Incommunicado – Cardassian Friends
by Lieutenant JG Saria Rex

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Title   Cardassian Friends
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Saria Rex
Posted   Thu Jul 12, 2012 @ 2:18am
Location   Hangar bay/Saria's quarters
Timeline   SD61, 1100 hours

As soon the shuttle had landed in the hangar, the door went open, creating a light sound due the pressure difference. Saria stood in front of the shuttle, waiting for the passengers to leave.
The first to leave the shuttle were a group of Bajorans, followed by two Andorians, a Betazed, a Tyran, a Vulcan, and as last, a normal-built Cardassian.

Saria smiled upon seeing the Cardassian walking out of the shuttle, which was looking around. It didn't take long for the Cardassian to spot the blonde Trill, as headed straight on to her.
"Tekor!" She said, walking up to the Cardassian, and giving him a hug instead of a handshake. So did the Cardassian.

"Rex... It as been a long time since I saw you! What have you been doing in all those years?!" He asked.

"You know, the usual... Doing research, repairing shuttles, drinking Cardassian Red Leaf tea. What about you, Tekor? Have you made any progress?" Saria asked.

Tekor smirked. "I have been reinstated with my rank as Gul. I'm Gul Tekor Madra again." Tekor said.

"So... The prefect of Free Haven is back again. But where is your uniform?" Saria said.

"I don't intend to look too fancy when I travel trough Federation space. And especially not with those Bajorans on board..." Tekor replied, looking around. "Is it true, by the way? I heard that Gul Getal is on the station."

"It is. He is the Cardassian ambassador aboard the station..." Saria explained. "Is it a problem?"

Tekor hesitated, but went on. "Not at all. I know him a bit, we had some... disagreements in the past."

"Well, don't worry. I'll make sure you're not in the room next to him." Saria joked. "Shall I lead you to my current quarters? You can reside there until I have some quarters for you."

Tekor nodded, following Saria.

Later, Saria's quarters

The doors swooshed open upon Saria and Tekor entering. The lights went on, lighting the room. Tekor dropped his gear and went around to view the room.

"You have got quite a room, Rex. Big enough for us two?" Tekor joked, looking at Saria.

Saria smirked, leaning on the table. "Tekor, I know it's been a long time, but... you know rejoining is taboo for me."

Tekor looked down, then looking at Saria again. "I know, but we knew what we felt for eachother back then."

"I still do know what it was like, Tekor. I had great times with you." Saria said, walking up to Tekor. She stopped when she stood in front of Tekor. She lifted up he bottle of Kanar she grabbed from the table.

"Rex, you always surprise me..." Tekor said, grabbing the bottle she held up. "We shall drink it tonight."

"We shall indeed." Saria smiled. She leapt over to her couch, gesturing Tekor to take place next to her. "So, Tekor. What have you been doing all the time?"

"When Taya Rex died, I went for Ylos Prime, a fertile planet outside the Dominion territory where I helped the people with farming. After doing that for five years, I went back to Cardassia after it had been liberated. I've been librarian there, until I got reinstated to my former rank." Tekor said. "What about you, Rex? Why do you look like a cyborg?"

Saria looked down for a bit. "After I finished Starfleet Academy again, I served aboard the U.S.S. Lakota, doing research along the Cardassian border. We were struck by a squadron of True Way-ships one day, seriously damaging the ship. I was... blown, into space. A rip in the hull while the force fields couldn't get activated. I was picked up fast enough to keep me alive, but it costed me these implants."

Tekor looked at Saria, which looked back at him. "I've been worrying so much since you died, Rex. But I'm glad you didn't give life up." He said.

(If someone wants to do a JP with Tekor, PM me.)

Lieutenant JG Saria Rex
Acting Chief of Science