Things Past – Relief
by Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Relief
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Sat Jan 26, 2013 @ 11:16pm
Location   Sickbay
Timeline   BACKPOST - Timing unimportant as not linked to mission.

Chelsea had done all her prep and was ready. She was waiting to do Ryan's *consent* and then they could get underway. He walked in at the precise moment that she started to look around for him.

Ryan flashed a smile at Chelsea as he walked into the room. "I'm ready, mind you I've never had a make-over before, how long should this take? Not that I'm in a rush of course"

"A couple of hours, or four.... " she laughed, making light of it. "I won't know to be honest... it may be easier than I anticipate or it may be complicated. I'll see how long and let you know afterwards so you can write it up for me!" she smiled.

"I will do" he said with a smile as he approached her. "So I best get comfortable then" he told her as he hopped up onto the biobed that had been prepared. "Can I just say something?"

"Of course you can. You shouldn't need to ask if you can ask... just come right out with it...." she said.

Ryan nodded and sighed slightly. "I realise that I shouldn't have to say what I'm about too but I'm doing this because I want too and because medically it's necessary not because I'm trying to hide from it, I know Turvan, other people will think it but they don't concern me, this is going to be done because I want it to be...and I'm not worried about those people..." Ryan fell silent. "I realise that wasn't really of any importance but I needed to say it" he told her with a nod.

"I understand Ry. I do." Chelsea reassured him. "I understand why you're doing it..... and as your doctor, doctor... " she smiled gently at her own joke. ".. it's my insistence that you SHOULD have it done to stop the pain and the pressure on your face, skull and eyes.... and also, given the nastiness of the Cardassian Legate and his attack on you, i completely understand why you needed to put that into words, for both of our peace of mind."

Ryan smiled warmly at her. "I've never hated anyone, but I can safely say I hate him, yesterday was unprovoked, how can anyone even think i would hurt a cardassian just because of what they are...I think he's chosen to ignore I'm one of them" he shook his head in frustration.

"He just thinks that way himself so he can't see that you're a different type of person. People who are THAT narrow minded and bigoted usually think everyone else is as horrible as they are.... that's it's a *normal* way to think...." Chelsea replied, shuddering as she recalled the hatred that spouted from the Legate.

".... and you're a part-Cardassian but you're one of the ones who are NOT like him. They can't ALL be so twisted. As a race they must have reasonable, educated, intelligent, honourable members of their society too - those are the ones that you're *one of*." she told him.

"I do believe that, I met some like that when I was on Cardassia, I did tell the Legate that when we spoke in the office..." he rolled his eyes. "They only hear what they want too"

"His sort do. The *better* ones will be more open-minded and far-seeing." she agreed.

"Ah well, it's his life, behave and treat people how he sees fit, as long as he doesn't come near me there won't be a problem"

"and if he comes near you there won't be a problem because you've proved today that you're the bigger man in that you can walk away and treat him with the disdain and disregard that he deserves. To rise to him and his baiting would be allowing him to win and you an I know too much and are too strong and frankly... to clever... to be caught out by a snake-lizard like him, right?" she grinned.

Ryan smirked. "So I can't punch him then?" he asked as he began to laugh.

"Waste of good knuckle skin hun." she replied flippantly, shrugging her shoulders and joining him in a laugh.

"Now once I've taken the pressure out of your cheekbones, you could teach me how to box. I'm told it's a great stress-reliever and i could do with a session in the holosuite to get some of the daily grumbles out of my system.
" still smiling Chelsea picked up the appropriate anaesthetic and applied it, giving Ryan a sweet, light sleep whilst she set about his bone structure with a laser scalpel and regenerator, and a schematic that they had both agreed on.

Ryan didn't know how long it had been all he was aware of was that he was awake, his vision was blurred at first, he could make out someone standing beside him, he assumed Chelsea, it wasn't until he blinked a few times that his assumption was confirmed. "Well?" he asked groggily. "How long?" he asked with a tired smile.
"Three hours twelve" she told him. This was a long time for operations in their century as so much was automated and the technology saved so many complications from ever happening.

"Well you did say four maximum" Ryan reasoned as he sat up gently. "Let's have a look then"

"I wasn't really expecting four but ... well, see how it feels first. Is there any pain at all? I redefined a lot of bone - exoskeltal bone is dense... more so than .... well, how does it feel?" she asked again.
Ryan sat clenching his jaw, opening his mouth wide and frowning, then he placed his hands onto his face, over the skeletal bones. "I don't feel anything" he told her after a few seconds. he then frowned again. "Something wrong?"

"Wrong? Why?" she countered, worrying what he meant? "Does it feel awkward? Is it uncomfortable?"

"No, I meant you, I know you well enough" he chuckled. "Very cagey"

"I don't know if it's good or not? It was hard chiselling it out.. the bone was very dense... no wonder it was hurting you... it was exoskeleton growing on a face that wasn't originally designed to contain that much bone. When you grew into an adult and the Cardassian genes came out, there was a conflict on room in the width of your skull and cheeks. That's all i meant." she defended, still worried he mightn't like what she'd been able to achieve and if perhaps it mightn't be what he was expecting.

"I'm sure it's fine" he reassured her as he got off the bed and walked to grab the mirror that was lying on top of a console station. He frowned as he looked at his changed image, he noticed the slightly lighter hair, he liked it, then the facial features, the arcing Cardassian skeletal bones around the eyes had been chisled away a lot but still left other people with no doubt that he was in someway of Cardassian gene. "I-I don't know why you were worrying Chels..."

"I thought you might have wanted those removed completely..." she seemed to follow where his eyes and thoughts had gone or perhaps it was just anticipation.

Ryan nodded. "I had thought about it...for a split second, but doing that would have invalidated the last year of my life, everything I've went through would essentially have been for they have to remain, and they are and safely from a medical view point"

"True but I didn't want you disappointed just the same." she said, justifying her decision in agreement with his medical comments and also nodding acceptance of his opinion on eradication of his year of suffering.

Looking at him and remembering what he had been through already, Chelsea felt an urge to hug her old friend which she just did without warning. "I hope it's over for you Ryan, at least for many years to come."

A jp between :

Lt Ryan Milarno


Cmdr Chelsea Dunham