Incommunicado – Silent Killer
by Lieutenant JG Saria Rex

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Title   Silent Killer
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Saria Rex
Posted   Wed Aug 08, 2012 @ 3:54pm
Location   Holosuite 3
Timeline   SD60
"They've been here..." A rough looking mercenary said to his fellow marksmen. They stood on an open place in a jungle-like environment. There were several indications of a removed encampment. "Those Starfleet bastards can't be far away." He said again. "Split up in an angle of 90 degrees. Report any suspicious things to me."

The jungle was alien, with a lot of unfamiliar plants and trees. The marksmen struggled to get trough the dense foliage. Eventually, they were stopped by a bush of bamboo-like plants. "Damned jungle..." one of the men murmured, raising his machete. He swung the blade against the plants, but they only seemed to be scratched by it. Frustrated, the man holstered his machete and aimed at the plants with his disruptor. A typical disruptor sound crossed trough the forest, alerting several bird-like creatures. The plants had vaporated, and the men moved further.

After a few minutes of walking, the reached an open spot again. However, a Starfleet Engineering jumpsuit was lying in the middle.
"Hunter to Salomon, we're at an open place with a Starfleet uniform lying in the middle. I'm going to investigate it." One of the men said.

"Roger that, Salomon out." The walkie-talkie spoke. The man creeped forward cautiously, gesturing the others to follow. However, when the man approached the suit, he fell. "Tripwire!" One of the men yelled. The man stood up and shot an object coming down at him, so did his men. Eventually, it seemed to be a lifesized puppet, made from some kind of bundled reed. 
"Damnit!" The man cursed. "Don't hide from me, you rats! I know you're here."
However, in all sudden, a phaser beam struck one of the men in his chest. A second after, another one was struck.
"Sniper!" They yelled, seeking cover from the incoming fire. One of the men got shot in his back while seeking cover. There were four men left, all hiding behind a rock formation at the end of the open spot. They returned fire, but none of it actually worked. 

One of the men looked up, but he was struck in the head eventually.
"Seize fire, whoever you are!" The man yelled. "We'll walk to the open. We want to talk!"

"Why? So you can shoot me after all?" A voice replied. "I know what you're up to, Hunter."

"No, goddamnit. Because I want to get out alive. In this position, neither both of us will gain anything. And you know that." The man said, irritated.

It was silent for a while, but the voice replied. "You got yourself a deal. Throw your weapons away, I don't want to waste my pulse grenades."

"You heard her." The man said. The other two men obeyed, and threw away their disruptors. Then, they walked up forward, from behind the rocks.

It was quiet for a while, but eventually, the bushes rustled. A Trill with blonde hair and implants walked out, wearing a Starfleet Science-uniform.

"Rex" The man said. "I knew it would be you." In all sudden, the man laughed, and reached for Rex's hand. So did Rex, as she was given a firm handshake.

"I could've known it was you. Nobody else that practices in here shoots like that." He said.

"Well, Hunter. You're still swift at talking your way out of problems, aren't you?" Saria smiled.

"You know how I am. But hey, you did well like always. You're still welcome here though, as long you stop shooting me." The man said, and stepped back.

"Computer, end program." Rex said. The alien foliage changed into the usual holosuite again, and her rifle disappeared.

"Next time, don't go into a killing spree again, Anaia." Rex thought, leaving the holosuite.


Lieutenant JG Saria Rex
Chief of Science