Unity – Cries for Help.... Part 2
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Commander Richard Dunham & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Cries for Help.... Part 2
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Commander Richard Dunham & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Sat Apr 24, 2010 @ 10:03pm
Location   CAG Quarters
Timeline   SD17 C. 14:30

It had only been less than a minute when the CMO put her arm supportively around Ashara, snatched up her med-kit at the last moment and spoke again into the comm badge. =^= Energise =^=

They all re-appeared in Theatre One and were overwhelmed by a swarm of medical staff. Chelsea and Rhianni were swept to the centre and the others were helped to one side.

Ashara was helped to a chair by Ma'erlit, who comfortingly stroked her hair and smiled, "Everything will be all right. Dr. Adams is the best."

Dunham stepped briskly out of the way, to allow the processionals to there job. He found a cleaning unit to wash his hands in, well not really wash; the unit was more like a food replicator, and when one placed there hands in it de-materialised any dirt, or in this case blood off the skin. When he had finished, he propped himself up against a wall hands thrust in pockets, watching curiously the romulans he did not recognise.

Maiell followed Dunham's actions, moving away from the young woman they'd brought in before walking slowly over to where the human officer was. Maiell looked down at his green stained hands almost in fascination, swallowing hard before putting his hands into the sterilizing unit, watching it disappear. Finished, he glanced at the human by him before looking over the doctors working on the Romulan woman.

Dunham took out a packet of chewing gum from his pocket. After unwrapping it he then began to chew on the gum rapaciously in thought, watching Chelsea and the trauma team at work. He was very proud her, and of the way she had gone about her work. Yes it was side of her he did not often see, however it was a professionalism and dedication to the work that he respected. Dunham then offered a bit of chewing gum to the Romulan standing next to him.

Maiell looked at the offered item, raising an eyebrow at the human. "What is it?" he asked, looking curiously at it.

"Its gum....." Dunham paused a moment trying to find the best description, nothing was coming to the forefront of his mind however. "You chew it" he said with a smile.

"Why?" Maiell asked in confusion, taking out a piece and looking at it closely.

"Urrm....good question" said Dunham with another smile. He reflected a moment on it as he took a deep breath. "Well you chew because it tastes, it gives your mouth something to do, it's good for stress and bad breath."

"Are you saying I have bad breath?" Maiell asked, giving him a serious, offended look. Once he was sure Dunham was sure he *was* serious, he smirked, shaking his head. "You are a strange culture," he told him, putting the piece of gum into his mouth cautiously. After all, he was in the infirmary.

"Like wise dude," said Dunham offering the Romulan his hand to shake. "Richard Dunham." He said dropping his starfleet rank.

Having been on the Station for quite a while, Maiell was already used to custom of shaking hands. "Maiell tr'Tahn," he said back with a courteous nod. "I wish we could have met under better circumstances," the Romulan admitted, finding it a little difficult, not to mention rude to talk with something in his mouth.

"Me to," said Dunham sincerely, always happy to meet with new people. "Do we know what happened?"

Maiell sighed. "Unfortunately, no. Not specifically. But...judging by her wounds and the fact that she was wearing her dress uniform at the time, I think it's quite possible she did it to herself," he said honestly. "So she might not be very happy when they revive her," he added.

Dunham rubbed his temple with the balls of his fingers, massaging out the tension. "Hell, I should of seen it coming. When we spoke in her office yesterday I knew something wasn't right....she talked quitting as CAG, and stepping down from her commission. It didn't seem in character."

Maiell just nodded, watching the doctors work. "Perhaps we shouldn't have interfered," he admitted. "It wasn't our place."

"She's damn good officer and hell of pilot, she deserves better than this...." Dunham gestured with a wave of his hand. "I dunno, what to think."

"She is also Rihannsu. She has the right to take her own life," Maiell pointed out, resting his hands behind his back, part of him feeling guilty for helping save the girl. But, at seeing all of her blood pooled around her, he couldn't think clearly. He shifted slightly as he stood. "But..." he started. "If she really had meant it, she would have taken greater measures to ensure no one found her until it was over. So, maybe she was just...desperate," he offered softly, looking over at the obviously troubled human. If anything, he knew how she felt.

Dunham let out a long sigh, stuck his hands back in his pockets and leant with his back against the wall, "I don't know..." said Dunham with a soft gentle shake of his head. "In any case, Chel..... Doctor Adams, will save her. Maybe we should get Isha down here, they are family."

"Perhaps you should. I don't have my comm device with me. I was off duty when I found her with her sister," the Romulan explained.

Dunham's hand stopped just short of touching his comm badge on his chest, his brain assimilating what he had just heard. "She has sister....? Her?" He said slightly shocked and pointing to the Romulan female sitting on a chair in the corner. "I had no idea."

"Neither did I," Maiell said. Though, he had little interest in how people related to each other. And still, he believed he knew more about the issue than most, always being a quiet observer to the Consulate's goings on. "But I thought she was your friend?" he asked.

Dunham shrugged "So did I, but apparently I don't know nothing....still family isn't one of the things we talked about. Speaking of family...." said Dunham as he pressed his comm badge, =^= Ambassador Isha t'Kehllian please?"

"t'Khellian," Isha snapped opening the comm channel. "What do you want, Dunham? Get them out of my sight!" she snipped to someone else invisible those gathered near Rianni's quarters. "Lieutenant Dunham," she continued recovering her composure, "I trust that Doctor Adams is well. What may I do for you?" she asked.

Dunham got right to the point. "I think you should come to main sick bay ma'am Chelsea is treating Rianni here, she's lost alot of blood...."

Isha rose folding her arms around her body, had that bastard Getal found out that Rianni was related to her and hurt her? "The consulate is locked down, Lieutenant Dunham, I cannot get out," which was true, for even the 'back-door' was shielded during these times. She paced towards the window, "What has happened?"

Maiell stood quietly aside, but listened to the worried tone of the Ambassador.

"Were not sure exactly what happened, but it looks like Rianni tried to take her own life." Said Dunham convey a tone of sympathy and empathy "I'm sorry."

Isha swallowed, half relief, half concern. Rianni had been about to reclaim her heritage and shrug off her Federation costume, her parents had returned from exile, the ship cloaked in the bowels of the station with the Federation complicit in the hiding was Rianni's as soon as she had crossed the divide ... why did she wish to exercise this? - both rite and right.

"What is her condition?" Isha asked as her fingers flew over her panel locating Rianni's father (Isha's Uncle), and the human female that had given birth to her niece. "Please tell me that Doctor Adams is attending her?"

"Yes she is, as for her condition, its unknown at this time, Rianni was rushed into triage with the Doctor and her team, when we last saw her she was alive, but had lost alot of blood." Replied Dunham.

More than the facts which she could not alter, Isha was concerned about the why. Dissatisfied with the Federation Rianni had options open to her that a normal Rihanna would spend decades working towards. There was something more at work.

"I want her here in the consulate as soon as our lockdown is lifted," Isha said, which would not be until stationwide threat was gone, but that was left unsaid, this being a local emergency. "Lieutenant Dunham, Rick," Isha said, "Rianni respects you greatly, and may even consider you to be a friend ... I am still getting to know my niece and with respect to her own upbringing I will not impose my own restraints on her until she formally accepts them, nor will I resent it if she decides to remain where she is."

The stars that Isha saw outside her window were cold, just like the artificial air within her office, like the stone carapace that had been growing around her heart since the day her husband died. Isha bit her lower lip. She had to accept that she could not be friends with these people because they caused the warmth to leak out and it was that warmth that was causing her to make mistakes, putting her in danger.

She turned away from the window and crossed to her desk - forward planning, contingency planning, being ready for any eventuality, that was the key - everyone had weaknesses, even strutting spoonheads. "Rick," Isha sadi, "When she wakes tell Rianni she is welcome here," Rianni was loyal and that loyalty could be best used in the chair of the warbird Dhelan that waited cloaked in the bowels of Deep Space Five already full of men and women who shared her blood. "Will you do that for me?"

"I will, Isha" said Dunham sincerely.

"Thank you," Isha replied before she cut the comm.

Dunham leaned against the wall again, chewing his gum in thought, arms crossed across his chest. He was missing something in this whole set of incidents and he didn't know what it was.

Ashara walked slowly to Ma'iell, the effects of the sedative making her less than perfectly steady, "I want to thank you for everything, Ma'iell." She began, "I understand this is my sister's right, but I have a right to want to have my sister around, as well. My father will hear of this, and you can expect to be richly rewarded for what you've done here today."

For reasons she couldn't explain, maybe a side effect of the sedative, Ashara began to explain, "Father sent me to fetch Rianni, wanted us to be together for a family meal. I planned on pressing her to stay with us for the night. Do you know I've never spent a night under the same roof as my sister? This was to be the first. I should have gotten to her sooner. If I had gone when I thought of it, instead of putting it off until father asked me to, if I hadn't stopped to speak to a couple of Uhlans in the corridors along the way, looked in the windows of that curiosity shop on the Promenade, if I hadn't wasted so much time I could have stopped her from doing this."

Maiell looked at her sympathetically and rested a hand on her arm in support, both mental and physical. "t'Khellian," he began in a soft, gentle voice. "Don't hurt yourself more with these thoughts," he told her. "There is nothing you can do for her now but help her recover well." His voice was light, and soothing as he spoke to her. "She's probably going through a lot and she'll need you."

Dunham listened to the two Romulans talk, he whispered a small prayer for Rianni, hoping that she would recover.

Ma'erlit, seeing Dunham's obvious distress, walked over and placed a hand on his shoulder, "She'll be okay, Sir. Commander Monteros is strong."

"Her name is t'Khellian, Crewman." Ashara corrected, not trying to sound harsh but realizing she had, "I'm sorry, I forget sometimes..."

"It's okay." Ma'erlit nodded, "I'd be stressed and short if it was my sister in there, too." Deciding on a whim to find a way to ease everyone's tensions Ma'erlit announced, "Come on, Ashara, I replicate an awesome lemonade, we'll get everyone a glass."

"Yes, that would be nice." Ashara smiled, following Ma'erlit close behind, anything to distract her for a second.

"So," Ma'erlit began, pointing to Ma'eill "who's your friend?"

"Friend?" Ashara asked.

"Yeah, the tall Romulan dish that came with you." Ma'erlit continued, "He's cute."

"Oh, Ma'eill, I just met him when he came into Rianni's quarters to help me with her." Ashara answered, "Though he's not hard to look at is he?"

"Not at all." Ma'erlit giggled. inputting the formula for her favorite blend of lemonade and watching the four glasses materialize. Handing two to Ashara and holding the others they walked back to the men, "Everybody will feel better after a cold drink."

Maiell gazed down at the drink for a moment before offering the young woman a smile. "Thank you," he said politely, taking the glass.

"Enjoy." Ma'erlit smiled, she figured he would probably have more interest in Ashara than her, but it didn't hurt to try.

"Thank you," he said again, returning her smile before taking a sip of the drink. "Mm, this is very good. What's it made from?" he asked curiously, taking another sip.

"Lemons, water, sugar, plus a little bit of icoberry juice for flavor." Ma'erlit replied, "Hope you like it."

"I do," Maiell smiled, sipping the drink.

"I'm glad." Ma'erlit smiled, sipping her drink and enjoying the time she was getting to spend with him.



A JP Between:

Ambassador Isha e-Khellian i-Ramnau t'Illialhlae

Lt. Cmdr. Chelsea Adams

Lt Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader

Lt. Cdr. Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

Aarain Ashara R'Vek T'khellian

Crewman Ma'erlit Amalia
Wing Clerk-DS5

erie'Arrain Maiell tr'Tahn
Security officer - Romulan consulate