Judgement – Further adventures of Lemat
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal

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Title   Further adventures of Lemat
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Posted   Thu May 05, 2011 @ 9:05pm
Location   Promenade
Timeline   SD 36 2230
Olan Zenn looked down at the cardassian embassy from level 2, opposite the Box of Delights, and wished that he was the seventh or eighth joining of the Zenn symbiont, and not it's first. Then he might have a better idea about how much of a good or bad idea this was. But stout heart never won fair maiden, and rumour had it that the Ambassador wasn't currently in, so now was the best time. He pushed off the railing and headed down to level 3, and Cardassian soil.

The doors swished open, and he experienced the thrill of early victory. No sign of the Ambassador, and every sign of the woman he had come to find. Lemat was bent over her work, silky dark hair brushing the desk, eyes hooded beneath the delicate ridges that surrouned them. She took his breath away. She wasn't pretty for a cardassian. She was pretty, full stop.

Lemat shuffled around in a draw, sighing and mumbling at each failed PaDD she brought to her face but threw back down. "I know it's in here somewhere!" She said aloud, much louder than expected. Little did she know, she had company. Handsome company at that.

Olan went up to the reception desk, and leaned against it in a nonchalant fashion. "Excuse me, miss, but I'm looking for this gorgeous girl, about so high-" he held his hand level with Lemat's height, "beautiful dark hair, cute nose..."

"I think your looking for a holosu... " Lemat was cut off quickly as she turned to face the man from her escapades with the Romulan receptionist. "Olan... " She said, physically blushing. She attempted to hide it but to no great end.

He grinned, delighted at her reaction. "Never mind. I've found her. I'd know those dimples anywhere."

"I... Um... I... We... The bar... " Lemat stumbled her words out, hoping after each wrong sound the right one might appear.

"Well, its been nearly three weeks...." he pointed out.

"Yes... Yes... It has. I was going to call, but, the Ambassador's got me knee deep in work... "

Aware of the looming sentries beginning to take an interest, Olan pushed ahead. "All the more reason to take a break and come have a drink with me at the Vulcan Tea Rooms."

"Oh, that's very... Public, isn't it?" Lemat asked, grasping her mouth when she realised what she had said. "I am so sorry, how.. How un-lady like... "

"And what's wrong with public?" he asked, keeping the smile on his face to show he wasn't insulted. "Or doesn't your boss let you fraternise with other races?"

"My boss normally ends up beating up other races, or intimidating them." She said with a nervous smile. "I'll free up some time for you though." She winked playfully, then regained herself.

The timing couldn't have been better. Sotar strutted by, head buried in a PaDD.

"Sotar!" She shrieked. "Could you cover for me?"

Sotar went to open his mouth, but was stopped abruptly.

"Thanks, I owe you!" She exclaimed, her face covered by a large grin. She moved as fast as she could around the desk, and grabbed Olan by the crook of the elbow and dragged him away from the Consulate.

Sotar stood completely stationary, with a face that could only be described as What in Caradssia's name just happened?

Olan's grin was part triumph, part relief as the consulate doors whisked shut behind them, and he kept a brisk pace along the promenade until they reached the tea rooms.

"So, now I've got you out from under the piles of work, why don't you tell me a bit more about yourself? I think we got distracted by the music last time." the trill pulled out a chair for her at a table that sat right on the promenade in full view of the passing crowds.

"Well. I'm a secretary... I like tea, romantic nights and sudden moments of sheer joy. Oh, and I dislike the Ambassador, but shush, he doesn't know." She winked as she unloaded the information onto Olan.

He laughed. The hidden sparks he had seen in the Box of Delights a few weeks ago were definitely still there. "Your secret is safe with me." he assured her. "As for tea, well, we're in the right place."

A young vulcan, no more than sixteen or seventeen in human terms took there order. As they waited, Olan leaned in. "I may be also able to do a sudden moment of joy as well, since you don't like your boss."

He handed her a palm sized padd, touching his thumb to the screen in a couple of places as he did so. A video popped up on screen, a shaky camera shot of Olan and Takahiro, together with their friends. They were laughing, and the Efrosian from the night she and i-Orinwen had gone out together, was staring at the camera with a silly grin...

..."So this is what you're all missing whilst you slave over your finals. Wine!" The other boys cheered. "Women!" the friends made whoops and enthusiastic panting noises. "And-"

The efrosian continued to extol the virtues of the party life but in the edge of the shot a short and furious looking orion girl was storming into view. The camera pulls back as she comes up to the table and grabs the jug of risian mai'tai the waiter has just put down. Then it jerks suddenly as the orion twists.

"You Bitch!"

Tharek Getal and Yolanthe Ibalin come into view a mere second before the orion slings the whole jug of cocktail at the embracing couple. They gasp and splutter as the bar goes silent...

"That was the Orion?" Lemat asked, shocked. "When was this?" The nervousness getting more noticeable as she spoke.

Olan frowned and put the padd back in his pocket. "She turned up dead about three days later." He shook his head. "Poor cow."

Lemat weighed it up in her head. Getal was capable of murder, but would he do it for the most mundane reason? "Oh dear... " She shook her head vigorously for a moment. "Well, lets not ruin the mood." She smiled, hoping her attempt worked.

"Sorry," Olan now looked deeply embarrassed. "I thought you'd enjoy the look on his face. Forgive me?"

"I already did." She said, almost giggling like a schoolgirl.

He beamed at her, and then the waiter arrived, putting down two small glasses of tea. Aromatic steam wafted up from the cups, and he breathed in deeply, "You know, I like it, but I still think it smells like a sauna." he said lightly, trying to steer the conversations from his gaff.

Lemat let out a laugh at Olan's comment. Then redirected her attention to his eyes. "Are you going to be on Deep Space Five long? I want to see more of you."

He liked her looking at him, with her big black eyes that went on forever like space itself. "Hopefully another few years. I've got a research assistants post for the next 18 months, and if I successfully defend my thesis, they say that they'll take me on permanently. What about you? Will you stay long, or does the diplomatic corp keep you moving?"

"I'm stationed in the Cardassian Embassy. It's a permanent diplomatic presence... " She said, glittering at the prospect of having somebody she really liked stay longer than a one night stand.

"Excellent!" Olan scooched his chair a little closer. "I've always thought about playing a role in interstellar relations..."

"Hey!" She blurted, but quickly retorted. "You've got to keep that kind of language for private mister!" She joked, half seriously and adding a wink, to prove her point.

The Trill grinned. "That I can do, assuming you have somewhere private I can practise?"

Lemat opened her mouth in mock surprise. "I'm sure theres one private place on this station... "

"I know there is." Olan agreed. "In fact, I have a holosuite booked for quarter-past. Perhaps you could could give me a tour of where you grew up. Or I could show you the Herbeeshan baths on Trill?"

"Cardassia is a big ball of dust. Don't get me wrong I love it, but it's not that interesting. And these baths sound... Interesting." She said, contemplating Olan, in a bath.

"I'm glad you think so." He stood and produced a flask from his bag and decanted their tea into it. Then he offered her his arm, "Shall we? I promise to get you home before the stroke of twelve and your boss turns into a pumpkin or something."

Lemat giggled, and held her hand over her mouth to hide it. "Seeing as you promise." She said in response, taking his arm and holding it close to her.

They strolled along the promenade, heading towards the Box of Delights. It was beginning to quieten down. The legitimate businesses that weren't bars or restaurants were closing, and people were heading home. The young trill was enjoying the warmth of Lemat's arm wrapped around his, the scent of her hair which was spicy and smoky, like exotic heavy incense. Life was pretty good. As they walked back past the Cardassian embassy, he turned to face Lemat and smiled at her. "You know, I think you are quite possibly the most beautiful girl on the station."

Lemat opened her mouth to answer, but was abruptly cut off by none other than the infamous lizard that was Getal.

"Berok," He said, dwarfing both her and the Trill. "What are you doing." Tharek stated bluntly, without remorse or even hesitation.

Olan stepped forward, putting himself between Lemat and the overbearing hulk of the Ambassador. He wanted to tell himself to remember the cocktail throwing, but his mind also threw up the fate of the little Orion who had done it. He swallowed, mouth suddenly dry. "I'm just taking Lemat for a drink, sir. Some time off." His stomach knotted, suddenly conscious that, outside the Embassy doors, he was now on Cardassian soil. The narrow line that delineated the boundary of Cardassia was only two footsteps away, but it seemed like miles.

Lemat sighed and shook, scared. Could she not have just one night, one moment of bliss where Tharek didn't tear it down?

"Lemat." Tharek said, breaking her thoughts and bringing her back to the unfortunate reality.

"You have work to do. Don't you." Getal stated bluntly yet again. "I suggest you say goodnight to this... Trill. Now."

"Wait a minute, sir," Olan began, reaching back to take Lemat's hand, so she didn't rush off. "Surely you can spare her for half and hour? Please."

"Plea bargains from inferior species make for pathetic responses." Getal said, gently, but still with an air of force. "Let my staff get back to her work, or I'll send you back to your backwater planet in a bag."

Olan ground his teeth, determined to keep calm in the face of provocation. "We're hardly a backwater, and surely Lemat can decide to take a break?" He looked back to her, hoping for back up.

Lemat shook. "Well, I... Olan's sort of right Vi'kar Gul... " She said. Wrong move.

Getal stomped forward, millimetres from the Trill's face. "I am Vi'kar Gul Getal, heralded in the Obsidian Order and the Central Command. I am nothing short of infallible on Cardassian soil. Lemat belongs body and soul to the state, and as you are on Cardassian soil you piece of skrăgh, I sugest you change your tone, and leave before I make you leave."

Olan swallowed hard. The cardassian out-weighed him, towered over him, and was no doubt as mad as a box of frogs. He was out of his league, but his reference to Lemat made his blood boil. He turned back to Lemat, as if to kiss her good bye. "I'll stay if you tell me to," he whispered.

"I don't want you hurt... " Lemat added, scared of the outcome of this meeting.

He slid a hand into the small of her back and pressed a soft kiss onto her lips.

She stopped shaking. Even if it was only for a moment. He stopped the shaking that Getal had caused.

In the midst of passion, Tharek ripped Olan from Lemat and lifted him above the ground, meeting his eye level. "Last warning Trill. Leave, and live. Or stay, and die."

For a second, feet dangling, shirt twisted tight in the Reptile's fist, Olan could only manage a gurgle. Then he croaked out, "I'll go."

Tharek let go of Olan, but added a small push before he let him go completely. "You ever come on Cardassian soil without my permission or proper respect again, I'll gut you Trill."

Olan believed him, stepping backwards quickly until he was back on UFP soil. But the young trill had also no intention of just letting go of Lemat before he had really got to know her. Before hurrying away down the promenade, he had turned to the beautiful cardassian and mouthed, "I'll be back!"

"Move." Getal stated for the last time to the Trill.

Lemat made to speak, or mouth words, but all she could mutter was a silent cry, the tears streaming down her face. Getal had no right into her life. To interfere with who she wanted to be with. Under her breath, she swore a promise that would make the station tremble with the sound of cheers and applause.

Tharek Getal. I promise, on the fate of my grandchildren, and of Cardassia. You will die soon. Not by my hand, but your fate is sealed. The quadrant will smile at your grave, should somebody want to bury you.

A jp between

Lemat Berok
Embassy Receptionist & Disasterous Romantic


Olan Zenn
Graduate Researcher & Hopeless Romantic


Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Cardassian Ambassador