Things Past – Join Starfleet, they said. See the galaxy, they said...
by Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman

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Title   Join Starfleet, they said. See the galaxy, they said...
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman
Posted   Tue Mar 12, 2013 @ 7:39am
Location   USS Takaka, near Corvalis II
Timeline   Sometime on SD 71, after Wyman contacted Drakt

"We're nearing the rendez-vous point, sir. Entering standard orbit around Corvalis II." An'ta explained, his gloved fingers dancing over the runabout's flight controls.

For the most part, the journey to unclaimed space near Klingon territory had been silent. Though the two officers had served together for several years, they had never bonded as friends. As far as Sharas was concerned - that wasn't going to start now. "Any sign of our contact?" he asked curtly, not looking up from the book he had been reading for the last seven hours.

The Zarnac shook his head, "No, sir. Sensors are showing no ships in the immediate vicinity, and no signs of humanoid life on the planet. It's class L, by the way. Oxygen/argon atmosphere, surface temperatures around five degrees centigrade." Noting that the other officer wasn't responding, he tacked on, "Not exactly the kind of place my kind would take a vacation..."

"No, I should think not, Lieutenant." P'Trell remarked. Before he could toss out another pithy retort, the sensors blared for attention. "I think we're not so alone as you believed."

Before them, the unmistakable shimmer of a cloaking device revealed a B'rel-class bird of prey. The comm system immediately chirped for attention. Not waiting for P'Trell to give the order, An'ta answered the hail, "This is Lieutenant An'ta of starbase 182. Please identify yourself."

The small viewscreen was quickly filled with the image of the cramped bridge of the Klingon vessel. This particular type of bird of prey carried only twelve crew, and it seemed it was running at less than that. In the center was an imposing warrior with flowing, wavy black hair which was greying in places. +"I am Koth, son of Rakkon."+ He pressed a control on the console before him before continuing, +"I am transmitting coordinates to you. Meet me on the planet - unarmed."+

The signal went dead quickly. "Keep the comm link open and a transporter lock active. I don't plan on being down there long..." Sharas ordered, setting down the book and moving to the transporter pad. By the time he had taken the steps across the small ship, An'ta had already uploaded the coordinates.

==Moments later==

When Sharas materialized, he found himself in a cave. Outside he could hear wind whipping - a massive snow storm was clearly raging around them.

"Commander P'Trell, I presume?" came a voice from behind him. Sharas spun fast into a defensive posture, finding himself face to face with Koth. "Are you sure you're one of Drakt's men? I expected you to at least shoot at me."

Lowering his hands, the Andorian came to parade rest. "You said to come unarmed."

Koth narrowed his eyes, "Yes... you're one of Drakt's people. Too damned trusting."

"Mister Koth, I would appreciate you not referring to me as one of 'Drakt's people.' I respect and trust him, but I'm most assuredly not a possession of his. To be quite blunt, I don't particularly like him."

At that, the Klingon let out a rousing belly laugh. "Yes, you're just as Drakt described you. Honorable, but obnoxious. I take it you're alone because the other lizard was scared of catching a cold?"

"I didn't give him the option of accompanying me. I don't plan on being here long. I just want to get what I came for, deliver it, and return to my duties - which I can assure you do NOT include being a courier." P'Trell deadpanned, crossing his arms over his chest.

That gave Koth another laughing fit. Once it subsided he pulled an isolinear rod from a pocket and tossed it to the other man. "This is everything my government has on the Yevad. If it gets released - I will deny that I was ever here or ever met you." At that he tapped a button on the back of his forearm and disappeared in a transporter harmonic.

"Lieutenant, set a course for the nearest subspace corridor and beam me up. I'd like to get to Deep Space 5 and back as quickly as possible..."

Lt. Cmdr. Sharas P'Trell
Asst. Chief of Intelligence
Starbase 182


Lt. (JG) An'ta, Son of the Forty-ninth House
Strategic Operations Officer
Starbase 182

NPCs portrayed by

Lt. Steve Wyman
Chief Engineering Officer
Deep Space 5