Judgement – Squirrels and broken replicators
by (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek

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Title   Squirrels and broken replicators
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek
Posted   Thu Oct 06, 2011 @ 8:33pm
Location   Kaelin and Phillip's quarters
Timeline   SD39 - 20:00

Only hours after catching his roommate and that skinny pretty-boy grinding against each other on his couch, Phillip finally felt he could brave the long stretch of No-Man's land from his room to the kitchen. As he went into the living room, he saw Kaelin lying across their couch, with his arm thrown over his eyes, his face buried into the crook of his elbow.

Figuring the Deltan was asleep, Phillip walked quietly over to the replicator. As he got closer, a strange buzzing noise coming from it became apparent.

“What the hell…” he said, getting closer and moving his head towards it to see exactly where the noise was coming from. Concentrated on the sound, he slid his head into the replicator, listening intently.

“I wouldn’t get that close,” Kaelin suddenly said from the couch, making the short redhead jump and slam the back of his head into the replicator. He cursed loudly, moving his head out, rubbing the back of his head. He hissed, noticing a small gash there.

“Shit! I’m bleeding!” he told his roommate, turning to glare at him. Kaelin was sitting down on the couch now, but stood up to come over to take a look. Phillip backed away.

“Relax, I’m a doctor,” he reminded him and only after looking him over for signs of possible bad intentions did Phillip hesitantly lower his head so that Kaelin could take a look.

Inspecting the small cut, Kaelin sighed dramatically.

“I can see your skull,” he said, and felt the Ensign shaking slightly under him. “What?! Oh my God!” Phillip cried, panicking and Kaelin felt an odd combination of guilty and happiness at his joke.

“I’m kidding. Calm down. It’s just a little cut. I’ll fix it,” he assured him and Phillip looked up at him.

“You’re a horrible person, you know,” he accused and Kaelin nodded, saying he knew.

Deciding not to dwell further on the mini-panic attack he’d had, Phillip turned his attention to the replicator. “So what’s wrong with the replicator?” he asked, kneeling to get a better look at it.

“I don’t know. I got frustrated and started punching orders into it. You know that thing has never worked since we got drunk that one night and tried to cook that pie by connecting it’s tin with the power conductor…thingies from the replicator.”

“Thingies? Really?” Phillip asked, shaking his head as he walked over to his room to take the Engineering kit he had there while Kaelin did the same and came out of his room with the First Aid kit. “You’d think after living with me for the last four years, you’d have learned some basic Engineering tips.”

“And you’d think after living with me, you would have learned enough to not freak out and panic after getting a little cut on your head,” Kaelin shot back, taking out some sanitizer and a piece of gauze as the two Ensigns settled next to the replicator.

“You know I’m useless with trying to fix anything. Or make anything. It’s why I have you,” Kaelin said sweetly.

“It’s also why I’ve had to fix the replicator three times in the last week,” Phillip added, taking out some tools and placing them at his side as he cut power to the replicator before starting to work.

“Whatever. You know we can’t report it because it’s our own damn fault and they’ll just make fun of you because you’re the only Engineer who can barely keep his quarters together.”

“And you’re the only doctor who has to spend half his day trying to keep his roommate together,” Phillip said, opening the panel and scanning the insides as Kaelin scooted closer, pouring some sanitizer onto the gauze. The two fell into a comfortable silence as Phillip pulled out some wires and began replacing them while his roommate lightly dabbed the top of his head with the soaked gauze, cleaning the cut there.

Putting the bloody gauze into a bag to throw away later, Kaelin reached into the First Aid kit and took out a small tube of pink lotion. Once he sanitized his hands and put a little on the pad of his index finger, Kaelin looked up to find Phillip staring at him. Blinking in surprise at the intensity of his roommate’s gaze, Kaelin hesitated. “What?” he asked quietly.

Phillip paused before speaking, a look of concentration on his face. “We’re like an old married couple, aren’t we?” he asked.

Kaelin face broke into a big smile and he chuckled, making Phillip give a small half smile in return.

“I guess so,” Kaelin nodded sagely. “Think they’d let us adopt a baby?” he asked jokingly.

“Please,” Phillip scoffed. “With our histories, I’m surprised they let us keep the guinea pig. Especially after what happened to Binky.”

“You’re never going to let that go, are you?”

“You killed our pet! How the hell do I let that go?”

“You’re the one who left its cage next to the bread maker, so don’t put all the blame on me!”


“The poor thing was sick anyway, maybe it was for the best that he died when he did.”

“You’re the one who decided to take it in! You knew it was sick.”

“Well they were going to put the poor little thing to sleep. I couldn’t let that happen!” Kaelin argued.

“Yeah, it’s much better for us to take it in so you could electrocute it!”

“I didn’t mean to! It was an accident!”

“Yeah, whatever. This thing is done,” Phillip pushed himself up. Kaelin made a noise of argument. “Hey, I’m not done with you yet!”

“I’m fine! God, has anyone ever told you how overbearing you could be!”

“I’m just trying to take care of you.”

“Trying being the operative word,” Phillip muttered, but loud enough for Kaelin to hear. He looked taken aback at the comment.

“Hey, I am an excellent doctor!”

“Yeah, I remember you said that to Binky and we all know how he ended up. Poor thing never saw it coming. Not that he complained.”

“Why are you being such a prick?!” Kaelin asked, angry.

“Because you won’t accept any responsibility for what happened, though God knows that Binky probably wanted to die after all your cooing and baby-talk.”

“If there’s a reason Binky wanted to die, it’s because you named him Binky!”

“Ugh! Why do I even talk to you!?”

“I don’t know, but I wish you’d stop!”

“Maybe I will!”

“Fine, then do it!”

“Fine, I will!”


A silence. The two stared at each other, both a little red in the face.

“So, we gonna fire this up?” Phillip asked, finally looking at the fixed replicator.

“Yeah, let’s go,” Kaelin said with a nod, dabbing the top of Phillip’s head with the healing lotion.


“I tried to be gentle,” Kaelin argued immediately, looking at the replicator expectantly.

“A glass of water, cold, with three cubes of ice.”

“I’ve always admired your creativity,” Kaelin said sarcastically.

“It’s what I want! Hell, at least it works. Go ahead, you be creative,” Phillip said, taking the glass of water and having a sip.

“I don’t want anything,” Kaelin told him, collapsing back down onto the couch.

“Oh come on, you have to want something. It can replicate anything,” Phillip told him, pushing Kaelin’s legs up so that he could sit before putting the Deltan’s feet back onto his lap.

“Wish it could replicate me, so I didn’t have to go to work tomorrow.” Kaelin sighed, sitting up and tucking his legs under him.

“Well, it could but we don’t have the equipment. And the replica wouldn’t live long, most likely. And I think it’s illegal,” Phillip said, shaking his head.

“Aww, you wouldn’t break the law for me?” Kaelin teased with a smile, resting his head onto the back of the couch, still looking at Phillip.

“You’re shocked, I’m sure,” Phillip replied sarcastically, shaking his head at his roommate.

“And here I was, thinking you loved me.”

Phillip snorted into his glass of water.

“Wow, that was attractive.”

“Shut up. What’s your problem anyway?” Phillip asked, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand and putting the glass back onto the coffee table.

“Ai’lani and Bridget figured out I’m anorexic,” Kaelin explained, snuggling into the back of the couch.

“Oh…How’d they find out? You have been eating haven’t you?” Phillip asked the second question seriously, looking at the Deltan.

“Yes,” Kaelin nodded. “But you know how much I hate eating in public. So I don’t eat much when we’re out and I eat when I get home or when I’m by myself.”

Phillip nodded, understanding.

“So, what happened?”

“They tried having an intervention.” Kaelin rolled his eyes. Phillip made a face.


“Terrible. Unlike yours. You were perfect,” the Deltan said, giving his redheaded roommate a fond smile at the memory. “I don’t think I could ever thank you enough for that, by the way,” he added quietly.

“You don’t have to thank me,” Phillip assured him, rolling his eyes, looking very nonchalant. Or at least trying to; Kaelin knew different.

“Well, I try to anyway,” Kaelin told him and the two fell into another comfortable silence, both resting against the back of the couch, suddenly feeling very lazy and sleepy, but staring at each other.

“You’re not gonna try to kiss me again, are you?” Phillip asked with a nervous smile. Kaelin chuckled, shaking his head, which looked awkward with his cheek resting on the couch.

“No, you’re safe,” he assured him.

“Good. Well,” Phillip trailed off, playing with the hem of his shirt. “It’s late, we should get to bed.”

“Wow, and you won’t even let me kiss you. I guess chivalry is dead.”

Phillip kicked out but Kaelin managed to pull away, laughing.

“I say it again, you’re a horrible person!”

“Eh, you still love me,” Kaelin joked with a grin.

“Whatever. I’m going to sleep.”

“Leave the light on, I’m just gonna sit here a little more,” Kaelin explained. Phillip looked him over as the Deltan nuzzled the back of the couch, pulling his legs back under him and relaxing, already lost in thought.

“Okay. Goodnight.” Without waiting for an answer, Phillip walked back to his room, picking up the packed engineering kit on his way.


Post by

Ensign Kaelin Niers
Pathology Resident
Main Sickbay -DS5


Ensign Phillip B. Roth
Engineering officer
Structural / Environmental Systems Specialist