We All Fall Down – "More of a Import Man"
by Arrival Rhiana t'Riuurren & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   "More of a Import Man"
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Arrival Rhiana t'Riuurren & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Mon Dec 01, 2014 @ 9:32pm
Location   Various locations

Rhiana, Pegira and Raginar returned back to the Dhivael, "Raginar go ahead and go in we'll e right behind you." Pegira said knowing that he only followed orders from her and Rhiana. Rhiana and stopped and watched her 'pet' walk into the ship she hated that he was essentially her pet but he was a stray dog and she took him in. Periga than turned and looked at Rhiana, "tell me that that last job isn't about finding your child?"

Rhiana glared at Pegira, "and if it was?" Rhiana asked, "last time I checked this was my ship and you worked for me." Pegira just laughed looking the young Rihannsu it wasn't a pity or judgmental laugh it was just realizing how young and naive she was.

"Yes it's your ship," Pegira said looking at Rhiana, "but outside of me and Raginar the rest of the crew is here for money not out of loyalty. And the sooner they find out why some of the jobs we take have put us this position they won't hesitate to mutiny." Pegira said that last part in a more motherly tone. "I know that the rest of the crew doesn't need to know about this but you need to be honest with why we're taking these kinds of jobs."

Rhiana looked at Pegira she was right the crewed no right to know why she picked the jobs she did or why but on the other hand letting them know if it was for intel or money was a smart move to keep them happy. "I'll consider it. Get Mandy to do some digging on these names I'm gonna see this.....Tyler Short." And with the Rhiana turned and headed for deck Seven Fifty.

Didn't take long to get there Rhiana looked around, "looking for the Gordon Gecko?" She asked a passerby, He jerked a thumb at the cargo bay just behind him and kept moving.

The Gordon Gecko was all sleek lines and chrome exterior that must have been a nightmare to keep undented. The souped up deflector shield was testament to that. Once it had been a fairly standard luxury personal runabout, but it had been modded and customized until it was a eye wateringly vulgar caricature of taste. Outside the main hatch was a small podium that acted as a call button.

Walking over to the call button Rhiana hitter and waited to see who responded Rhiana wasn't one to go in blind but the situation they were in they needed a paying job.

The door was answered by a gorilla in a dinner jacket. The Lurian was huge, muscles straining the suit that it looked a sze to small. "Name?"

"Rhiana t'Riuurren." She said quietly and calmly but still with force behind it.

"You're not on the list," The lurian grunted. "You're not coming in."

"Yolanthe Ibalin sent me." Rhiana said never liking the name dropping game but in this case it was needed.

The gorilla thought about that for a moment, and thenjerked his head, leading them inside the ship and depositing them in a stateroom that was just as tasteful and restrained as the rest of the ship. Then he left, and a moment later a small dark skinned human in a well made suit that still mamaged to look ill fitting and scruffy oozed into the room. "What can I do for you miss t'Riuurren?" HIs pronounciation of her name was terrible.

Rhiana was used to people butchering her name so it didn't bother her, "Yolanthe mentioned someone like me might find someone like you intriguing so I thought I should see if she was telling the truth."

Short grinned. A gold tooth gleamed. "I see. And how is my chromatic goddess?"

"Truthfully I don't know her enough to answer that question," Rhiana said deciding this type of man how he wants is to get jobs completed, get money coming in and keeping his hands essentially clean. And for that these type of people don't really like secrets or surprises but he also didn't seem all that cunning or even intelligent but he could be the complete opposite as well.

Short snorted. "If she heard me calling her that she'd snap my neck like a twig, regardless of consequences or moral qualms." He grinned happily. "It would be a case of the Golden Goose killing the farmer." He clapped his hands, pleased at his own joke. "Now, how can you make me rich?"

"I have a decent size freighter with nice hiding places for certain cargo if you don't want anyone finding it." Rhiana said.

"I'm more of an import man. You know, making sure those little luxuries from your end of space and beyond find nice comfy homes. I've always got deep pockets for people needing to pass on items of quality to pay for their granny's funeral. Know what I mean?"

"I do and does not matter whether you're into importing or exporting some jobs require for the goods to be picked up." Rhiana said looking at the man feeling like she would need to take a shower after every meeting with him. "And my guess with these kinds of jobs discretion is needed. Me and my crew can provide that in spades."

"Good, Good." Short's gaze slithered up and down her body. He licked his lips. "I'd be willing to give you a trial run. You pick up something for me, get it across the neutral zone without hassle, and we'll talk some more."

"How much is the pay?" Rhiana said knowing this was insane she would be executed on site if they were caught.

"Ten bars of latinum. Strictly cash." Short said promptly.

Rhiana looked at Short as she walked over and took a seat and crossed her legs. She also knew that with kind of money they could completely repair everything on the Dhivael. "Deal," Rhiana said with a little smirk noticing how the man was looking at him. "so how big is this something?"

Short held his hands about a foot apart. "Only so big. Quality, not quantity." He leaned forward to his knee was touching hers.

Rhino's first reaction was to grabbed his hand and push on the pressure point, "a good saying Mr Short," Rhiana said trying to see if she could potentially get more money after the job was done, "how far past the neutral zone do we have to go?"

"Not far, just T'Met. If you take the job, I'll give you all the details." Short held up a small padd.

Getting near it was pushing it for her, her ship and her crew but the price was right and she could potentially make it more if they made it back. "Well I better inform my crew that we've got a job." Rhiana said leaning forwarded to grab hold of the PaDD making sure to gently rest her hand on his thigh. "I think this could be a beautiful start to a wonderful partnership."


Rhiana t'Riuurren
Commanding Officer
IF Dhivael

Tyler Short
NPC by Notty