Interlude – Part 11 - Sherlock Dunham and Chelsea Watson?
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   Part 11 - Sherlock Dunham and Chelsea Watson?
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Tue May 25, 2010 @ 12:10am
Location   Holiday Complex - Gravon IV

Finally unpacked and settled, "the Dunham party" as they were registered, enjoyed a nice meal together, a movie on the entertainment system and an early night to recover from the recent traumatic experiences with Grandma Margaret, the body in the Library and the Sherrif of Grump.

They awoke the next morning to a crashing and banging in the cabin over the clearing, only to discover it wasn't actually 'morning as such' but the middle of the night and still dark.

Chelsea sat bolt upright as Kim came into the room she and Rick were sharing and startled them both awake. Once roused from their deep sleep, they could *all* hear what had frightened Kim into disturbing them.

Dunham got out of bed, took Kim up in his arms and held the scared child tightly, he then made soothing shhh noises. When she had calmed down a little he passed Kim to Chelsea. He then went to the top of his bed, reached under his pillow and pulled out a type one phaser. In just his pyjama bottoms he headed out of the room to go and take a look at what was occurring.

In the Cabin opposite there was a flickering light and sounds of crashing and scraping going on inside. Chelsea held Kim tightly but went to the doorway. She wasn't happy to let Rick go over there alone but couldn't leave Kim. "Be Careful, no heroics!" she whispered to him as he stepped off the balcony and started to cross the grass between the two cabins.

Dunham winked back with a lop sided smile "hey its me."

"That's the problem!!" she hissed with a grin.

He then continued to cross the gap between the apartments, phaser in hand. As Dunham got closer he considered the situation; ~If it is some sort of creature with claws, then why does said creature need a light on?~ Dunham got closer to the apartment. Sticking to the shadows he made his way up the stairs to the front door. Floor boards creaking slightly under his weight as he climbed them. He slowly began to open the door to the shadowed apartment.

Inside, the man who was searching desperately around, throwing furniture and drawers about in a frantic attempt to find something, obviously believed his scratching noises which he was making with a fake claw, would be scaring off anyone who might be tempted to come and investigate.

He was startled to see the door opening and a Federation phaser entering ahead of a Federation Officer's arm.

Yelping a curse in a foreign language that the universal translator didn't pick up, offering a similarity to the woman who had been with the dead man, he fled through the window and out into the trees beyond.

It was too much of a coincidence that he clearly spoke the same un-registered alien language as the victim of the night before and the artificial *claw* shaped club with talons embedded in it that he dropped was a tell-tale too.

As he fled, a piece of some sort of parchment wafted to the floor.

As the man tried to struggle out of the open window Dunham grabbed the man by the waist and pulled him back, for his effort he got a jab of a elbow in his stomach, Rick stumbled back, narrowly missing a swing from the bear like claw as he ducked. But the man was quick, and as Rick made contact to the man's face with a left hook, he to brought his leg around in a kicking arch that caught Rick on the side of the head. Rick toppled backwards to see the man head again for and then out of the window. Dunham had to get the better of his instinct not to go running after the perpetrator. He didn't want to leave those he loved alone, and he did not know the local terrain. He knelt down next to the parchment that had drifted to the floor and picked it up cautiously. Nobody else was about, and against his better judgement he lifted the paper from the crime seen, and headed back to find Chelsea and Kim. Upon his return he told them of his findings.

Chelsea looked at the paper. It seemed to be instructions in an alien script but there were scrawlings that looked maplike. Kim was excited about rushing straight out to find the *treasure* she was sure there must be. She had it in her head that these were smugglers or pirates. Chelsea and Rick laughed about it but it was possible she wasn't so far off, actually.

As they talked about there next move Dunham got some ice out of the freezer unit and put it in a hanky, he then applied the hanky to the side of his head to elevate the throbbing pain from were he had been kicked in the head. "So what do we do now?"

Noticing his attempts at first aid, Chelsea reproached herself for not having insisted on examining him for injuries earlier. "You *said* you weren't hurt!" she complained, going straight for her medkit. Fetching out a dermal cell-regenerator she cleared up the contusion, bruising and swelling and then insisted, despite all his protests to the contrary, that she was going to examine him from head to foot for any further damage because she *couldn't trust him to own up*.

Kim giggled as Rick put on a shocked look and Chelsea wagged her finger at him, telling him not to even *start* pretending to be modest when he was the one who'd gone charging out into the night to confront who or whatever might have been out there, in just his pyjama bottoms!

She *did* concede that he could retreat into the bedroom before she insisted on him taking off his clothes to prove to her that he wasn't hiding any further horrorific injuries and Kim took herself off with a good book to go and explore the woods when it became evident from the giggling and mock protests that could be heard from behind the closed door that more than medical care was going on inside. She rolled her eyes and grinned, leaving a cheeky note to say *if and when the grown-ups had stopped being kids, they could find her outside, enjoying the scenery*.

A while later they brought out coffee, soda and biscuits on a tray and joined Kim on the veranda where she had settled with the map Rick had brought back, studying it intently and eyeing up a large tree on the horizon which she pointed out seemed to be a landmark that matched up.

"I contacted the Police Ranger when it happened, in the early hours of this morning, but no-one's come out" Chelsea rolled her eyes. "They were keen enough to accuse us of involvement but not so keen to actually investigate a *real* lead." she complained.

Kim looked very excited. "Well, if *they* don't want to investigate... or are too busy... why don't *we* help them out?" she suggested, her eyes bright.

"Oh, I don't know if that's a good idea because.... " Chelsea began, instinctively withdrawing from the idea but then giving it second thought and stopping mid-sentence.

Dunham nodded in thought to the discussion, "Your right, though they didn't send anybody out to investigate last nights activities, that has a certain level of incompetence or just sheer idleness to it." he scratched the stubble on his chin and shook his head a little "I don't like these things, they are not adding up. But we have a duty of care and responsibility to follow any leads in the face of an aversive police ranger. But its dangerous, perhaps I should go alone and take a look?"


A JP between:

Lt Cmdr Chelsea Adams


Lt Richard Dunham