Interlude – Pokerface
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Cardassian Gilnn Denat Meran

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Title   Pokerface
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Cardassian Gilnn Denat Meran
Posted   Sat Jun 26, 2010 @ 9:24am
Location   The Box of Delights
Timeline   SD21, late evening
Yolanthe was crossing the door to the Box of Delights as Glinn Meran arrived. She smiled down at him. "Hello again." She paused to deposit a tray of drinks on a nearby table, and moved back to escort him to the bar. "Denat Merna, wasn't it?"

Denat smiled back and chuckled under his breath, "It's Meran." He replied. He enjoyed Yolanthe's customary warm company. He sat on a recently vacated seat at the bar and the alien's next to him shuffled one seat further; Denat looked both sides, then back at Yolanthe with his lower lip protruding and his shoulders shrugged.

"Meran." She repeated. "I'll remember for next time." She put a glass in front of him and picked up the familiar twisted bottle that kanar came in. "What's up?" She asked, hoping it wasn't the impoliteness of her other customers.

"Did you not just see that?!" he asked sarcastically, with an awkward laugh.

She winced. "Don't pay any attention. That maquis time changing thing a few days ago has just got everyone a bit jumpy."

"Cardassians fought the maquis! No one has any intention to have hostilities agaisnt me!" he defended. "you!" He called to the Andorian two seats away, but his immediate neighbour, "Do i frighten you?" The Andorian did'nt turn to look at him, instead raised his glass to his mouth and ignored the Cardassian. Denat turned back to Yolanthe. "See. Y'know Yolanthe, i'm getting sick of people treating me differently because of who I am."

"Some philosopher once said it's better to be feared than loved..."

Denat face screwed to one side preparing for a snigger, "And which one said that?"

"A human one, I think." She paused to consider it. "I guess he never had to consider interspecies politics before he came up with that."

"mm" he replied. "Anyway, how about a Cardassian sunrise? I'm feeling, different." He asked while synchronously clapping his hands together and rubbing them.

"Coming right up." She started gathering the ingredients. "If you want, I can introduce you to some people who won't blink twice that you're Cardassian." Shedue t poured by eye into the shaker and grinned. "They take everyone to the cleaners, with no respect or favour due to race, creed, or anything else."

Denat leant back and kept his hands on the counter, his newly adopting thinking pose. He completed his ponder and returned back to his upright position. "And are these people a race, a group?" he asked quizzically.

"I wouldn't say they're that organised." She shook the drink, and started to pour into the glass. "They're card players."

"Aaah." He clarified. "What's their game?"

"Poker. You know it?"

A smile ripped across Denat's face. " Do I know poker... Pwahahahaha! he bellowed. " I live for poker Yolanthe!" he exaggerated.

"Well come with me." Yolanthe stepped out from behind the bar, and led his towards the side of the Box of Deligths that had been given over to gambling. Arrving at an oval table, where a pretty young blonde girl sat at the dealers position, handing out cards to three men of differing species. "Gentlemen," Yolanthe announced their arrival, ansd the group twisted in their seats. "I'd like to introduce you to a friend of mine, Glinn Meran. He has an interest in games of chance. Glinn Meran, this is Tragan," A skinny bolian of middle years nodded. "Suresh," A dark skinned human raised a hand. "And Rennix."

The Denobulan indicated rose from his seat. "Would you like to join us sir? We have several spaces free, and we've only just started. Its pocket money only tonight, so buy in is just a bar of latinum."

Denat sat between the Bolian and Human and rested one hand gently on the table; the other reached into his pocket for a piece. Denat threw the latinum clumsily onto the table and said in a low voice, "In". Denat was now in poker-mode.

"And will you join us as well?" Rennix asked Yolanthe, pulling out a chair between himself and Suresh.

Yolnthe considered it for a moment. Losing was inevitable. Bluffing was not her species' strong suit. "All right, but only to offer you gentlemen an easy few rounds." She nodded to the dealer, who passed out chips to both herself and Glinn Meran.

"The game is texas hold'em," The blonde told Meran as she dealt him in. "The small blind starts at 5 slips and doubles each new round. Blinds, gentlemen, pleaese."

The game began. The blinds were thrown forward and the cards dealt, Meran getting a respectable if not brilliant pair of black tens. As the others checked their hole cards, Yolanthe took on a grey tinge and folded instantly. The others stayed in, though no-one raised the game yet. The dealer laid out the flop, an 8 of clubs, a jack of hearts, and the ten of diamonds.

Rennix immediately raised, doubling the base bet and throwing down a pile of chips worth 20 slips into the centre of the table. The human between Meran and Yolanthe folded immediately. The dealer looked to Meran expectantly. "Your bet, sir?"

Checking his cards once again he licked his top lip, a bluff. he raised Rennix's hand by 40. and laid back in his chair keeping the cards close to his chest, maintaining the stubborn look on his face.

The Bolian, Tragan, looked thoughtful, then met Meran's raise, but didn't increase it. Rennix added more chips to the pile to match the Cardassian's raise, and the dealer lid out the 4th card. Five of hearts.

Rennix raised almost before the card hit the table, putting a half-strip chip into the pot. Tragan shifted in his seat, getting reaady to fold. The bet was with Meran.

Meran squinced widly at the Denobulan, ready to call his bluff. At the same time, he was flipping a poker chip between his fingers as he saw on the holo-tv. He snatched some more chips from his pile counting them slowly, excrutiantingly patient with them. He raised a much larger bet into the pot.

The Bolin folded as expected. Rennix checked his hole cards as if to reassure himself they hadn't magiclly changed value. He matched the bet again, feeding chips into the pot confidently. "Lets see the last one, Jess," he asked the dealer.

She put down the ten of hearts. Yolanthe's skin took on a tinge of sandy yellow. The card would have made her a nice full house if she hadn't folded so soon. Rennix promptly bet a whole strip of latinum, intending to intimidate Denat into backing down.

Denat responded, pushing his whole pile, but one, into the middle.

A hush fell over the table, and more than a few people turned to watch. It was a bold move for the opening hand. Rennix looked suddenly uncertain. He hesitated a few moments, then pushed everything forward. "All in." he announced, not quite keeping a certain amount of smugness out of his voice.

Denat then returned his flipping chip and said silently "Call."

The denobulan laid out his hole cards. A nine and queen of clubs. The dealer pushed ward the eight, ten and jack that made the best hand "Straight." She announced.

The onlookers sucked in breaths. It was a high hand in a game wear the most common winning hand was a single pair.

Rennix turned to Meran with a smug smile and raised an eyebrow.

Meran looked deep into Rennix's eyes with no expression for several seconds, then looked at his two-card deck. He held them in one hand face down and skimmed them over the table to meet the house cards. Still concealed, Denat fanned them over the eight and nine, flipped them and slammed them onto Rennix's.

The three card players looked at the set of four tens that Meran had made in stunned silence. The watching crowd gasped. Jessica rearranged the cards to emphasise the new hand. "Four of a kind." She gave Meran a small, pleased, smile. "The winning hand."

Yolanthe, now bright cyan blue, gave Meran a grin. "You know, he's been in every night since I opened, this is the first time I've seen Rennix speechless."

Denat grinned back at lanthe, and then at Rennix who was indeed speechless. "I would offer you a rematch Rennix but, i'm late for my shift at the Embassy." He pushed the pile into his pockets, filling both and excused himself from the table. He walked to Yolanthe and whispered delicately in her ear, "Do you think they still like me?"

She grinned up at him, "are you kidding? I think they're in love. They'll not leave you in peace until they trounce you soundly."

"Ahh... Good!" Denat exclaimed, feeling his pockets heavy with bullion. Denat walked away to the counter and asked the tender for a Cardassian sunrise. 'I wonder when the next round is?'


A joint post by:

Gilnn Denat Meran
Cardassian Chief of Security


Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner of the Box of Delights