Beg, Steal or Borrow – Duty Calls
by Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat

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Title   Duty Calls
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat
Posted   Tue Jun 16, 2009 @ 3:19am
Location   Klingon Home World

Toran stood over looking the valley below his family’s mountain estate. The stone walls of the fortress, as it had been called, still bore the scars of sieges long past. He had grown up here, came here when he could, and returned finally when he was no longer needed. For a time he busied himself as a member of the Oversight Committee. Selecting those who would allowed to train to become officers in the Defense forces.

Then came the brief Civil War when the House of Duras challenged Gowron’s succession to the Chancellorship. That was then followed by the Cardassian War, the Federation War and the Dominion War. It was a good time to be a warrior. The warriors of his House had answered the call each time the War banner was raised atop the citadel’s spire. At first he had trained those heading off to battle, instructing them in the ways of battle and honor. Then during the Dominion War he too found himself once again in battle and in command of not only of his own ship but that of a fleet comprised of not only an array of Klingon vessels but at times Federation ships too.

He recalled the days of his youth when as a young man hearing the tails of the great commanders like Kang as they fought the Federation, and the other enemies of the Empire. How he had longed to fight by their side, to die gloriously for the empire. Alas, it had been his fate to live, to survive every battle, every engagement he had ever been in. Glory and Honor had been bestowed upon him and his House. His Eldest son sat upon the High Council, and many of his other children (that had survived the war) now served in positions of honor throughout the fleet and the Empire, his youngest daughter even captained a Federation Starship. Now he was being called to serve once again, an Ambassadorship to a Federation starbase at the suggestion of his one time pupil now general, General D’Groth.

Hearing footsteps behind him Toran spoke. “Is the Garrison ready?

Commander Lektor the Garrison’s commanding officer stopped as grinned. His Lord may be over 100 years old but he was far from old. His senses were as sharp as anyone of his warriors. “Yes my lord, all the warriors are assembled and loading onto the transports now. General D’Groth as ordered the IKV Hed’not into orbit. The ??? has recently been refit and has just completed its inspection cruise. Current there is only a skeleton crew aboard, however I have issued orders for a full crew and they are standing by to beam aboard.”

“Excellent. Did you also take the liberty of selecting me a first officer?”

“Yes my Lord?”

Turning slightly, his brow raised. “Who?”

“N’shara of Torath.”

“N’shara? Isn’t she a bit young?”

“She may be young sir, but she is capable…

Knowing of the Commander’s pursuit of the daughter of Torath he cut off his explanation. “Oh I’m sure she is capable…this is not a time for thinking with your loins Commander.”

“I assure you Lord Toran, her record more than warrants the posting.”

“Very well. Where is she?”

“She is completing a tour in the officer exchange program. She is currently on Starbase 47.”

Nodding Toran thought approvingly. ~Well having someone that had spent time with the Federation would be an asset.~ “Has Marok gotten everything else prepared?”

Yes. Everything and everyone is ready to go. As soon as the Hed’not makes orbit we can begin the transfer of command and get everyone aboard.”

Everyone?” He asked inquisitively.

Nodding slowly. ~Now who’s thinking with his loins.~

“Good. See to the final troop and ships personnel preparations.”

Nodding sharply. Lektor turned and head to see to his duties. As he did Toran turned back to the vista. Looking out over the valley, this time his thought turned to Yzalla. It would be good to have her close by. Both during the trip and at the station.

Several hours later Toran stepped off the transporter pad and greeted the former commander of the Hed’not “You are relieved.”

Doktan nodded and mounted the transporter pad himself. “The ship is your…Qapla, Ambassador Toran.”

Toran turned to the warrior manning the controls. “Energize.” After the his predecessor had disappeared he turned and headed to the bridge his personal guard close behind, with his aid Marok and Commander Lektor following.

Once on the bridge he stepped confidently to the command chair, turning toward the communications officer. “Hail all stations.”

“Channel open My Lord.”

“Crew, Warriors…..Brothers and Sisters of the Empire. We are now setting out to represent the Empire to our Federation allies. They found themselves under attack from treacherous Romulans. They were beaten back by a small cluster of ships lead by a single Klingon warrior. The Romulans will surely cower in the boot at the site of our mighty ship and wet themselves when they learn of our numbers! Make final preparations, we depart within the hour.”

Nodding to the communication officer he closed the channel. “Helm set course for Federation Starbase 47 so we can pick up our First Officer, then plot for Deep Space 5.”

“Course plotted My Lord,” came the acknowledgment from the helm.

Taking his seat he awaited the readiness reports that would soon be flowing to the bridge.


Toran of the House of Morqhat
Klingon Ambassador to Deep Space 5

All other roles NPC’d by Toran