Judgement – Rescue
by Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   Rescue
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Thu Feb 17, 2011 @ 7:16pm
Location   Selen'ai
Timeline   SD36, 14:30

The flight office had been sent orders to deliver 'Drive fluids" to an alien vessel that was in need.
The pilot had also been given instruction to covertly scan the vessel as it was an unknown race from outside the Alpha quadrant.

Ka'er paced up and down the deck. With the ship on auto-pilot, and everything save the cockpit shut down to preserve energy, there wasn't much for him to do. After three days of this, he was starting to go little stir-crazy. At least it wasn't cold anymore, but that also meant they would run out of energy before they reached DS5. But it wasn't cold, and that made Ka'er happy.

"Akamu," Prince said, interrupting his silent pacing. "I'm reading a ship approaching our position. By its markings and design, it appears to be a Federation Wyvern-class shuttle."

"He's right on time," Ka'er said, sliding into the pilot's seat. =^=Federation vessel, this is the Selen'ai. Good to see you.=^=

It's turning out to be a long day. Thought Dunham to himself as he chewed on his gum and rubbed his forehead. =^=This is the Federation runabout Nile. With your needed cargo=^=

"Relaying docking procedures," Ka'er responded. It was entirely possible to transport the drive fluid over to the Selen'ai, but he hadn't seen another biped(save a couple grouchy Breen) in two months. So he'd use any excuse to get this guy onto the cruiser, just to say hi.

Rick watched the docking procedures roll up on the monitor. He began operating his manoeuvring thrusters in compliance with the direction given. The two airlocks met; there was a slight hiss and release of gases as they locked together. Rick got to they air lock and tapped politely on the glass for entry. Behind him a hovering crate followed him containing the cargo.

Prince flooded Deck 2 with air, then released the airlock, granting the officer entry. Ka'er slid down the ladder a moment later, just in time to greet the pilot.

"Da heran," he said, a semi-formal Cierian greeting. Although he could speak his native language, Gadarian, fluently, he preferred to speak his first language instead. "Welcome to the Selen'ai. I'm Akamu Makani.

"Pleasure to meet you sir. I am Lieutenant Commander Richard Dunham" Rick offered his hand to shake. He didn't recognize the man, didn't someone tell him he was an unknown species? He wondered vaguely to himself if there was some sort of first contact thing he should be doing.

"Engineering's on Deck 4," Ka'er said, pointing to the ladder. "No turbolift on a ship this small, complete waste of space."

"I will give you a hand taking this thing down then" he smiled and banged on the crate. "Lead the way"

"Prince," Ka'er said, "activate life support on the last two decks, then open the bulkheads."

"Already done," Prince said, his voice booming over the speakers.

Dunham frowned, was that another crew member? Ships sensors didn't suggest any other life form on board. "Who's that then?" asked Rick enquiringly, from a certain perspective, another perspective was that he was just being nosy, which he was.

Akamu paused. Exile or no, he had an obligation to protect his people from the Dominion. That included keeping certain military secrets out of Vorta hands. After a moment of indecision, he decided it was unlikely that the Federation would ever sell the information to the Dominion; not with their little war so fresh in everyone's mind.

"Dark Prince," he explained. "The ship's E.I. A sentient computer. I call him Prince." Ka'er turned and headed towards the ladder.

Dark Prince, thought Rick to himself, that doesn't sound pretentious or foreboding at all...maybe its a cultural thing to name a computer that? "A sentient computer, cool, but what does the 'E' stand for?" Rick was pretty sure that the scientist types used AI, maybe there was a difference between artificial and sentient. Rick had a sudden image of a brain hooked up to wires in a jar of bubbling liquid.

I am an Evolutionary Intelligence," Prince explained. "I was given a program set- a list of dos and don'ts- then set loose. Over time, I developed a personality and subroutines all my own, making me as unique as you or Akamu."

"It's the only way we know of for a computer to genuinely mimic, or maybe even feel, organic emotion," Ka'er added.

"Those Do's and Dont's, don't happen to be along similiar lines of A computer may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. A computer must obey any orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. And a computer must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law. Do they?"

Ka'er stared at the pilot blankly for a moment, confused. It sounded like he'd heard of something similar before. But Ka'er knew that there were only a few examples of true artificial intelligence in the Alpha Quadrant, and none of those were E.I.s. After a moment, he decided it must be a cultural reference, Humans seemed to spend insane amounts of time in fantasy, and not enough time in the real world.

"It's a bit more complicated than that," he said at last. "Prince is a warship. He obeys orders. Any desire to preserve life, which he has, is developed, not programed."

"Warship huh," said Rick, wondering what he had just got himself into. As first contact wen't, this was a new one for him, it was also his first. "So were abouts are you guys from then?" he tried to ask conversationaly.

They finally arrived at deck 4. Ka'er hopped down onto the deck plating and hurried along the narrow hall. Engineering took up the entire deck, as well as a bit of deck 3. Arriving at the proper junction, he began taking the casing off the primary drive fluid canister.

"Telia," he answered. "About 2,000 lightyears on the other side of the Bajoran Wormhole. It's a beautiful planet, much like your Earth."

"Wouldn't that put you slap bang in Dominion territory?" said Rick inquiringly, he wondered if the Dominion had changed at all since after the war, he heard that there had been a certain consensus met in the great link.

Ka'er chuckled deeply in the back of his throat. "The Dominion would have everyone believe they are the only military power of note in the Gamma Quadrant. The Telian Empire is surrounded on three sides by the Dominion, but we have managed an uneasy peace ever since the Helokin Wars."

Akamu finally managed to remove the drive fluid casing. Sighing , he stuck his head into the canister.

"Dolé," he muttered. Leaning back out, he shook his head sadly. "Completely dry. Another few minutes and we would've been freezing and suffocating."

"And I would've been off line," Prince added, frustration evident in his tone.

Rick was a bit confused, they were a long way from the wromhole. "So what are you doing in this neck of the woods?" asked Rick politely and using the old earth saying

Ka'er connected the canister of fresh fluid to the empty one and began siphoning the fluid into the Selen'ai's systems.

"There was a civil war," he explained all to calmly. "I happened to be on the losing side. I and others like me are in exile. The Federation seemed as good a place as any to make a fresh start."

"Fair enough," said Rick looking around himself and shoving his hands in his pockets. "So my job here is done?"

Ka'er stood and looked over at the human. "Yes," he said. "Thanks a bunch. I'll be a bit behind you. Until the hull breaches are repaired, I can't do better than warp 4. Gives you enough time to fill in your superiors and tell them all about me and Prince." He smirked. "Don't worry, I don't hold it against you. I'd be doing the same thing in your shoes."

Rick scratched his head, looking a little guilty. "Yeah.....you know I'm not very good at that sort of thing....tell you what, get settled in, then come find me, and I'll buy you drink." He smiled.

"I could use a glass of kanar," Ka'er said. "Especially after this week," he added in an afterthought."

Rick nodded in agreement, he couldn't help but agree.

Akamu "Ka'er" Makani
Civilian Mercenary


CAG Squadron Leader
Lieutenant Commander
Richard Dunham