Unity – Unity - Conclusion (part II)
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Colonel James Darson & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman

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Title   Unity - Conclusion (part II)
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Colonel James Darson & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman
Posted   Fri Nov 12, 2010 @ 5:23am
Location   Secondary OPS and Main Engineering

Flynn turned to Gabriel and said hurriedly, “Commander! Hurry up, its all on you now!”

=/= "You actually think you can stop what has been started?" == Elliot stated thru the viewscreen as Gabriel walked to his corresponding panel.

=/= "By the time you figure out where I am and how to get to me, it will be too late. You cannot change the future, but I'm about to change the past." == he stated as Gabriel finally entered his code.

"Flynn, do it." Gabriel commanded.


So'Ran smiled as he finally positioned the last hostage. "Alright, activate the countdown sequence!" He yelled from the upper level of the Engineering Bay.

"Once the countdown starts, we'll just need to hold off the Bay until the "big boom" happens and sends us all on our marry way back to the past!" So'Ren announced to the others as he grabbed his phaser and charged it.

"Time to hold the line!"


As the last code was entered, the button that had previously been recessed raised up with a hiss. Flynn wasted no time reaching over and smacking it down. “ALERT! MARINE EMERGENCY COMMAND OVERRIDE HAS BEEN ENGAGED! TRANSFERRING MAIN SYSTEM CONTROL!”

Gabriel watched as the security protocol took effect throughout the lock-down systems. Immediately, the viewscreen between Gabriel and Elliot disconnected and was replaced with only a blank screen.

The man on the other side was losing control. . .

"Captain, I'm giving the order to end this now. I know this third-rate clubhouse of yours has access to an independent transporter vein. Now that we've deactivate Elliot's exclusive control over primary systems, we should be able to regain transporters." Gabriel said as he walked away from the screen to a open area of the MTAC.

"Beam me directly to Secondary Ops." he said in a straight and unwavering tone. "This psycho won't be given another opportunity to escape." he concluded.

As sirens sounded and technicians began to seize control of vital systems, Flynn stared coldly at Gabriel. What he was unaware of, and what she had neglected to tell him, was that in activating the override, it effectively gave the Marines Command of the station, and it couldn’t be revoked for 24 hours. So the one giving orders now was her.

Regardless, she remained silent and gestured to one of the technicians to transport the man to Secondary Ops. This was a particular revelation that would probably be better off saved for when the station wasn’t in imminent danger.

As Gabriel disappeared in a flash of light, she spun back to the other technicians, “Status report?”

“Override was a complete success ma’am. We have control of the station!”

“Good. Bring sensors around engineering back online and transmit a green light to the squad leader down there. We have to get in and take them down right now!”


Trellis nodded as he received a signal that the MTAC had managed to temporarily regain control of primary systems. He knew that they were given an opportunity and had only one chance to take advantage of it.

Trellis looked towards the Marine Assault Commander and nodded as he drew his phaser. "Tell your men it's time to go." he said.

The Marine appeared to not be paying much attention to the security officer, when all of a sudden all the squad leaders cocked their heads at the same time as they received orders. All of a sudden there was an outburst of controlled chaos as the platoon of Marine sprung into action, stacking up against the main doors.

“Alright,” The platoon commander said over the Comm channel, “We’ve got one chance at this Marines. Reports say that there are about a dozen terrorists in there, with about as many hostages as well. Reports also say they’ve prepped explosive devices in Main Engineering. We can’t afford to waste time with precision here…the terrorists might be using hostages as moving shields. Here’s what we’re going to do. We’re going to cut the lights and open the doors. Flashbang ‘em, Stun ‘em. Then we move. Everybody who has a rifle, set wide beams at level 4. Carbines, level 2. Take any and all shots. We need to take them down now. Shields, at the front.” The marines quickly got into position and waited for the final order.

The platoon leader looked at one of the men who was manning the panel in the corridor and raised his hand up, “Now!”


Tan'Rek could no longer hear Hartsfield either. He waited with So'Ren and the others holding his position uneasily. He was in such a state of overstretched readiness that the slightest thing would jolt him into a mistake so he tried to keep his concentration by humming. He was sure Elliot had this in his masterplan.

So'Ren saw the doors to the outer corridor for Engineering beginng to open. "What the hell!?!" He said in a surprised manner.

"OPEN FIRE! TAKE OUT THOSE BASTARDS BEFORE THEY CAN GET INSIDE!" He shouted as he aimed his weapon at the first figure he saw to enter the corridor. He watched as the body immediately dropped to the ground as he aimed his weapon at the second target as he sought cover behind a pole.


Gabriel rematerialized and immediately reached for his phaser only to find emptiness as he patted his side holster.

"Don't act too surprised, Dorian. You might have been able to temporarily gain access, but you didn't completely disable all the safeguards in place." Elliot said as he continued to type at the panel in front of him.

"You've wasted so much time trying to stop me, not recognizing that you were going against someone smarter and all around better than you." He stated flatly.

"You are behind all of this!?! Do you know how many lives you have put in jeopardy just to satisfy some vendetta?" Gabriel asked as he walked towards the former superior officer.

"That was always your problem, Dorian. You were too short-sighted." Elliot said as he drew his phaser and shot the Security Chief in the arm.

Gabriel, caught off guard, immediately fell back onto the deck and clutched his wounded arm. He immediately began to move back in search of something to defend himself.

"I've come too far just to let you stop me from correcting history Dorian." Elliot said as he stopped and began to aim his phaser again at the fallen officer. "Soon as we get back, I think I'm going to track down that little girlfriend of yours and. . ." Elliot never finished the sentence as he was interrupted by a beeping at his console.

He raced to the console and brought up the view screen only to witness a firefight breaking out within the corridors of Main Engineering Bay.

"Damnit! They might prematurely set off the explosives before the anomaly is in place!" He said frantically as he tried to get in contact with any of his soldiers within the Bay.

Gabriel managed to climb back to his feet and rush towards Elliot and slam his shoulder directly into the man's lower back causing him to topple over the console. Gabriel quickly capitalized on the distraction by slamming his foot into the stomach of the downed individual.

"You've placed the lives of COUNTLESS people in jeopardy with this crazy plan of yours, FOR WHAT? WHAT HAVE YOU GAINED!?" Gabriel said through anger and pain as his wounded arm continued to throb.

Elliot managed to climb to his feet before slamming his fist into the jaw of Gabriel, followed by a knee to his abdomen. "I'm putting right what went wrong! I will ensure that NOBODY ELSE has to suffer the pain I did when I lost my family." He said as he punched Gabriel again in the stomach before slamming him into a console before him.

Gabriel groaned in pain as he slouched to the ground. He could still see the chaos that had consumed Main Engineering and knew that if they did not stop the terrorists soon enough, then nobody would be around too much longer.


A JP Between:

Marine Captain Miranda Flynn / Ryouske




Lieutenant Commander
Dorian Gabriel/So'Ren/Elliot Hartsfield