Interlude – Back flash: What is the name of honor?
by Lieutenant T'Pal & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat

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Title   Back flash: What is the name of honor?
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Lieutenant T'Pal & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat
Posted   Tue Aug 31, 2010 @ 2:22pm
Location   Holosuite - Box of delights
Timeline   MD 29
After her encounter with the holographic version of Tharek, T'Pal sat down on a chair in the lounge, sipping a class of dry white wine. Her mind refused to let go of an encounter she would probably never forget.

[Ogat - Klingon Empire]

Charg, X'aedell Kelan's husband, and Karagh of the House of Torath, her father were all on Ogat, where Charg was competing in a bat'leth tournament. The two men had had not informed her of the hit on her, but had kept with her at all times. Until she slipped away....

This was one of her favorite things to do, browsing through flee market stalls. And buying something if she saw something she liked. Distinctly NOT shopping as her husband described it, but LOOKING and IF there was anything attracting her attention, buying. There was a huge difference in X'aedell's mind.

However, she was not alone. Like a predator her prey, T'Pal was studying X'aedell, lurking just beyond X'aedell's visual awareness. For years she had been trained to follow people without being noticed, even by a half Betazoid. With that her Vulcan mental discipline helped. Her mind and consciousness were locked down behind mental barriers.

X'ae was actually quite pleased to escape Charg and her father. They had been very protective of her the last few days and neither were forthcoming why. Even her link to Charg didn't help, and her father was as closed as clay targ. They were sparring and frankly, her father was a far better match for Charg than her. Why he kept on insisting she sparred with him, she hadn't figured out. But at least they were now occupied enough for her to slip away.

The target was about the same height as T'Pal, perhaps slightly taller. She would be very supple due to her set of Betazoid genes, but T'Pal had far more experience and physical strength. Fighting her in a hand combat was easying the bad feeling she had regarding this hit. At least Kelan would have some chance.

Closing the gap between her and X'aedell when she neared the ally, she allowed X'ae to feel her presence and intent.

The hybrid Betazoid stiffened as her senses suddenly perceived the immiment danger and with a shock she realized that it was focussed on her! Alerted and ready she swung around to face her adversary.

She looked straight into the cold, calculating eyes of a hubrid Vulcan/Klingon. Her senses told her that this was no sparring, no joke...... she was going to fight for her life. There was no where to go, but into the ally as the woman was steadily walking towards her, lke a predator who had now found it's prey and she was that prey.

Confused X'ae backed into the ally and pushed her apprehension out of the way, dropping her bag and taking her D'ktag out of hewr belt.

T'Pal had no weapon. She needed none.

"Why?" X'ae asked a perfectly logical question.

"I wouldn't talk if I were you, defend yourself," T'Pal said coldly and launched an attack with such precision that it had left even X'aedell disoriented.

Her eyes widened as she sensed that woman was unwavering in her intent to kill her. Surviving another assault she got up from where she was flung against a wall. Her own defense was not making much of a difference, so she would have to focus her telepathic and empathic senses.

The two woman fought with no interference. No one would think it starnge to see two obviously skilled warriors sparring in an ally. X'aedell fought bravely. with everything she had, but T'Pal was just too good. None of her attacks penetrated her defences, in fact her shoulder was definetely broken, her ribs cracked, her vision was blurry and she had difficulty breathing and this after no more than a few minutes. X'ae was now certain she was going to die.

"You could have killed me already..." she tested her, breathing hard. "Why haven't you.......?" she asked, responding to something she felt and launched her own attack, at least her blade meeting some flesh.

T'Pal did not respond, but Kelan was right. She was reluctant. A shadow crossed her face, as if she had to push something aside.

X'aedell wanted to respond to what she saw and sensed, but T'Pal was too fast on her. In that moment X'aedell knew that this would be the last face she would ever see.

~But I haven;t had a child yet.... ~ she thought in a ridiculous moment as the world around her began to fade away. She was acting on pure instinct now, unaware of her body's responses.

[The far side of the market]

Charg and Karagh had finished a very good workout. Because of his time in the Borg he had gotten a bit rusty. And though his skill wasn't on the same level as Charg's, his skill was adequate. As the entered the market they continued their discussion. "I'm sure she's in here somew..."

"In here?" Karagh looked around with a certain sense of distaste. He had been Borg too long to appreciate the controlled chaos of a market, mostly attended by Klingons and some other fighting species.

Charg's words were cut off by a wave of fear. X'ae was in danger. He said nothing but broke into a run and began to search the market. He knew there was an assassin hunting her, if he had known he would have never let her came out here alone...

The thought of a child entered his mind. The thought was tinged with regret; he had found her...them.

With speed he didn't know he had he moved on the attacker. His arm going under the raised arm as it was about to kill his mate. He threw the woman with his combined strength and she slammed into the wall of the nearby building.

With fury in his eyes, "YOUR BATTLE IS NOW WITH ME, ASSASSIN!" In an act of contempt for the person Charg didn't even pull his blade.

His attack came as a complete surprise to T'Pal, but she was trained for the unexpected. Even as she bounced against the wall, she used it to balance her self and landed on her feet, crouched, her one hand one the ground. She had no weapon either, as she didn't need one. Her expression was of mild annoyance of now having to kill too people. The logical thing would be to use her escape route, but somehow she didn't. Barely having touched the ground she lurched forward, which incredible speed of her own.

X'aedell was faintly aware of movement close to her and she tried to get to her feet, but her limbs gave way. Her attacker had used Vulcan martial arts techniques to bruise very specific nerve bundles, laming her now. ~Her technique is perfect~ she thought with a mixture of irony and awe as she fell to the ground again.

Charg had disappeared in the crowd so quickly that Karagh had lost him for a moment. He didn't have a mental link to follow, but started to jog in the direction he saw him running.

In a flurry of well accurate kicks, T'Pal made sure that every time she connected with the other hybrid in counted.

His year of almost constant training was now showing it worth. Every muscle in is body was conditioned to as close to perfection as was possible. Even though her blows connected they did little to impede him. He was no fool and knew that this was a fight to the death. That his opponent was not here for Honor nor vengeance, but for profit or other consideration. That gave him and edge...for he had something actually worth fighting for.

At all times he kept himself between her and X'ae. "You have skill..too bad you have no HONOR!"

They clashed again and again, X'ae's warning had not gone unheaded and they faced off each blow that either of them issued was blocked by the other. Finally Charg landed a power blow that knocked her back.

Using the momentum T'Pal flipped backwards and to land on her feet, facing him. No emotion, no fatique had been showing on her face, but after his accusation, the Klingon in her, shone it's rage in her eyes for the first time. The fact that she was fighting for her own life, made little differenc to her, but she did so in honour. "Honour is why I engaged the woman in the first place," she growled. "I could have killed her without her even knowing where it came from," she seethed. "But I could not!" With that she lurched forward in another attack, feigning to the right and breaking through his defences.

Her feint was perfect and she JUST slipped past his block. Turning quickly he placed as much distance between himself and her, but she managed to lay open his cheek near the corner of his jaw. Her follow though however was less than successful, her cracking bones announcing Charg had broken her wrist.

One disabled hand was not going to stop the woman. She had a task to complete and she kept an eye on her actual target. The man was very good. Another hybrid like herself, perhaps with some human DNA as well. Wryly she thought that this rare combination of genes gave them something in common. It made them deadly.

It was one of the very few instances, apart from her original trainer, that she met anyone who could actually kill her in hand to hand combat.

She needed to get out of here, so she would have to go to extreme measures. She had not used the slim knife she had hidden on her body, and now there was a time to use it. She was waiting for the right opportunity. Charg battered her in her *weakened* state, and it was clear that he was going to kill her. Under different circumstances she would have respected him, but today he had to die.

X'aedell tired to move again, but it was futile. She needed to warn Charg. This woman..... she ...All became black again.

Charg sensed that X'ea passed out but there was nothing he could do...he had to end this now.

Once close enough to his body, T'Pal suddenly changed tactics and none of the prior weakness was present. In her left hand was the slim blade, ready to penetrate the lattice rib cage close to her.

"T'Pal!!!" came a loud shout from behind with such force that T'Pal halted her movement, giving Charg the opportunity to kick her hard to the side.

Charg moved quicklyto the side as his kick sent her to the wall again.

Blade in the hand and standing against the wall in a defensive stance, T'Pal looked at Karach confused. He had a blade in his hand too. ~Where the hell did he came from...This was a trick~ She was trapped. Her broken hand moved to her other side.

"Stop T'pal, Kretorg called it off!"

"You cannot be Karagh! You were assimilated!"

"I am free, blowing holes in the Nebula of Rhatal," he said almost soothingly, using an old code.

T'Pal looked as if she was starting to believe him, but didn't drop her guard, though she looked at the struggling X'aedell and glancing at Karagh and Charg, who would still seem intent on killing her. Slowly she lowered the blade and moved towards X'aedell.

Charg took full advantage of her distraction. Karagh's intervention was the only thing that kept him from sinking his blade into her heart. But as she made a move toward X'ae his rage returned. His blow lifted her from her feet and his fore arm across her throat pinned her to the wall, his blade ready to finish her off. "FOOL - you never drop your guard in battle! Speak your last before your journey to Gre'Thor.

This time she didn't defend herself, only her one hand held the arm across her windpipe. "Let me go!" she barely managed. "X'aedell is already dying,... I can repair the her nervous system..."

"She can, Charg..." Karagh said quietly.

Pressing his blade it tip pushing through her clothing, breaking her skin. "What did you do!"

"Shaya-suus mahna," she uttered hoarsely, referring to a very deadly twist to Vulcan martial arts where neuropressure points were targeted in a specific order to cause neural shut down. Few Vulcan's trained in it, even less would use it. "Let me go!!" she hissed.

T'Pal felt the slow distrustful release and she coughed, rubbing her throat. Carefully she moved away from the man that nearly killed her. He had managed to break her shoulder as well, which would impede her slightly, but she sank on her knees next to X'aedell. Looking at her face and near lifeless eyes, regret flashed across her face. "I never wanted to do this," she said barely audible, stroking the hair away from her face, to reach the first in a series of nerve bundles she needed to stimulate.

After a few minutes, X'aedell's eyes fluttered open and she gripped her attacker's wrist angrily and fought to get up. X'aedell was too confused to realize T'Pal was helping her and T'Pal looked up at Charg, "Please comfort her, I need to concentrate," she said

Charg's voice and mind brought her the oomfort she needed and she relaxed, while T'Pal repaired the last of the damage, using physical and mental energy to accomplish that, ending with a mild from of a mind meld, which left her exhausted. She leaned back and nodded. "It is done."

Charg stood as T'Pal sat back on the ground recovering from the meld. "Leave this place and never cross our paths again. You were spared this time only to undo the damage you had caused. If I EVER see you again, the last thing you will see is your blood dripping from my blade."

"You would have had my blade through your heart had Karagh not interfered!" T'Pal sneered, pressing her middle fingers on her temples to relieve the pain. . She was too exhausted to bother to keep the proud Klingon in her suppressed. "And don't count on that to happen again!"

Charg looked at her with contempt. "Qab jIH nagil!"

Karagh saw that if he didn't get in between the two they might yet kill each other. "Now now....we need to think of X'aedell first." He looked at his old time friend and ally and didn't know what to think. ~How could Kretorg use her to do this? Still the damn political bastard!~ he thought in spite of knowing and understanding his brother's reasoning. He stretched his hand to help T'Pal up. ~Who else could he have trusted, but look what it did to her....~

She took the hand offered. When she looked at him, there was a look in her eyes he had only seen once before. When she had the mission to kill one Federation prisoner to save 136 others. The hollow look of defeat. Only now there of relief that she was interrupted.

Always the one used to do the unthinkable, used in *noose* operations, where a hostage might have to be eliminated of succesful extraction was impossible, where morals and ethics were grey, where honor was something you had to find yourself if you could....

T'Pal turned her eyes towards X'aedell who now sat up, looking at her with mixed feelings. She had a few things to work through. she nodded to her. By the time she looked at Charg, her eyes were unreadable. "I will go..." Using her prepalnned escape route she was gone in seconds.

"Help me up?" X'aedell said, delayed tears of shock now streaning down her cheeks

Charg knelt to help her to her feet, and together they returned to their accomodations to allow her to recover. As she rested he stood looking out a window. The thought of T'Pal made is blood boil and did the thought of the man who sent her in the first place. When this tournament was Kretorg and he would meet eventually.



Karagh of the House of Torath
(NPC by Sharon)

Lt Xaedell Kelan
Chief Counselor/CDO
USS Merlin (NPC by Sharon)

Lt. Charghwl'IH
USS Merlin by Chris