Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace’s Personal Log - Open log; arrival at DS5

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Title   Open log; arrival at DS5
Author   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Fri Dec 26, 2008 @ 7:58pm
Stardate: 63593.04

I was surprised at How massive Deep Space five is. Never been aboard this class of starbase, then again I haven't been on anything bigger than a Klingon bird of prey for the last 19 months. The few remaining elements of the dominion finally gone I left that assignment.

I'll admit I didn't exactly have much choice on this assignment, I failed to check in for 9 months it could've been worse, I could be in the brig or out of the service all together. Admiral Devereaux sent me here as an assistant intelligence officer. Lt Gabriel seems to be a reasonable officer, Just wish I hadn't gotten busted down to operative again. My mom was relieved too hear from me last night, dad is away again on another project for the ship yard. I'll try too talk too him as soon as I get my security Clearances cleared up.