Ambassador Peuge’s Personal Log - The First

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Title   The First
Author   Ambassador Peuge
Posted   Mon Feb 25, 2013 @ 5:49pm
Stardate 67759.9
Personal Log [rewrite]

This is the first of many logs detailing my mission in the Federation. I ponder my mission here, whether it was a reward or a punishment for my duty to the Alliance. No matter the case, I was able to regain a portion of my father's pharmaceutical distribution. And I have taken up another hobby of collecting ancient art. Hopefully these activities will keep me away from more dubious activities. I find it hard to remove myself from gambling, drinking, and holosuite interactions.

Concerning my new assignment, I have much to do to prepare the consulate. Much of the embassy is disrepair and in need of cleaning. I am located on Deck 60 along with the Cardassian Embassy, the Romulan Embassy, and the Klingon Embassy, all of which appear to have been well established.

I am excited to see the rest of the station and establish our presence. Perhaps I'll even make some friends.