Beg, Steal or Borrow – Dumb Luck
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Dumb Luck
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Tue Apr 14, 2009 @ 9:58am
Location   outside the intelligence office
Timeline   c. 14:00 in paralell with "It starts"
"Oh crap!" Pellan Joran gave voice to the thought as he realised that despite all the planning and the brief touch of a transporter beam he had felt that he was still on Deep Space Five. He wondered, briefly if Linara had been able to transport in the window when the shields failed, or if she too was still trapped in her hiding place.

All too quickly and characteristically his thoughts turned back to his own predicament. It was too late to make it down to one of the shelters and 'blend', too late and too dangerous to return to the quarters that had been the base of operations for so many weeks. No, the only option was to try and raise a signal that the shuttle could lock onto, if, that was, it was still out there.

Linara would wait, he told himself that as he pushed his way out of the storage locker; she'd make them wait. They were a team ... honour among ...

"Shit!", she'd sold him out, he thought. "Bitch!" Sold him out for that little creep and his Orion mountain. Absently as he walked Pellan rubbed his neck, still sore from where the beast had lifted him right off his feet - if they hadn't interfered it would have worked, and they'd both be on their way for a well earned break on Risa ... or maybe somewhere even a bit more racy ... no, there was still a chance that Linara was waiting, you could never tell with her.

Joran stopped and prised open a hatch revealing the blinking array of chips and relays within. One last chance!


The second barrage of disruptor fire smashed into the outer hull of the station, the lights flickered in the hall way as Chief Ayers and Cadet Perth left the intelligence office after the first barrage damaged several computer systems. The Chief lead the way through the mess of twisted metal and shattered windows, "Cadet keep up, we'll try to get to the marine barracks since our post is basically annihilated."

"Chief, who's that?" she said pointing at a figure peering into an open engineering hatch.

They walked up behind the figure and pointed thier phaser rifles at the figure's head, "Turn around real slow or you have a new orifice to breath through" the chief said.

Joran leaned his weight against one hand, turning his coupler in the other; covered by his hand it was invisible against his thigh. "Your knowledge of anatomy is as bad as your breath," he said pushing back from the wall and half turning. "Hey ... no need for all the weaponry," he said with a grin, "Engineer, see?" Joran indicated his uniform, "Don't you know we've got orders to put right the work of a saboteur?"

The chief called his bluff "Yeah, you're on the wrong deck, sonny. Now show what you're hiding, this is your only chance." The chief levelled the phaser rifle at the intruders head.

"Less of the sonny, boyo," Joran replied flatly, Officious prat! He wasn't going to cave that easily.

Deftly, Joran flipped the tool into his palm. "Flux coupler," he said, "I dunno if you felt that impact before - I for one would rather be safe in a shelter, but someone's gotta see to this. Of course if you want to delay getting the shields to full strength you can check with my boss - the diagnostic indicated a problem on this level and he sent me down here. Pellan Joran is the name," and if the man did check, he would indeed find the Bajoran registered as a technician on the station's roster.

Joran folded his arms, "What's it gonna be, boyo?"

"Where's the rest of your damage control team?" Cadet Perth interjected.

Now that was a damned good question, Joran had to admit, "Too much ground to cover - I'm to investigate the glitch on this level, and if its anything that needs closer attention they'll send support," Joran replied almost apologetically. Joran had hoped that the sense of urgency would cause them to move on and leave him to his 'repairs', but it seemed that he just wasn't going to be that lucky today.

The chief got beyond suspicious now, "Now if I were a betting man I'd be willing to wager you're a good liar" as he gestured to the real damage control team coming out of the turbo lift. "Next stupid comment?"

Joran grinned sheepishly, "Well would you look at that," he said raising his hands. Damage control was exactly what he had in mind; if he was connected with the attack then he really was in trouble, but a crisis brought out the opportunistic worst in a certain type of being - looters might not be considered the salt of the earth, but they'd be treated a damn sight mroe leniently than a saboteur! "A man's got to earn a living somehow. What's the harm, really - all I was gonna do was unlock a few quarters - everyone has insurance anyway ..."

As Joran was speaking Cadet Perth snuck up behind him and hit him in the head knocking him to the ground. "I guess we just ensured that the sabotage will stop."

Chief Ayers smiled, "Next time kid, use the stun setting, its less paper work."


Pellan Joran
NPC played by Louise

Cheif Ayers
Cadet Perth
NPC played by andy