Senate). Each is led by a Proconsul who is appointed by the Daise fvillha. Appointment to the Deihuih is made through inheritance. Senators normally hold their seats for lives and are passed down from generation to generation at the end of a senator's term.

The function of the Deihuih can be adequately compared to that of other legislative bodies throughout the galaxy. The Deihuih is responsible for proposing and passing laws for the Empire, setting budgets, and ratifying treaties.

Any member of the Deihuih or of the Fvillhaih (the Praetorate) may propose a bill. This bill must be presented to the hru`Deihu, or the Head Senator, of the Lower Senate for initial passage onto the Senate's agenda. The Lower Senate will debate the bill and will either pass it or defeat it. If the bill is passed, it is forwarded to the hru`Deihu of the Upper Senate, the Proconsul, who declares First Passage. The bill is placed on the agenda of the Upper Senate who then debates the bill and either passes or defeats it. If the bill is defeated it is sent back to the Lower Senate to either by dropped or to be amended and sent to the Upper Senate once again with the appropriate adjustments having been made.

If the bill is passed, the Proconsul forwards the bill to the Fvillhaih, and declares Second Passage. The Fvillhaih will debate the bill and either pass or defeat it. If the bill is passed, it is sent to the Daise Fvillha (Supreme Praetor) who either proclaims the bill law or vetoes the bill. If the bill is defeated by the Fvillhaih or vetoed by the Daise Fvillha, the bill is sent back to the Lower Senate. The process either starts over again, should the Lower Senate wish to pursue the bill, or it is dropped entirely.

The second branch of the seiHehllirh, is the Fvillhaih, the Praetorate. The Fvillhaih is headed by the Daise Fvillha. There is no formal method of succession to the seat of Daise Fvillha, and at times throughout Rihannsu history the position was never filled. The Fvillhaih includes one representative from each continent of the Twin Worlds, and as the Empire grew, the Fvillhaih grew to accommodate for one additional member from every colonized world in the Star Empire.

The Fvillhaih serves both as the executive and judicial branches of the the seiHehllirh. Appointment to the Fvillhaih is similar to that of the Deihiuh: seats are normally held for life and appointment is generally made through inheritance. The Fvillhaih is responsible for setting all Rihannsu foreign policy, commanding the Imperial Galae, appointing judges to courts, and finally settling major constitutional and legal disputes.

The Daise Fvillha, or the Supreme Praetor, is in essence the leader of the Praetorate and the Romulan Star Empire. He is responsible for the development of major treaties, military operations of the Imperial Galae, colonization programs, and insuring the overall stability of the Rihannsu Empire. He is the highest ranking member of the Empire and has veto power over all decisions, in effect acting as a separate branch of government. He speaks for the Praetorate on matters that require immediate attention, enjoys the privileges of a head of state in treatment from both civilians and military personnel and has the final say-so in naming starships as a matter of honour.

The Fvillhaih and the Deihuih are similar in that no member may be voted out of office. If fellow Senators and Praetors are not satisfied with the work of a commrade, they "send him or her their swords." Very rarely has such a motion ever been ignored if it comes from a sufficient amount of the Deihuih or the Fvillhaih.

The third and final branch of the seiHehllirh is the Romulan High Command, also known as the Continuing Committee. The High Command is a strictly non-political body and exists to advise the Daise Fvillha and his Praetors. The High Command has no formal power and cannot enact policy on its own within the seiHehllirh. The composition of the High Command is typically composed of the Shiar’Fvillha, ranking officials from within the Imperial Galae, Tal’Shiar and Diplomatic Corps.

Compiled from various sources. [Citation to be added]

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