Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Counseling a Vulcan
by Arrival Alexandria Marshall & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova

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Title   Counseling a Vulcan
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Arrival Alexandria Marshall & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova
Posted   Sun Nov 30, 2008 @ 5:35pm
Location   Counselor's Office
Timeline   SD3 1900hrs

Zorana went to her office after her rendez-vous with Three of Six. He was lonely, and she felt that when she was near him. When growing up and throughout med school she was asked if she was a Betazoid for her ability to feel and sense peoples emotions. She would reply that she wasn't but would also wonder this herself. She was hoped that she and Three would spend more time together.

The console at her desk was chiming. She sighed, ~I haven't been gone more than 3 weeks and mother is already calling.~ She thought. She opened the message but was surprised to see that it wasn't her mother but instead it was Frederik. Zorana rolled her eyes. He was telling her that he was sorry, that he didn't mean to cause her pain or to break her heart. Zorana slammed the console shut. "No matter where I am he still can reach me in this quadrant!" Her voice louder than it really should of been.

T'Lan approached the Counselor's Office, and pushed the door chime right when she heard the outburst from behind the door. She then realized that this was a bad time, as Humans became hostile when they were angry.

Zorana stopped and swore under her breath. "Come in!" She said trying control her emotions and failing miserably.

T'Lan entered the room with her hands behind her waist. She studied the Counselor, and it seemed like she was in emotional turmoil. Such things were dangerous to humans, even Counselors, if no one talked about it. "Is there something I can assist you with Counselor?" T'Lan said.

"I'm sorry, if you heard's nothing that Starfleet can handle..." ~Unfortunately.~ She silently said.

"What can I do for you Commander?"

T'Lan spoke. "I am here for my 'Counseling Evaluation.'" The Vulcan replied. There was something going on with the Counselor, and it had T'Lan concerned, though she did not show it openly.

"Yes, yes of course! I wasn't expecting anyone else to come in tonight to tell you the truth, but if you are ready than by all means!" She smiled and offered T'Lan a seat.

T'Lan sat down in the chair, maintaining her logical Vulcan demeanor. She decided not to ask the Counselor about what happened until she was comfortable with speaking about it. For now, she would simply let the Counselor preform her duty.

"How are you today Commander?" She asked as she grabbed another PADD off her desk and sat across from the commander. She slowed her breathing and began to calm down. Zorana wanted to be able to listen and 'feel' what the commander was saying without distraction. She put Frederick's transmission out of her mind.

"I am fine today Counselor." It was all she could say, as Vulcans rarely had any form of emotional expression. T'Lan was even more disturbed by the Counselor's sign of distress. She was beginning to calm dowm, and that was good for her.

Zorana nodded, she had never done an evaluation on a Vulcan before and didn't like the fact that she wasn't able to read the commander very well. She tried not to rely too heavily on that ability but with the commander sitting across from her it was difficult. "What about your workload ?"

"Satisfactory, considering I have only recently arrived. I'm looking foward to meeting the rest of the crew on this Base. I have already meet Lieutenant Gabriel. A most illogical human. The Captain seems to be competant to attend to the affairs of this Starbase." T'Lan said, trying not to make the scene seem Awkward for the Counselor.

"Satisfactory, considering I have only recently arrived. I'm looking foward to meeting the rest of the crew on this Base. I have already meet Lieutenant Gabriel. A most illogical human. The Captain seems to be competant to attend to the affairs of this Starbase." T'Lan said, trying not to make the scene seem Awkward for the Counselor.

"I'm in the same boat as you, Commander. I arrived earlier today. I have also met the Captain and Three of Six, a diplomatic advisor." She smiled at the Commander, remembering her visit to Prague with Three. "What has brought you here to this Starbase "

T'Lan spoke. "Starfleet felt it appropriate to assign me as Captain Tahir's Executive Officer. I have often worked with human crews before. I have been known to communicate well with non-vulcans." T'Lan said however she did not feel it was much of an answer.

"Did you ask for the transfer ?" She asked.

"In a way." T'Lan pointed out. "I thought that life on a starship was becomming a bit too... Confined. I requested a transfer, as long as it was a Base."

"And what would you have done if they hadn't approved your request to transfer ?" Her fingers and PADD primed for note taking but knowing she probably wouldn't much of an answer...Vulcans were logical creatures after all.

T'Lan raised her eyebrow. "The logical course of action would be to adhere to Starfleet's decision."

"Was this assignment your first choice?"

T'Lan raised her eyebrow. "I conceeded the decision to Starfeet Command under the circumstance that the post would be a base."

"Right." She made some small notes. "How have you dealt with high stress events in the past ?"

T'Lan thought for a moment. "I practice Vulcan meditation techniques designed to maintain my Logic. They are also quite effective at eleviating any stress that may arise."

"And if you are not able to practice these techniques what happens "

"I am a Vulcan. Stress is easily overcome." T'Lan said simply.

"Have you ever lost control of your emotions?"

"I was born and raised on a failed Vulcan Colony that was attacked by Pirates. All but a few Vulcan Children were slaughtered. Even Vulcan Children are still at the initial stages of the development of their logic, and are more prone to trauma than adults. Some off these children reverted to their emotions to survive. A Blind Passion for survival at all costs."

"How long were you forced to survive like that?" She asked.

"Aproximately Six Standard Months. By the time a Federation Away Team found me, I had nearly succeeded in my attempt to consume one of their security officers. Food was difficult to obtain on Salaris." T'Lan spoke softly, she did not like the subject.

"We can continue this another time if you wish Commander."

"That would be advisible. I should ask how you are settling in on Deep Space Five" She decided to ask, now that the Counselor was significanly more calm.

"Well, I think. I haven't had a real chance to really get accustomed to being on the station. I was on the USS Chandler before coming here."

T'Lan spoke. "Perhaps we can both better acquaint each other with this base. I noticed a store on the Promenade that sells Vulcan Imports when I came aboard."

Zorana smiled, "I do know where the Promenade is! Three of Six was giving me a tour before we ended up on the holodeck."

T'Lan spoke. "Perhaps we can undertake the Earth Custom that Human Women undetake known as shopping? If that is agreeable to you? Also, the well-being of this base's crew is of utmost improtance to me Counselor. I would like to be well appraised as to their mental condition."

"I will have a report on the captain's mental condition in the next couple of days. I am slowing making my way through the staff. Will three weeks be ok for the reports " She asked. "And yes, I would love to go shopping."

T'Lan nodded, "Three weeks is an acceptable time frame, and I will meet you on the Promenade Tomorrow Evening." T'Lan changed the subject. "What has been reveiled about the Captain's Condition?"

"She has had a great stress. She had another attempt on her life, one of the security personnel was killed protecting her. She will be fine, we just need to give her time."

The Vulcan nodded. "I believe that some administrative leave is in order for the Captain. I will attempt to convince her of her current emotional condition. I also will reccommend additional security be posted near the Captain's Quarters."

"But she needs to keep her mind occupied and busy. Post-Traumatic Stress could develop and even become worse when the mind sits idle. She needs to be allowed to process the emotions she is feeling. I agree with the administrative leave but at the same time work is will also be good for her." Zorana explained.

T'Lan nodded, "If you feel it is appropriate Counselor. I will be relying on your insights often, as logic dose not permit me to fully understand the emotional state of humans. As the human expression states; 'My door is always open.'"

"Of course, I will be speaking to the captain as soon as she is available and set up some appointments."