Interlude – Preparations
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek

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Title   Preparations
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek
Posted   Sat Jun 26, 2010 @ 8:36pm
Location   Box of Delights
Timeline   SD26
Tag   Sigs Please. :)

Inside the Box of Delights, it was a hive of nervous tension as several of the staff spread out food and drink along the bar. At the far end, Yolanthe was trying to get the small chocolate fountain to work. It was proving a little stubborn . She started fiddling with the thermostat, then breathed a sigh of relief as the three types of chocolate started to cascade from the top of the fountain and slide in velvety waves down its curves. She gave a short shout of triumph and then turned her attention to the holodeck above. "Klia? How's it going up there?"

"Fine, just like it was two minutes ago, and the two minutes before that, and the two minutes before that." The little Orion leaned over the bannister. "I'm more worried about those bloody windows. The projectors weren't designed for camoflage, and if I change the tint on the actual glass it'll just look worse. Can't you put them off for a few more hours until they've had a chance to finish grinding it off?"

The bokkai winced at the reminder of the defacement of the Box of Delights, and greyed slightly. "I tried. But we're up against the arrival of a stroppy mother. The ambassador doesn't have time left." She checked her watch. Any second now the Romulan ambassador was going to show to sample her menu, her drinks cellar and Klia's holotechnology genius. "And neither do we."

Through the windows of the Box of Delights, she could see the Ambassador and her retinue approaching. Yolanthe just hoped she'd pay little attention to the two petty officers trying to remove the Bajoran insults from her window. "Lets just hope they don't speak Bajoran and haven't been hanging out on the promenade lately."

Rianni was the first one in, her head on a swivel as she surveyed the location for her party, ~Okay, Rianni, be cool. You're acting like it's your sweet sixteen or something!~

The rest of the group followed, the Ambassador and her bodyguard, t'Merek the Consulate's head of security and Rianni's father, R'Vek. The location of the venue was both the appeal and the thorn to Isha and she felt horribly exposed on the promenade but she reminded herself that she was among friends here, and that nothing was going to happen to her. All the same she was glad to get inside.

Isha had read the promotional literature for the venue, but she put that to the back of her mind as she cast an appraising eye over the room; it was certainly large enough. Her gaze rested briefly on the activity near the windows before moving on to their prospective hostess.

"Miss Ibalin," Isha said, before briefly introducing Rianni, R'Vek and t'Merek, "We are in your hands," she continued, "I trust we gave you enough time to prepare."

"You wanted somewhere that could be ready to roll on short notice." Yolanthe nodded to Rianni and her father, and smiled at t'Merek. The Arrain looked a lot more serious sober than she she had under the influence of four culture shocks and a whole host of other cocktails.

She didn't miss the ambassador's glance at the windows either, but ploughed ahead anyway. "Lets go up to the holodeck, since getting that right was the key issue. Might as well not waste any further time if that's not going to meet your requirements."

"So some of you have met already at least," Isha remarked as she lifted her hem and made her way up the stairs. "Tell me, are you having that added or removed?" she asked referring to the state of the windows.

Yolnthe pursed lips that were turning a dark ochre. "Off," she mutttered. "Very definitely off."

Isha shrugged, for all she knew it may have been a piece of avant-garde art; it was nothing to do with her.

Klia was waiting for them at the closest arch. She blanched slightly on seeing T'Merek, and quickly started talking. "Before we go in, you have to remember its still in draft stage, so the lighting still needs a multidirectional render, and the tactiles have only been run to three decimal places. Smells and sounds are only approximate, I'll need an atmosphere analysis before those are finished, For the moment, its just based on the average for Romulus thats publicly available and-"

Yolanthe nudged the short Orion woman before she could get any further with the technobabble, and opened the door onto the Great Hall at Ramnau.

Isha raised a hand. "I want a moment," she said with a smile as she turned back to her people, "My husband built me a miniature version that is only twenty feet in diamater to serve as my private room. He caught the atmosphere in that, so I have high hopes for this."

With that, Isha stepped into the hall and for just a moment her breath caught in her throat; the banners rippled with the breeze that entered with her and on the dais opposite the door she saw the upholstered chairs which she and her mother would occupy for the ceremony itself.

Isha walked forwards feeling like the five year old child who had faced d'Sora in this very hall with no place to hide under the eyes of her gathered family. She had passed the test and knelt at the edge of that dais while her name was painted into the ancient book - an element that Isha had not asked to be recreated - that tome would be brought for the occasion.

She paused right there for just a second not knowing if she had passed or if she had failed and then Isha retruend to now. She stepped up onto the dais and turned. "You've been here too, R'Vek! What do you think?" she asked as she turned her gaze back to the doorway.

R'Vek looked around for a moment contemplatively, it was in fact an exact likeness of the Great Hall where he too had faced d'Sora, so much so in fact that it elicited an unseen shudder from him as he remembered having to fight for his life in this very place at the age of five, ~No, not this very place, R'Vek, just a stunning replica of it.~

"It is quite exact." He remarked, his voice deliberate and devoid of emotion, though his hatred for the barbaric practice of d'Sora was not exactly a state secret. He was one of the very few Romulan flag officers, especially of a noble house, whose children had not been through it, and he'd always swore if he ever got into a position where he could do so the entire thing would be outlawed and the parents who executed their children for failing this, to his mind, idiotic test would be charged with murder. He took a deep breath and nodded to Isha, "Yes, this will do nicely." ~Remember, R'Vek, it's tradition so that makes it okay.~

Although no-one could tell, Arrienye was having thoughts close to the Admiral's as she looked around the Hall. The one that she herself had gone through D'Sora in wasn't unlike this one and the mere reminded of it's towering, judging presence made something in her stomach tighten. She remained quiet as, at least for the moment, her thoughts of security were put aside.

"It will all be surprisingly quick," Isha said, "all the right words will be said - a lot of formalities about duty and loyalty to the empire, about the lost returning home and about the first steps on the road of D'Era. Once that is done, you'll be a citizen," she continued. "I don't know who my mother has persuaded to conduct that part of the ceremony. Anyway, after that is done it is a family matter, and everything you have just said about loyalty foremost to the empire will be contradicted and you'll swear more or less the same to your Hru'Hfirh, my mother. After that your name will be entered in the rolls, and then you will be a Khellian both in blood and name. Gifts will be given and after that you will meet the family. Any questions?"

"No, it seems pretty straightforward." Rianni nodded, "Kinda like a birthday party with a lot more ceremony and formality."

R'Vek had to suppress a laugh at his daughter's statement, mainly because he couldn't really decide if she had nailed it or totally whiffed on that one.

"I'll have a copy of the standard words sent to you so that you are at least familiar with the expected responses," Isha said before turning to the hosts. "Its very close to what I want," she said stepping down from the dais, "but a suggestion of a cool breeze carrying the scent of grass from the plains would add something, and I would like the light to suggest the dawn. Can that be done?" she asked.

Klia tapped a few buttons on the arch, and immeditely the light changed and the wind picked up just enough to lightly ruffle the silks hanging from the ceiling. "Easy. If you want certain effects, just give me times and dates, and I can match the astronomy and weather."

Isha nodded, "I will have a file sent to you. Your simulation is very good," she added turning her head to address the Orion, "Both R'Vek and I are impressed - the empty fealing of the unexpected was most apparent in the empty hall, it quite tool me back," Isha told her. "The food now, I think, alien nibbles!"

The alien nibbles featured fingerfoods from more than two dozen worlds. Mini hamburgers, bhajis and spring rolls,, targ kebabs no longer than a man's palm, bite size pieces of Bregit Lung and Klingon Octopus, and little rokeg blood pies, Denobulan sausage, Andorian ice pickles, canapes with fillings from a dozen federation world, chips, vegetable sticks, dips and sauces. And that was before the fruits, cheeses and desserts.

Yolanthe watched her guests closely, trying to gauge reactions. "All of this can be sourced fresh, with twenty four hours notice. If you want anything in particular, just ask."

"This is all awesome." Rianni nodded, chomping on an Andorian ice pickle, "These are so good!"

"Can you get lamb?" R'Vek asked, "My wife will want to prepare gyros for the gathered family and friends. She's Greek and being quite a Mother about this issue." He directed his gaze at the last sentence to Isha, letting her know that, like it or not, Eleni was going to want a hand in this, even if it was something as small as gyros.

"Oh my God! That would be great!" Rianni laughed, "She makes the best gyros!"

"Have her liaise with the caterers," Isha shrugged, taking in the mini-feast but choosing not to try anything herself, she actually felt a little queasy, but the verdict of R'Vek and Rianni seemed positive. "Miss Ibalin, if you have a moment we should discuss payment,' she said.

Yolanthe indicated the couches and easy chairs away from the bar, leaving the other Romulans to carry on sampling the food. A slim padd was waiting on the table, and she handed it to the ambassador before sitting down. "Detailed breakdowns are included. But based on what you've seen today, the total for five hundred guests would be thirty-two bars of latinum. That includes all of the holographics, the food, a substantial amount for the bar, and all the other costs associated with the venue hire. If you need me to be flexible, the key points are when the drink money runs out, and if I can have the gambling tables open."

Isha examined the numbers in silence. "The final bar bill will be settled after the event, provided that drinks served are kept reasonable, I don't want anyone thinking that they can get away with ordering a two hundred year old bottle of khali'fou on my account - anything like that will not be reimbursed," Isha said pausing as she rolled her lower lip between her teeth. "Twenty five, and you can open your tables." The counteroffer was unreasonably low but Isha did not want the woman to think that she would accept the first price without a little negotiation - they would likely find an accommodation somewhere in between.

Twenty five was marginal, even with tables open. "I'll put a limiter on the bar orders so no-one can do silly things, but even with the tables open, the best offer I can make you is twenty eight, plus the balance on the bar."

"Done," Isha accepted without hesitation. The woman must really want the booking, she thought, to come down so far. "Strictly invitation only, of course," she said, "the event will take place in two days time. Do you require payment in latinum or by bank transfer?"

"Bank transfer for the principal. The bar balance can be paid the day after however you prefer." Yolanthe said promptly. She thought the ambassador was seriously underestimating how much five hundred people could drink, even if they weren't chugging back ancient wines and whiskeys.

Isha extended a hand, not to shake on the agreement but to authorise the transfer of monies.

The Bokki entered the details into a credit padd and extended it to Isha. "I look forward to seeing you and your guests in a few days. Do I need to go over anything with your head of security? Any special needs or procedures?"

"Please do," Isha advised, "All the arrangements, Arrain t'Merek likes to be informed, and commendably so."

Hearing her name said, Arrienye was finally broken away from her past and brought back to the present. Looking over to the owner of the bar, the Chief of Security walked over to her. "I will need detailed schematics of the entire bar, a list of who will be working the day of the celebration and I will be sending a Security team for a detailed scan of the area for dangerous materials tomorrow morning," the young Romulan told the Bokkai.

Yolanthe didn't blink. It was no less than she expected. "No team before mid day. There's no-one here. Any time between then and 1800 and the place is all yours." Yolanthe told her. "The paperwork you want I can have ready in half an hour, if you want to wait." She then paused, wondering the best way to handle things. In the end she opted for direct. "I expect you've already decided to, but I want some of your people working the door alongside mine. Crowd control can be a bitch and I want someone present who knows who should be on the list by sight."

Arrienye nodded. "I will wait for the paperwork," she told her before continuing. "I will have maximum security all around the bar during the celebration, which is why I'd like a floorplan to map out the best locations and patrol routes. As for your people, I would like another, separate list for them. With an image so that I can know exactly who my people will be working with. On the night of the event I will be running full security, so whoever you have in charge reports to me."

Isha glanced over to R'Vek and Rianni, they could decide the menu. She and her escort were going back to the consulate as soon as Isha could, the constant looking over her own shoulder was tiring and she wanted to be somewhere that she could relax a little.

R'Vek, watching his daughter happily munch on a Denobulan sausage, couldn't not notice Isha's obvious distress, and decided on the spot he was going to go with her and she was going to answer him whether she wanted to or not. He turned back to Rianni and smiled, "Try not to eat too much, darling. You're expected at dinner with your mother, sister, and I tonight."

"Okay, daddy." Rianni nodded, finishing her sausage and turning to explore the Great Hall a little more.

R'Vek watched her walk for a moment, then turned to follow Isha and her escort,, determined to get some answers.

"What?" Isha asked bluntly.

"That was my question to you, Isha." R'Vek replied, his gaze like stone as he no sold Isha's sharp tongue, "Shall we do this somewhere private or simply have it out here?"


Ambassador Isha t'Khellian
Dumping a lot of latinum on a party

Yolanthe Ibalin
Party Organiser to the stars

erie'Riov Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Party Girl

EnRiov R'Vek tr'Khellian
Prooud Father/Concerned Cousin

Arrain Arrienye t'Merek
All work and no play