Things Past – Fire Patrol (back post)
by Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Fire Patrol (back post)
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Tue Dec 27, 2011 @ 10:42pm
Location   ACMO's Office, Sick Bay
Timeline   SD39, 15:23

Ben was checking the padds for updates when Bridget came back into the office. It was now late in the afternoon and he hadn't seen her since that morning's conversation about Ai'lani.

"Hey Bridget, more coffee?" he smiled as she walked in. "Or something stronger....?" he noticed the frown on her face.

"Maybe a shot of something. A 44 caliber would do."

"Take a seat and tell me what's weighing you down, my friend." Ben said it gently as he ordered her a coffee anyway. He brought his own across and sat in the comfortable chair opposite her, removing all formality as he encouraged her to share whatever was troubling her.

"Ai'lani and I talked with Kaelin at lunch today. It didn't go well." She let out sigh. "In fact, he blew up at us." She accepted the cup Ben offered and mechanically sipped the hot, dark liquid.

"Ah, I guess there were accusations of your interfering when all you wanted to do was help," Ben guessed. "Does that mean he's hostile to any kind of help?" he asked tentatively, seeing the whole help plan going down the pan before his eyes.

"Well no," she cocked her head to the side. "He's just insistent that his illness is nobody's business but his own and that he'd got it covered. He was also pissed that I told you about it. AND," she added emphasis to the word, "He's basically said that you or I would spread rumors about him all over the department."

"Paranoia too?" Ben sighed. "This is getting worse. Should we wait for Chelsea? She's due back in a couple of hours...."

"We probably should. I've got the test results from Yolanthe Ibalin's colour exam and have to take those to Commander Villiers, plus I've gotta meet with Pia. Say we have dinner together tonight, would that work for you?" She knew her evening schedule was a lot more flexible than Chelsea's, now that the woman was a newlywed. But she wasn't sure about Ben, what with a new baby and all.

"Fine. Jana and the baby sleep a lot at the moment. It's natural." He smiled. "I can pop out and still be back before they miss me."

"Okay," Bridget smiled. "I've gotta go see Pia real quick. Comm me and let me know what Chelsea says?"

"Will do," Ben agreed with a grin. "See you at the Box.... at 7pm?" he suggested.

She stood and handed Ben her cup. "Yeah, seven is great. And thanks for that, by the way," she pointed at the cup with a smile. "Didn't know I needed it."

"You're welcome, any time," he replied with a warm smile. "Later then."


A JP between:

Ensign Bridget Stapleton
Doctor (General Practice)
Main Sickbay - DS5


Lt. Ben Kensington