Time is Fleeting – Spies, ambassadors and liars keep me company
by Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Spies, ambassadors and liars keep me company
Mission   Time is Fleeting
Author(s)   Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Thu Sep 17, 2009 @ 7:03pm
Location   Romulan Embassy
Timeline   An unspecified encounter (Backpost)
He had been in his office all day. Tharek was always working on this station. Always segregated by his underlings, who only avoided him because they were frightened. =A= Tharek to Mr. Raedheol. Have you got time for a chat? =A=

"Why not," Rh'vaurek said glancing at the split skin on his knuckles. Doubtless the Cardassian Ambassador would find some entertainment in that. "Why don't you join me for a drink, i-Orinwen will admit you." He glanced at the increasingly nervous assistant, "We'll continue this chat later. When Tharek gets here, send him through," he instructed, inwardly amused by her discomfort.

-----------Romulan Embassy----------

Tharek paced quickly up to the secretary, who seemed to be diving into a pile of work. "Im here to see Raedheol."

"Go through," i-Orinwen said with the barest glance, "He is expecting you." And she was not quite ready to speak to erie'Khrein Raedheol again after the rather intense encounter they had had on his return from what he had claimed was a dancing competition - it looked more like he had been to a brawl as far as she could tell.

"Thank you." Tharek nodded politely, then made his way through to Raedheols office - Which, was in fact, Isha's. He was just keeping it warm for her lest she should arrive. Tharek hoped she wouldn't. He liked the way the station was, especially with his new allies. A Romulan female that he didn't know coming into his operation could spoil everything.

By now Rh'vaurek had replaced his shirt and patched the worst of the damage, he lounged on the sofa with a glass held loosely between his fingers, "Have a seat, Tharek," he said with a half smile.

"Thank you Raedheol." He sat on the sofa and glanced over at the damage inflicted on the Romulan. "Dare i ask, what happened to you?"

Rh'vaurek shrugged, "The Chief Medical Officer insulted my sister," he said quite simply, "The bloody fool preferred to brawl rather than tell me why. You've probably noticed it yoursef already that the standard of officer employed by the Federation has plummetted in recent years."

"It's done more than plummeted, it's hit rock bottom." Tharek gave a sly smile toward Raedheol. "It seems the Federation cant keep tabs on who or what it employs these days. They employ Klingons, Bolians... And even Bajorans."

"The CMO being case in point ... tell me, Tharek, how did you find yourself placed during the war, and in the lead up to it?" Blunt for blunt, there was not much point in prevaricating.

Tharek's face turned blank. "I was placed onboard a Galor class starship at the age of 20. My life was militaristic, cruel and harsh. Then i got my admirality. Then life turned down easy street."

Rh'vaurek sipped from his glass, "How predictably prosaic," he observed thinking more about what had not been said - yet another one who had achieved his rank by birth rather than ability; sometimes Rh'vaurek felt positively like an endangered species.

"And..." Tharek lent forward. A deathly serious expression on his face. "I got to where I am with un-flinching loyalty. Ruthlessness. Cunning." He then repositioned himself to look taller, wiser and even more pompous. "I have killed more people than you've had hot meals. All in the name of the Central command, the Admirality and the Order."

Rh'vaurek raised his hands and clapped them together very slowly, "Would you like a parade too, Tharek?" he asked looking the Ambassador right in the eye. "I've read your records - the Federation's, the Central Command's - both of them, and of course our own files ... there are a few people back on ch'Rihan who would like to ask you some questions." He linked his fingers behind his head and leaned back, "Do you want to tell me why I shouldn't hand you over to them?" Rh'vaurek had no intention of doing this, given that he was no friend to those people, but he did not tell the Cardassian that, he was interested in the Ambassador's reaction.

Tharek smirked at the corner of his mouth, then gave a small chuckle. "Would I be of more use in a Romulan prison? Or would I be more helpful on this station as an ally?" He then flung his feet upon to the nearby table. "I like the way the station is - save for Gabriel - and I also like the way my allies are." Tharek then crossed his arms infront of his chest, as if he were at home. "Having Isha come into power again, rather than you, would mess up everything on this station. I like you, I like the Romulans, I like the power me and you posess."

Rh'vaurek did not miss a beat, "Isha is merely a respectable figurehead, whether she's here or not this is my operation. She's a very spoiled and wealthy lady, Tharek, she's used to being flattered and getting her own way - that makes it rather simple to let her think that she has the upper hand. What is on your mind, Vi'kar Gul?"

Tharek took his feet off of the table and interlinked his fingers. "I know it is your operation. I just dont want some spoiled Romulan brat coming into the fold." he then sat back again. "She may be the face of the Romulan consulate, but I want nothing to do with her. As I said, I like you. I want to remain operating, with you. Not with Isha."

I doubt that Isha would spit on you if you were burning, Rh'vaurek thought as he contemplated his response. "I have her quite under control," Rh'vaurek said, "but of course you may deal directly with me, my door, whether I am sitting in this office, or the one next door is always open to my friends," he said.

"Friends." Tharek laughed as the word slipped his mouth. "I can tell from experience that you wouldn't consider me a friend if I were the last person in this universe." He then sat back and laughed some more. "A Romulan and a Cardassian being friends? Im sure both our governments would have something to say about that."

Rh'vaurek nodded, "I have the luxury of being somewhat indepenant from my government," he said, "and as I recall I mentioned to you that I spent a great deal of time on Cardassia Prime before the war - call me a dissenter if it comforts you, but accomodations, if not friendships can be formed."

"Well. Here's to a Cardassian prick and a Romulan dissenter!" He made a small gesture with his arms before slouching back. "Y'know Rh'vaurek, I miss the good ol' days. When the Tal'Shiar was working side by side with the Obsidian Order."

"I can't speak for the Obsidian Order, but those factions which found themsleves involved with the main attack found themsleves somewhat diminished; mine was not one of them, though we inevitably suffered for the loss."

"Still. I miss the days when the Romulans and the Cardassians could greet eachother without a phaser in their hands. You are the first Romulan I have actually liked."

Rh'vaurek allowed himself a chuckle, "I'll take that in exactly the spirit it was meant, Tharek," he said, "its very gracious of you to say so."

"Bah. I speak nothing but the truth." He glanced over to a pot in the far corner of the room. "May I say, what an interesting piece of antiquity."

"The Ambassador is quite a collector," Rh'vaurek told the Cardassian, as he looked with mild disinterest at the pot, "I'm told she has a very discerning eye. I once found her an exceptionally rare kotra set - that kept her happy for a whole month."

"A whole month? Wow. That must've taken some doing." Tharek made no attempt to hide the sarcasm from his voice. "By the way, we still haven't talked fully about this Klingon situation. What do we intend to do?"

As he considered the question Rh'vaurek drew his fingers over his chin, "I suspect that he is conspiring with the Federation, it would not surprise me if he reported all our discussions, so perhaps it would be prudent to have an alternative plan in mind."

"What would you have in mind?" Tharek asked, crossing one leg over the other.

"We must honour our agreement, of course," Rh'vaurek said, "but have an alternative division of territory should our suspicions of our Klingon friend prove true."

"This may sound terribly Cardassian of me, but I think that we should devide the station equally. I'm sure there are decks ripe for operations or various sorts... Or Rh'vaurek, we could resort to a different approach... Only an idea, of course." He rubbed his hands on his chin gently. "If I may be so bold as to project this idea upon you?"

"My ears are open, Tharek," Rh'vaurek replied, he wanted his Cardassian counterpart to talk.

"Well, we could always make a small alliance, an off the record alliance to be precise. A Tal-shiar agent and an Obsidian Order operative. What could be a better colaboration. The Federation would have trouble determening what we ate for breakfeast. Let alone our plans." Tharek gave a smug and sly smile. He loved to blow his own trumpet, in a metaphorical sense.

"A small alliance," Rh'vaurek said thoughtfully, rolling the idea around his tongue to see how it tasted.

Tharek arose from the sofa and walked around Raedheol. He then placed a hand on his shoulder, leaning closer to his face. "Picture it Raedheol! You and me, the most powerful force this side of the Neutral zone!"

I already am, Rh'vaurek thought, ignoring the intrusion into his personal space; it was a technique he employed to great effect himself. "Its a change to meet a man who is open about his ambition," he said, "so many Cardassians acquired a new and uncharacteristic modesty in the aftermath of the war ... not you?"

"Bah! There is no reason to be modest! We were beaten by a tactically superior force. The Federation, if put in Cardassia's shoes, would've lost the war also." He then lent even further into Rh'vaurek's personal space. "Me, and you combined, could make sure something like that never happens." Tharek then looked up, as if a celestial force was calling to him.

"... A combined, Romulan, Cardassian Alliance. Think of it. Think of the added power, think of the added resources... Think of all the up sides this alliance will bring."

For you. Rh'vaurek smiled very slightly, "I think there is much we can do together," he said.

"Excellent!" Tharek exclaimed as he took his seat once again. "I'm not trying to bribe, extort or sabotage you by the way, erie'khrein. I just thought we'd be better as close friends, then bitter enemies. I know a powerful man when I see him." Tharek said modestly.

"A very practical approach. Did you know, Tharek, that in a day or two, even though this station has just successfully defended itself against a real enemy, the Federation are planning to use it to stage a mock battle?" he knew that Tharek could not know this, Rh'vaurek himself knew only because he had someone on the inside who was able to keep him informed of what was going on - sharing the knowledge was merely a gesture of good will. "I think perhaps their schedulers need to be shot. Anyway, you might find it an interesting exercise to observe," he suggested.

"I think I will." Tharek then glanced about the room. "I must get a new window for my... " Tharek then subtly stopped himself. "Our new embassy. Everything I possess, is yours also."

Rh'vaurek felt the skin between his shoulder blades tingle as if the tip of the Cardassian's knife was already poised. He exhaled loudly, "When she returns I don't think we need tell the AMbassador, she'd only make things complicated and we appear to be speaking the same language."

"The Ambassador? She won't know anything Rh'vaurek. And you will make sure of that." Tharek ended his sentance with a grin. He thought himself of a brilliant tactician and mortal enemy. Truth be it, he was a tyrant, a tyrant who would kill to get what he wanted... And he wanted this alliance...


erie'Khrein Rh'vaurek Raedheol
Acting Romulan Ambassador

Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Cardassian Ambassador