Beg, Steal or Borrow – Breaking the code
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Breaking the code
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Sun Mar 29, 2009 @ 9:59pm
Location   Encrytions room
Timeline   SD8 1359 hrs
Chief Ayers went back to the comm equipment in his office, their was an insane amount of coded traffic on known Romulan channels, three messages kept making references to target selection and waiting for a signal. "Signal? What could that mean?"

Cadet Perth stuck her head through the door, and spoke, "could it be a signal from the ambassador?"

The chief mulled over that idea then thought of his own answer.

=^= "Chief Ayers to the Captain" =^=

Davies was pouring over the data that was already becoming a headache.
=^= "Go ahead chief." =^= Davies responded.

=^="Capt'n there’s some heavy duty Romulan chatter on the comms, including a reference to a signal of some kind, I don’t know Capt'n I think were going to be attacked sooner instead of later."=^=

David would have smiled but it was not as funny as it may have seemed a few hours ago.
=^= "Translate as much as you can and keep a full record of all the message, even those you can't translate Chief Ayers" Davies ordered, wondering how much time they had left before the Romulans did indeed open fire. "And Chief, make sure that a full transcript of the recent logs are transmitted on subspace secure channel to Starfleet, I want a full account sent, just in case." =^= He added unsure of how this little skirmish would end. At least he was confident that at least 2 guardian platforms were fully functional.

=^="Aye captain, I'll continue to monitor things the best I can, I'm now getting indications there going to jam communications prior too the attack, once again a reference to a signal, Ayers out."=^=

David closed his eyes and rubbed the back of his neck. ~ Signal to block communications....why? They must know that our relays are far stronger than anything that they can put out. It must be for something else. He blinked, looking at the surface of the cleared desk.
"What else can it be?" He said aloud, clapping his hands to his face and dry washing his face with a single motion.
=^= "Chief, there has to be an underlying message in there to the operative on the station. Break that code and get security to find the recipient of that signal! Davies out." =^=

He pushed himself backwards away from the table and slid open the drawer, retrieving his phaser before heading down to Ops.


Chief Craig Ayers

CO: Commander David Davies.