Beg, Steal or Borrow – Family Reunion
by (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Family Reunion
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Fri Feb 27, 2009 @ 1:47pm
Location   Sickbay--->Isha's office. Romulan Consulate. Deck 60
Timeline   SD8: 06:30
"Yeah, thanks for everything last night." Rianni nodded, ~I never really appreciated the ability to brush my teeth and take a shower before last night. Never appreciated replicated food until then either.~

"Oh, Commander Monteros, Cdr. Davies, the acting CO, wants you to come to a meeting later this morning." The nurse said, bringing Rianni a glass of juice.

"Okay, thanks." Rianni replied, ~Why does the CO here want to see me? And where is Tasha Tahir?~

Deletham paused outside the infirmary interlocking his long thin fingers. He was not an errrand boy, but the hru'Llairhi (Ambassador) had requested that he come here early and bring Ms Monteros to the consulate. She had also warned him that he might have to contend with the company of an escort, but it seemed that they would elude that burden on their way to the consulate at least; he could not say what would happen when Ms Monteros left the confines of their territory.

Softly he spoke to a nurse and found himself guided into a room. "Ms Monteros," he said. "Hru'Llairhi t'Khellian has asked me to escort you to her office, if you are ready to leave this room, that is," he said.

"YES!" Rianni broke into a huge smile, "I've been ready to leave this room since I realized I was here. By the way, has anyone found any of my things?"

"I wouldn't know," Deletham said, his face a bland mask that would have made the average Vulcan look emotional in comparison.

He moved to the door and as it opened shook his head. "You must be Lieutenant Gabriel's man," he said to the officer who was waiting outside. "Very well. Ms Monteros, if you would come with me."

They made the journey to deck 60 in silence, Deletham's demeanour not one that encouraged converstaion; besides, they were not alone.

As they approached the doors of the Consulate Deletham spoke to the officer, "Wait here," he said, "Ms Monteros will be returned to you shortly," and with that he waited for her to enter then stepped inside.

Isha's office was located at the end of one of the two corridors that branched away from the entrance vestibule. Like every newcomer to the Consulate Rianni looked at the twisted statue that occupied a plinth in the centre of the entrance way. It's disturbing change from humanoid to organic with each different angle had long ceased to bother him.

Rianni didn't spend too much time looking at the statue, Deletham's expression said "Let's move" better than any she'd seen before, maybe with the exception of Gunny Ermey's own hard bitten features.

Isha was seated at her desk when the doors opened. "Come in," she said closing the screen of her console, her eyes on Deletham as he raised one eyebrow a fraction and slipped away.

As the doors closed she watched as Rianni crossed the floor, she looked tired. It would be the first time she had seen Isha in any official capacity, Isha thought as she layed her hands on the surface of the desk.

Rianni came in and stood before Isha's desk, not feeling quite comfortable enough to take a seat without Isha's okay, she'd never been intimidated by another woman before this, but Isha had a way about her to say the least, "Good morning." Rianni smiled, happy to be out of that infirmary and reunited with at least part of her family, "It was nice of you to send someone for me."

”Please, sit,” Isha said, she wanted to sleep but her visit with Darson had left her disturbed and unable to rest. “We can talk freely here. The only surveillance on this room is our own. We have it swept several times a day and so far Tahir has been true to her word and not allowed our sovereignty to be violated by the more eager members of her crew. As she is no longer present, and given the predicament we find ourselves in I can no longer be certain that situation will last much longer.”

"I'm sorry if I've made the situation worse." Rianni said as she sat, "That definitely wasn't my intention. Hell, I didn't intend to wake up here not knowing how I'd gotten here, either, but, here we are, huh?"

Isha nodded, “Events happen,” was her pragmatic response. “I see you have taken to using the name Khellian …is it wise to draw attention to a potential division of loyalties given that you are still a member of Starfleet?”

"Why should I hide my father's name, or worse, be ashamed of it and as such him? To placate racist fools like Dorian Gabriel? To make myself believe I'm stopping the questions and suspicions?" Rianni asked, she'd given this a lot of thought, "The questions existed long before I knew who R'Vek tr'Khellian was and would've always hounded me even if I never found out who he was. If anything ackowledging him publicly shows that I was telling the truth all along, even Gabriel will have to concede that point shortly."

“If you say so,” Isha was unconvinced. “I can advise you in several capacities, as the official voice of the Empire in this place, as erei'Hfirh (heir) of the House of Khellian, as your aunt or as a friend. I’m sure I don’t need to tell you that the advice from each will be different.”

"I'm sure, and I'm equally sure I'll be taking advantage of all of those resources." Rianni smiled, "I don't know exactly what I'm going to do yet, I do know I've been summoned to a meeting with Cdr. Davies. I guess I'll find out what that's all about later."

“Tahir’s replacement,” Isha stated, she had noted the name on a record she had not officially seen. “Perhaps then you can inform me what sort of a man he is,” Isha suggested.

As a functionary entered the room with a laden tray Isha pushed her chair back, “Let’s move over there,” she waved her arm indicating the seating area beneath the wide window through which the glimmer of a thousand stars flickered, and three hidden hulls looked on. “I took the liberty of ordering breakfast.”

Rianni moved to the other table, following the tray of delicious Romulan cuisine, "Thank you."

“No, that will be all,” Isha said in response to the servant’s whisper. She sat in the middle of one of the sofas, tucking one leg beneath her and reached to lift the cloth from the top of the tray. “Help yourself, Rianni,” she said, “and you can start by telling me what you wanted to tell me last night.”

Rianni smiled and began to load down a plate, "First real food I've had in....well, I don't know." She said, taking a bite and moaning in ecstasy, "This is what I needed to wake up to instead of Gabriel."

Isha's lips twisted into a thin humourless smile as she reached out and broke the corner off one of the pastries, "What a horrible image ... though I suspect that's half of his problem, too much time spent sleeping only with himself."

"Now, as far as what I was trying to tell you last night," She began, "I think my coma was an assassination attempt. It was one of those fracking Borgs, poisoned me, but, I survived. Apparently, they forget to take my Romulan physiology into account when they tried to off me."

"I thought that Borg wanted only to assimilate, they're hardly known to be assassins for hire. Which leaves us with two questions - first, what did you do to annoy the Borg? And if that is not the answer, who wants you dead?"

"They're both 'former' Borg drones, and I don't know what set them off, I know one of them is crazier than a shithouse vole, though, so that might have been her motive." Rianni answered, "And as far as anyone wanting me dead, I can't really think of anybody, except maybe your friend, Gabriel."

Isha swallowed her little piece of pastry and wiped her fingers on a napkin. It stuck in her throat, not that there was anything wrong with the pastry; it was her appetite that was lacking. She poured herself a small glass of ihor'yeho (berry juice) to wash it away.

"What a colourful expression," Isha observed rolling the cold empty glass between her palms. "Like so many issues we may never find the truth of it. For all his many, many faults I haven't noticed any particularly violent tendencies from Gabriel, though that's not really the sort of thing that one makes known, is it - it tends to make people reluctant to speak with one."

"Maybe not violent, at least not openly violent like we think of violence, but that sort of thing would be right up his alley." Rianni replied, piling more food on her plate, her appetite far from lacking, "Kind of sneaky and cowardly, without the courage for a heads up fight. But, to tell the truth I don't think Gabriel had anything to do with it, it was one of the Borgs."

After taking another large mouthful of food which she barely chewed, Rianni turned her attention to more pressing matters, "What do you know about my father and mother? And Lee? Have you heard anything about her?" Rianni's eyes turned sad, she didn't remember much but she did know that she was right in the middle of proposing to Lee when this, whatever the frack it was, happened.

”Merely that they were reported to be heading for Kzinti space and that the government has no intention of pursuing them, as to your friend Lee, I have no idea. I am quite certain that they will be found when they wish to be found.”

"Oh." Rianni replied, disappointed and more than a little sad, "I guess if it wasn't for you I'd be completely alone here then."

"I'm sure that your Starfleet colleauges will be intrigued to hear of your return. I am assuming that you are still part of Starfleet," Isha said.

Rianni paused for a second, she really hadn't given that much thought to her career, "I guess I am, I mean, I don't really know." She answered, "I don't even know how I got here to begin with or what my status is with Starfleet or this base."

It was unfortunate that Tahir had left, otherwise Isha would have suggested speaking with her, "As you are here we must assume that someone is aware of your presence and has been awaiting your recovery - you were not under guard and the only person who seems intent on restricting your movement is Gabriel ... this tells me that you are welcome here. The obvious course of action would be to contact the commander."

"Well, I've been summoned to that meeting, so I guess that's as good a place as any to approach him." Rianni nodded, sipping on some of the same berry juice that Isha had just consumed, "Find out what's going on here." She drained her glass and put it down in front of her, "The good thing is I know I'm welcome here."

Isha smiled, "You're not a citizen of the Empire, but you are my niece,and at some point we may induce my mother to allow you to join the House. That makes you welcome, Rianni."

"Hey, who knows? They might be calling me to that meeting to kick me out of the Federation." Rianni laughed, it was good to be here with Isha, if she couldn't be with her mother or Lee. Aside from them Isha was the one person she felt safest with and who Rianni knew loved her, even if it wasn't quite expressed the way a Greek would do it.

"My door is always open," Isha replied. "Attend your meeting, then you'll know more about their intentions."

"That would probably be the easiest way to find out." Rianni said, rising from the table and walking to Isha, "And that's just what I'm going to do." She leaned over to embrace and kiss Isha, "I'll be back later, regardless of their intentions." She fully intended to go that meeting in her best uniform ready to stare any or all of them down, she was a daughter of a great house, she could do no less.

Isha nodded. "I'm sure it will be very entertaining," she said.


Ambassador Isha t'Khellian
Rianni Monteros