Incommunicado – "Where the Hell Have You Been?"
by (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Lieutenant JG Petro

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Title   "Where the Hell Have You Been?"
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Lieutenant JG Petro
Posted   Tue May 15, 2012 @ 2:14pm
Location   Promenade
Timeline   After "Welcome Home" (Backpost)
The Dhelan had just come into dock and with all but the requisite skeleton crew off the ship Rianni made her way to the Promenade, headed for 'The Box' like she had a nacelle on her back. ~After spending all those weeks with Maiell I need a drink.~ As her destination came into view, another sight, one far more beautiful and more important than even the ready pleasures of 'The Box,' came into Rianni's peripheral vision. She immediately turned her direction and increased her speed, it really was her! Petro was back!

"Oh my God!" Rianni exclaimed, grabbing Petro around her waist and hugging her tightly, "Where the Hell have you been?"

Taken aback by the sudden exclamation and physical response, Petro struggled to respond. For a moment she could not figure out who had grabbed her and whether she was being attacked or just accosted. She stared at the Romulan uniform after her persuer set her down. Still speechless she finally realized that it was Rianni.

"And you look fabulous!" Rianni giggled, playfully stroking Petro's now much longer hair, "Seriously, wow!" She smiled broadly, so happy to see Petro back, not really realizing that her friend was probably wondering why Rianni was wearing a Romulan uniform, "Oh, yeah, this..." She laughed, "Long story. Short version is they kicked me out of Starfleet and now I command one of my Aun't ships. Oh, speaking of which, does she know you're back?" If Isha hadn't been informed that her other pet project was back on the station she was going to be madder than Hell at someone, ~Probably take it out on D'Liin....~

"Who?" Petro quierried. "Your aunt." Petro scoured her memory for her aunt's name. "I haven't made my way around the station but I'm sure she would have heard by now.

"Yeah, Isha hears all." Rianni laughed, "I'm sure she'll be throwing some big thing for your return before too long. But, what about now? What are you doing now? Got time for dinner?"

Petro smiled. "I suppose." She wasn't quite sure about dinner and she really did want to get changed. "If you're not famished, I was hoping to change before getting something to eat."

"Sure, sure, take your time." Rianni smiled, "I got days and days of nothing to do in front of me, I can wait a few minutes for you."

"Great. Meet back here in twenty?" She asked.

"Great." Rianni smiled, "I'll get us a good table."

"Alright, see you then."

***Twenty Minutes Later***

Petro stepped off the lift wearing a form fitting black velvet dress with tiny diamonds that encircled the neckline. She wore a pair of black heels that spider laced her calves. She kept her hair long, but directed towards the back, revealing her neck and shoulder. She spotted Rianni and gave her a simple wave.

Rianni, awestruck, managed to wave back, if only barely. The change in the little J'Naii was nothing short of amazing, "Wow." She managed when Petro reached their table, "You look fabulous...."

"Thank you." Petro said, looking around at other eyes that seemed to be glued to her. She leaned forward and whispered in Rianni's ear. "Why are they staring like that?"

"Because that's what tends to happen when a very beautiful woman walks into a room, sweetheart." Rianni giggled, Petro's innocence and almost total obliviousness to her own charm was heartwarming and hilarious, "Trust me, it's all good."

"I've never noticed before." Petro said. "On the way back up here one man ran into a pylon. I just thought he was clumsy."

"No, no." Rianni laughed, "I mean, it's possible that he is, but that's not what that crash into the pylon was about. That was all Petro."

"I didn't mean for him to crash." Petro said. "Perhaps I should have said something." She shrugged her shoulders. "I'm sure he'll be alright."

Rianni couldn't stop from laughing at that point, "Sorry, it's just so cute the way you said that. 'I didn't mean for him to crash.' God, I have missed you."

"And, yeah, he'll be fine." Rianni promised, "And you did the right thing not saying anything. If you had you'd have embarrassed him, and that would've been vastly worse for him."

"Worse?" Petro asked. She couldn't figure out what was cute about what she said but if Rianni thought it was cute then there must have been a reason. "You mean I would have embarrassed him for checking on him?"

"Of course." Rianni answered, "If you said something he would've been embarrassed because then he would know you knew he was looking, it would've been awkward for him."

Petro nodded. "I see," though she was still a little confused by it. The waiter came by and took their orders, allowing the topic of conversation to change. "So, the uniform." Petro said.

"Ahhhh, yeah." Rianni sighed heavily, "I knew this was going to come up eventually. So, not long after you left I managed to get myself hurt pretty badly, let someone with bad intent get too close and she hurt me bad. So, not long after that I had a little too much to drink, had an 'accident' with my knife. Long story short, they sent a shrink out here and I got tossed out of Starfleet on a psych discharge. Isha was kind enough to give me command of one of her warbirds, otherwise who knows what would've happened to me?"

"Psychological Evaluations rip." Petro said. "So what do you do for Isha now?"

"I command the Warbird Dhelan." Rianni replied with pride, "It was the flagship of the Allied operation against piracy that just went down. My idea, actually...."

Petro leaned forward, intrigued. "Go on." She could see the excitement in her eyes and it was contagious.

"Well, I wanted to make a big splash coming in, and I figured with all the problems we've had with pirates in this region that would be the way to go." Rianni began, "So I pitched the idea to my father... Admiral tr'Khellian, and to Isha, and we presented it to the Starfleet command here and got support craft from them, as well as the Klingons, and destroyed a few dozen pirate vessels."

The little J'Nai let out the breath she didn't realize she was holding. "Wow," she said. "It's the kind of action you like too. Hands on, getting in the muck - so to speak." Petro wriggled her hands as though holding and molding a clump of mud. "So what do they have you doing now?" Petro asked. Just then her stomach rumbled. "I guess I'm hungry."

"No problem." Rianni smiled, "The food here is great." She motioned their waitress over with her left hand as she continued to talk with her right, "And right now I'm just in here waiting for something to do..... And of course having dinner with you, which is a Hell of a lot more fun."

"Are you ready to order?" The waitress, an ultra rare Green Bolian, asked, "I can recommend a few items if you're not sure."

Petro looked up at the waitress. "What would you recommend?" she asked. "I've heard you had some mexican dishes?"

"Actually, we have a combination platter that would be great if you're wanting to sample a lot of different Mexican dishes." The waitress replied, "It comes with a burrito, two tacos, a cheese enchilada, rice and beans, and fresh chips and salsa. You can have whatever kinds of meat you want in it, mix and match, whatever."

"That sounds good." Rianni chuckled, having possibly made up her mind what she wanted.

"That does sound good." Petro agreed. "I think I'll have that."

"Yeah, delicious is the word." Rianni smiled, "Same."

"Okay, ladies, I'll be back in a minute." The waitress nodded, happily wandering off.

"I don't know why, but for some reason I am suddenly starving." Rianni laughed, "Anyway, enough about me. What have you been up to?"

Petro thought about where to start and she said the first thing that came to her mind. "Well, after going through the officer's course at the Academy, which didn't take nearly as long as they said it would, I took some time to explore the galaxy. Staying in the Alpha Quadrant of course. I had some run ins and deals with a few Ferengi, which I think I came out ahead but made them think they got more of a profit than they deserved." She smiled at that. "Oh, and I had an accidental visit with the Sarek."

"Oh?" Rianni raised an eyebrow at that titillating piece of information, "Tell me more about that."

"Not much to say, really." Petro began. "I went to explore a planet and had no problem beaming down. Oh, the place was beautiful. Warm beaches with a cool breeze coming off of it. I was tempted to go for a swim but ended up walking the beach instead. Imagine the best vacation spot you can and that was the place. It was a literal paradise. When I tried to return to my ship, I ended up on the bridge of the Sarek."

Rianni just burst out laughing, "That must have been a shock to all involved."

Petro smiled. "Let's just say that Captain H'Rhar was less than pleased. I thought for sure she was going to throw me in the brig." She paused for a moment. "When I explained what had happened I got a lecture before being transported back to my ship. I don't think I need to tell you how frightening that was. It took me two weeks after that to get the transporter working well enough that I'd trust it again."

"Yeah, Talla can be tough to deal with at times." Rianni giggled, remembering a story she'd heard from an old Marine buddy unfortunate enough to cross Talla H'Rhar, "And, between us, I don't really like transporters that much to being with."

"You mean you don't like that brief feeling of absolute nothing?" Petro asked sarcastically. "I don't mind it too much, but sometimes..." She shook her shoulders like a chill climbed up her back. "Especially when the world re materializes and it's not where you planned it to be. So you know Talla?"

"I've never had the pleasure, but a friend of mine from my days in the Corps did." Rianni laughed, "She was actually mad at the wrong person, but once she was started.... look out."

"Sounds like a typical Andorian." Petro said. "The difference between them and Klingons is that their more focused with their anger." She said it as a joke but wasn't sure if her timing was right.

Rianni giggled at Petro's humor, the tiny J'Naii was really blossoming into quite the little firecracker, "Yeah, my first squadron CO was an Andorian, Ritola Fel-Zhara, he was a fracking nutcase. Fun guy, though, really knew how to handle to Dominion fighters."

Petro finished her drink and stretched. Still getting familiar with her new body she didn't realize the impact that stretching her arms above and slightly behind her head had on the way the top of her dress revealed more of her breasts. "So much happening so fast I feel like I've run all over the station today."

"Yeah, I understand, it's been a hectic day for me, too." Rianni replied, admittedly impressed by Petro's new build, "It'll wear you down, that's for sure."

"I'll tell you what I've missed." Petro said, resting her forearms on the table. "A hot water shower. I've not had one since before I left and I am so looking forward to it when I get back to my quarters."

"Yeah, I know that feeling, too." Rianni laughed, even the Commander didn't have the access to water on a Warbird that they had here, "Got that on my agenda for the night, too."

"I'd imagine your facilities are considerably more luxurious than mine." Petro replied, "but a shower is a shower." She stood and smiled. "Which is where I think I'm going to go to now."

"My quarters here on the station are great." Rianni mentioned, almost as an afterthought, "Isha's old place, so you know how it is: nice furniture, real water, lots of space, you're more than welcome."

"I'd love to see how you decorated it." Petro remarked.

"Well, I know a sure way to find out." Rianni smiled mischievously, grabbing the little J'Naii's hand gently, "Let's go." She threw down enough latinum to cover their meals and a sizable tip for the waitress, a gratuity befitting Romulan nobility, and led Petro to the door, "You'll love it."

Petro had no chance to protest, not that she would have, as Rianni led her out the door and to the nearest lift. She imagined that they might look like two school girls as they skip-walked across the promenade.


Lieutenant JG Petro
Communications Officer

erie'Riov Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
CO IRW Dhelan