Judgement – Paperwork and Politics
by Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Cardassian Glen Sulla Parek

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Title   Paperwork and Politics
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Cardassian Glen Sulla Parek
Posted   Fri Apr 15, 2011 @ 10:31am
Location   Cardassian Consulate - Getal's Office
Timeline   SD36 - 03:00am
Getal tapped on his desk, which illuminated at his touch. "Mister Parek, could you please meet me in my office. I have matters involving current affairs and urgent paperwork that needs completion."

Blearily opening his eyes at the comm message, Parek, groaned and frowned as he saw the hour. 0300 hours, station time. Wondering what could possibly be urgent at this hour of the night, he dragged himself out of bed, and to the sonic shower. Throwing some clothes on, he grabbed his PaDD and headed for the Embassy

Upon entering, he gave the appropriate salute and intoned, 'you summoned me, Vi'kar Gul?'

"Ah, there you are Glen. Sorry to disturb you at this hour. I lose track of time these days... " Getal said, stroking his chin thoughtfully.

'No problem, sir. I came as soon as I could.' Now that he had had time to awaken Parek was ready for work, 'you said there were urgent matters to attend to?'

"Yes, yes. I need you to complete those letters there," Getal gestured to a small stack of Cardassian PaDD's. "after that, you can help me complete these requisitions."

'Very well, Vi'Kar Gul,' Parek gathered up the small pile of PaDDs and went to head to his workstation. Sitting down, he began to read through the first letter. Fairly standard, really. A letter of thanks to the Governor of Marana for recognising the 'valuable work' the Embassy did on Deep Space 5.

"What do you know of politics and law, Glen?" Getal said, breaking the momentary silence. Tharek did not make eye contact, but kept his eyes focused on a PaDD infront of him.

Shrugging as he concentrated on the letters in front of him, he said, 'I consider myself well-versed in the current affairs of Cardassia and our neighbours.' He paused as he filed one of the letters to be sent with the next packet to Cardassia. 'Why do you ask, sir?'

"Our neighbours." Getal mirmired with a grin. "You'll need a certain understanding about all the parties on this station Sulla." Getal said, using his name for the first time, and looking up at him. "You are to treat the Romulan's with a certain level of respect. Don't be a fool with them. Avoid the Klingons. They're worth more trouble than what they weigh. The Federation are our esteemed hosts. Yet, they expect us to conform to their rules, regulations and their sense of doing things. Do not conform."

'I see, sir.' Parek quietened as he thought for a moment, then asked, 'from what you say then, are we to consider the Romulans ... partners in our efforts?' It seemed to make sense from what the Gul had said. He had not so readily dismissed them as he had the others.

"Our embassy, and certain parties within the Romulan's, share a special relationship. I myself am conducting talks with the Romulan Chief of Staff. He is a fascinating individual, I reccommend you speak to him, when he gets back." Getal smiled with his words, Rh'vaurek wasn't far from the station at all. "The ambassador however is a different, if not interesting, story. Keep an open mind to her. I'll be sure to introduce you at some point."

'As you command, Vi'Kar Gul,' said Parek, unconsciously nodding his head, 'and what of our relationship with the other factions aboard? Do we share common ground with them?'

"The Federation and Klingon's? The Klingon's are barely noticeable these days. It's quite nice. The smelll subsided too." He joked, half serious. "The Federation are powerful, arragont and so far up their own asses they can see out their mouths."

'Is that not understandable, Vi'Kar Gul? They did lead the Alliance to victory, they saw off the Sona'a and the Borg ... they have reason to believe that they are ... superior in some ways,' replied Parek quietly, 'it does not mean they are right, or that they should, merely a suggestion of how they might feel about it. And, I wonder if it is only our people they treat in that way, or the other powers too?'

"No it's only us they treat differently. You see it everyday Glen. Romulans and Humans and Klingons all holding hands and what not. Then you see us. Did you know, Glen, that I have been met with open hostility by Federation staff twice on this station? Or the fact that the Federation refused to hand over a prisoner of Cardassia for questioning. Mere, questioning."

Parek turned and looked at the other Cardassian. 'You were assaulted?'

"First was from the marine captain, Darson. Which reminds me, pay no heed to the marines. They aren't worth their weight in latinum. The second time was at twnety two hundred hours recently. The security department demanded I come with them, refused to tell me why, and when I tried to leave for the embassy, they restrained me and threatened me with hollow words. All forced by the station's executive officer, Villiers." Getal said in utter disgust.

'Interesting ... you have diplomatic immunity yet they chose to ignore it.' This was a fascinating conversation for Parek, enlightening him as to what his superior thought of the situation aboard the station. 'And the prisoner?'

"A Richard Dunham. A fighter pilot who destroyed a Cardassian freighter without exhausting every opportunity to capture it. I requested he be questioned in an adequate Cardassian facility which is only available in the main Cardassian tribunal. Of course the Federation refused and span lies, bargains and threats to silence me. None were answered but Dunham remains a free citizen." Getal stopped momentarily in thought. "But, that is the past, and the future requires a firmer hand. Dunham is free of my attention. What is it the Humans say? No use crying over spun silk? Spilt silk? Something like that."

'Indeed, sir. Shocking conduct coming from a Starfleet officer,' replied Parek neutrally as he wrote the reply to another letter. He was fairly flying through the pile given that most of them consisted mostly of thanks for services and gifts. A few required a more personal touch, coming from members of the Detapa Council as they did.

"Hm." Getal replied simply. "Which letter are you on now Glen?" Tharek asked in surprising neutrality.

'Er ... Governor Ordanter's letter. Congratulating you on 'furthering the interests of Cardassia' and the like. Fairly standard stuff, if truth be told,' replied Parek after a moment's hesitation. He turned to look at the Vi'kar Gul. 'Why do you ask, sir?'

"Curiosity. Please hand me Fi'ta Gul Metak's personal reply, would you?" Tharek asked, sliding aside a finished part of paperwork.

Searching through the piles of PaDDs on his desk, Parek found the one with Metak's message on it. Moing over to the Vi'Kar Gul's desk, he handed the PaDD over and went to sit down once more.

"Thank you. Oh, I need one more thing from you, then, I'll leave you to it. I need you to formalise these requisitions." Getal said, handing Sulla a PaDD containing the request of his formidable force for taking the station; Two warships, an anti-fighter craft and a Cardassian troop transport.

Parek felt a shiver travel down his spine as he read the PaDD. An invasion force? he thought to himself, surely not. Not even he would be mad enough... He swallowed, 'ah ... an expedition, sir? I heard the borderlands have been quite unruly these past few months ...' By all that is holy let it be an expedition! Anything else would be disastrous.

"I'm securing Cardassia's interests Glen." Getal replied with an eerily fake smile. "Don't worry, I won't be doing anything to jeopardize my staff." He lied.

'Of course, Vi'kar Gul, of course,' replied Parek as he returned to his desk. 'I'll see to it that these requisition orders are actioned at once. Am I to understand they are of the highest priority?' The chill had yet to disperse. His mouth was running on automatic, anything to keep from having to face the reality of the situation.

"Highest priority." Getal repeated with emphasis.

'Very well sir. I'll send these along to Central Command. They'll ask for a reason, sir...' Parek added cautiously. He stood there awkwardly, waiting for the Gul's answer. A little voice started chattering away in his head, emphasising and repeating how much of a bad idea this was. But it was not his place to criticise his superiors.

"No." Tharek said instantly. "These are not to go to Central Command, or the Detepa Council. These are personal requisitions of craft and Gul's with contact to the Obsidian Order. You will send them to the director herself. She won't require a reason."

'Y-yes, sir.' Obsidian Order? Parek thought that had been disbanded at the end of the war, replaced by an agency fully answerable to the Detapa Council ... the prospect that such a fearsome agency had survived was not a comforting thought. 'And where do I get hold of the director, sir?'

"You should have the access codes transferred to your personal computer by now. All the necessary information is in there. I trust you can handle this Glen?" He asked, not really waiting for an answer. "Good. I knew I could count on you Sulla." Getal added in an eerily awkward smile into the fold. "I'll take my leave now." He turned on the heel to leave, but stopped at the door.

"Glen Sulla Parek. My trust is in your hands. You should know from the Cardassia news, what happens when the Orders trust is betrayed." Getal left after that with a smirk. Sulla had ideas, visions. Even if they weren't Tharek's. Sulla would not betray Getal. And if he did, it would end badly.

But it wouldn't come to that, would it?


Vi'Kar Gul Tharek Getal
Cardassian Ambassador
Deep Space 5

Glen Sulla Parek
Ambassador's Assistant
Deep Space 5