Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Bad news home coming
by Lieutenant JG Jayfe Devero & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Bad news home coming
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Jayfe Devero & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Sat Nov 22, 2008 @ 5:13am
Location   Runabout Aristotled, Approaching DS5
Timeline   SD3, 20:09
=^= Runabout Aristotle to Deepspace 5. =^= The comm crackled in response. Jayfe shot Cheyenne a worried look. "That radiation did more damage than I though," he sighed. "But we should be close enough for short range communications now. Taking us out of warp." The Aristotle jolted as it slowed to sublight speed with the inertial dampeners having taken a beating of their own.

=^= Runabout Aristotle to Deepsace 5, please respond. =^= He didn't wait for a response. Inbound communications seemed to be offline. =^= We need priority docking clearance, we've taken a bit of a beating here. And we have important news for the Captain. =^= Jayfe's voice was still crackly though the damaged comm., but audible.

[From an earlier post, "Counselling? I do not need it! Do I? (Part 2)"]

=^= "Captain, sorry to disturb you, we have an urgent docking request from Runabout Aristotle. They are badly damaged. Looks like they have taken a beating!" =^=

Tashas' eyes opened wide as she tapped her comm in response.

=^= Full safety protocols, inform Commander McCallum. Tahir out.=^=

[Back on the Aristotle...]

"It looks like they're opening up a docking port for us," Jayfe announced quietly. "I'm taking us in. Steady as she goes." The last was a reassurance to his co-pilot as much as it was a reminder to himself.

The Aristotle glided gently into the docking port, shuddering slightly as Jayfe compensated for several disabled thrusters and minimal maneuverability. With a dip and a shake, the Aristotle grated into place and the magnetic locks engaged. Home. *Now, to find Tahir,* Jayfe thought to himself.


To be continued... the Romulans are coming!!

Jayfe Devero, CSO
and extracts from an earlier post by Tasha Tahir, CO