Things Past – Religious Sisters

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Title   Religious Sisters
Mission   Things Past
Posted   Sat Aug 04, 2012 @ 4:58pm
Location   Rose's Office Intel Dept
Timeline   SD58

"The Sisters of Tempus Galaxia or the Sisters of the Order of Time and Space, are a religious movement who specialize in religious relics and cultural anthropology!" Rose read out aloud as she scanned the data PADD at her latest clue into her fathers research. She had uncovered a journal formerly belonging to a Sister Jula of the Tempus Galaxia. According to this journal, Rose's father and this Sister Jula had uncovered several archaeological sites within a spatial pattern from each other on several planets.

"Several references made to seven planets of the Zeta Epsilon system!" Rose continued to read out aloud to herself. "Computer are there any known academic papers on the Zeta Epsilon system?" Rose asked aloud, the computer quickly responded.

"There are 56 academic works on the Zeta Epsilon system, Dr Kollon Torr Astrological impacts on Zeta Epsilon Prime, Professor Julia Chang Astrobiological impacts of salt on Zeta Epsilon 3, Dr's Bek and T'rala....!" The computer continued until Rose had called out to stop.

"Computer are there any established communication links with the Sisters of Tempus Galaxia?" Rose asked again as she swiveled her officer chair to face the flat screen wall mounted monitor.

"Communication established the Tempus Galaxia Asteroid Convent!" The computer proceeded to link Rose to a strange looking temple, several robed figures moved toward their console.

"Greetings Daughter of Corrigan we have awaited you for some time!" The robed female spoke calmly and collectively for the two other women standing next to her. "Mother superior had predicted that today would be a day of great significance for you!" She continued.

"Sister Jula I presume?" Rose asked politely.

"No, no Sister Jula is no longer a member of our convent, she has unfortunately passed into the second realm, I am Sister Jind!"

"Sister Jind I am investigating my fathers research and he made reference to Sister Jula's journal several times!" Rose asked inquisitively.

"Patience my child, only those who seek the answers slowly will achieve them, We are aware of Sister Jula's work and we have sent one of our own to assist! Mother superior has elevated Novice Jael to a full Sister of the order and she is currently boarding your station!" Sister Jind continued to speak calmly which had no effect on Rose's questioning, she was determined to find the truth and religious nuts like these always heeded her work.

"Sending one of your own? How did you know I was here?" Rose questioned feeling rather vulnerable. "Who is this Sister Jael?"

Suddenly Rose's office doors swished open and a robbed figure entered slowly, the sound of sandals rubbing against the soft carpet. Rose spun on her office chair to face the figure now standing just behind her desk.

"I am Sister Jael Daughter of Corrigan!" Spoke the mysterious figure, a woman who slowly removed her large broad rimmed hat revealing brilliant blue skin. "I am over 400 cycles old and I have been praying for you sweet Rose!"

"Praying for me? Why? Who are you?" Rose asked slightly shocked at the 400+ year old woman who didn't look a day over 40 standing so calmly in her office.

"I'm praying for your loss!" Sister Jael continued.

"My mother died years ago and my father is.. well missing!" Rose interrupted.

"I pray not for the loss you have seen sweet Rose, but the loss that is to come!" Sister Jael said so calmly, it would have been considered eery. "Things are going to change soon for you Daughter of Corrigan, I am hear to ease the transition!" She added.

Rose shocked at the blue nun's words, simply gazed at her. With her sisters on board the Station and now this mysterious visitor, something wasn't right and it certainly was a world away from her country manor.


Rose Corrigan


Sister Jael