Beg, Steal or Borrow – Dinner & Dates, but no Dancing. #1
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   Dinner & Dates, but no Dancing. #1
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Sun Jul 19, 2009 @ 10:15pm
Location   The Road to Hell
Timeline   SD9 - 21.30 ish - onwards

"He kissed her"


Chelsea was shocked. As she turned to see who had taken hold of her arm, she had found herself looking up into eyes almost as full of emotion as her own. Eyes that were at the same time caring, gentle and deep. Eyes she could drown in. Suddenly her loneliness of late and her emotional turmoil seemed to boil into a soup and as she stood there, almost nose to nose with the handsome face that had been the source of such comfort and happiness to her today, she found herself unable to tear herself away. She allowed it to happen, and it did, he kissed her and it was wonderful.

Gently withdrawing until they were back nose to nose, Chelsea's fingertips came up and softly touched his lips. Silently she drew back from his arms, feeling guilty but elated at the same time.

More shocked with herself for her own reaction than with Richard for kissing her, Chelsea was jolted out of her reverie as the lift stopped, the doors opened and other crew got in.

"I have to go and find out, in case I'm wrong..... I've been wrong before.... I HAVE to give Ryan a chance to explain, i owe him that." she tried to explain quickly and darted out of the lift just as the doors closed.

Running along the corridor she got to Ryan's quarters and hung on the chime. He answered but didn't open it and Chelsea began to knock on the door instead. "Ryan let me come in" she begged. "We HAVE to talk. Something happened today and I need to know....."

"Chelsea, this is not the time, okay, Nora and I are working on our routine and it's only two days til the show." He said though the comm panel on the door, his voice sounding annoyed.

Chelsea was desperate. The way she had felt when Richard had kissed her had made her feel so guilty and she needed to be reassured. She needed Ryan to tell her it was alright and that she was wrong about what she'd seen tonight.

"Bastard" she muttered and fled, taking herself to the Arboretum to clear her head and try to make sense of her feelings.

* * * * *

Half an hour later Richard Dunham received a hail on his comm badge. The voice was shaky and it sounded like it was in an open space as it seemed to echo a bit. =^= Adams to Lt. Dunham =^=

Dunham who had been sitting in his quarters and who had not moved since he arrived had been on the edge of his bed with the expression of a kicked puppy playing the series of events that had lead him to this place over and over. Just wondering how things had turned out this way. He was begging to lean over the edge of the bed to grab the bottle of whiskey under the bed when the the comm went off =^= Adams to Lt. Dunham =^= . Dunham frowned then pressed the button on his comm to replay =^= Dunham here. =^=

=^= I'm so sorry to worry you so late, I didn't know who else to call. I couldn't bear to send for someone from Sickbay, it would be thought I'd done this on purpose and I don't want Ryan to think I've done it for attention because he wouldn't talk to me tonight.

Could you help me please? I'm in the Arboretum and I've twisted my ankle. There's a med kit at the entrance, if you would come down and bring it to me, i can fix my ankle and no-one but us will know what an idiot I am. =^=

Dunham got up from his bed thinking to himself that things were getting stranger and stranger. He left his quarters and headed to the Arboretum. Making a mental note that he should spend some more time looking around the station. He arrived saw the Med kit at the door picked it up and headed in.

Waiting for Richard, Chelsea was in even more turmoil, asking herself if she was being fair to him to ask him to come here. She needed his friendship and his counselling skills, but she was afraid of what might happen if he kissed her again.

As she heard a rustling from the nearby path, she called out to show him where she was. "Richard? Is that you?" It wasn't it was the owner of the burrow she'd fallen over who was most indignant to find her there, blocking his front entrance.

Chelsea felt really silly and didn't call out again the next time she heard something in the undergrowth nearby.

Dunham found himself looking Arboretum for Chelsea. Soon he found her on the floor her foot stuck in some sort of Burrow. He couldn't help but smile a little. "How did you manage this then?" He said passing her the med kit with a look of concern.

Chelsea blushed scarlet. "I guess I'm just talented" she joked in an attempt to cover her embarrassment. "Come on now, how many people do you know who can take root so quickly? Perhaps I'm an Ent?"

The reference was to a 20th Century Classic book that she had discovered in her teens and loved ever since. She wondered, after she had mentioned it, whether or not Richard would know of it, or if he'd think she was totally crazy. She supposed she could try to blame the pain?

Dunham smiled. "I'm more of a Arthur Conan Doyle fan than J R Tolkien fan myself"

Taking the Med-kit gratefully, Chelsea used a hypospray to give herself a dose of adrenalin to stop herself passing out and then deftly and accurately shot a nerve-block and anti-inflammatory directly into the nerve-bundle serving her ankle and foot.

"I don't know how they managed before we discovered how to apply these locally." she breathed deeply with relief as he foot reduced visibly and the greyish hue to her skin began to return to a more healthy pink again. "Thank you SO much for coming out like this. I really DO appreciate it, especially as it's so late." she was apologetic as she gently began to ease her foot back from the grotesque angle it had taken on and lay it down gently, easing the ligaments and bones back into their proper configuration by twisting softly back and forth until she had settled it right. The next infusion was a dose of Seratonin combined with appropriately matched vitamin, endorphins and hormone compounds to rebalance her shocked system and replenish her adrenal reserves.

Taking out the regenerator, she began to mend the damage, inch by inch.

Dunham knelt down in the grass beside Chelsea not making eye contact but instead finding something more interesting in the grass to look at while he plucked up the courage to speak with the women opposite. "ummm Chelsea....." he said slowly and with little confidence. "About that kiss. I'm sorry. It was out of order and I shouldn't of done it"

Chelsea fell silent, a turmoil going on inside her head, trying to work out how to say what her heart wanted her to, but another battle going on in her heart which was torn.

"Richard" she finally said, her voice little more than a hoarse whisper as she too fixed her gaze on the grass. "Please don't regret that kiss because if you do, I'll have to feel bad for allowing it to happen. Hell, I must have wanted it to, or i'd have pulled away." she admitted, shaking her head at the confession, wondering why it was so easy to admit that to Richard when she'd been denying it to herself ever since it happened.

She does like you!! Dunham said to himself excitedly accompanied by the metal sound of fanfare. He smiled and looked into her warm eyes. The kind of eyes you could get lost in.


A joint post between

Lt Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader


Lt. Cmdr. Chelsea Adams