Interlude – Bustin up my good reputation! ;p
by Arrival Thomas Whitlock & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Bustin up my good reputation! ;p
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Arrival Thomas Whitlock & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Sat Jul 03, 2010 @ 12:18am
Location   Box of Delights
Timeline   SD23
Thomas sat at the bar and sipped his drink, thankful for a little time to relax. He ran his hand over his face then turned to scan the room. He sipped his drink again and smiled as he saw a woman sitting alone. He stood up and walked over to her table. "Mind if I join you?" he asked her.

"No, i don't mind, please do." Chief Petty Officer Jenna Minton raised her cornflower blue eyes to the stranger's face and studied him as she absently moved the padd she'd been working on aside and made a space on the table top politely.

"Thomas Whitlock," he said, extending his hand as he sat down. "Why are you sitting here alone?"

"I .... " she spluttered a little at the directness of the question and the personal nature of the response. "Um... well, to be totally frank, i've been stood up.... " she said with a small smile. ~again!~ she thought silently.

"I can't imagine why someone would do that to you," he said to her. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"Nah" she shrugged it off. "I'm used to it to be honest. My best friend says it's because i choose the wrong *sort* of guys.. whatever those are... ? It's alright for her... she's fallen on her feet with mister perfect... not that i'm jealous... oh, ok... so I *am* jealous.. but oh well." Jenna realised she was waffling on and stopped. "sorry... Thomas? What are *you* doing here alone too?" she smiled, a beautiful sad wistful smile.

"Just trying to relax," he said to her. He paused and looked around the room. "Would you like to get out of here? Maybe go somewhere else a little less noisy?"

Jenna's dark eyebrows knitted together into a frown. "Um.. mother told me never to go off with strangers... " she laughed.

"I already introduced myself so how can I be a stranger?' Thomas asked, pretending to be hurt. "Actually, I was thinking maybe a stroll through the promenade. Less noisy and plenty of witnesses in case you decide to attack me."

"in case *I*... " Jen began to splutter again, until she suddenly began to laugh. "Oh, okay... you win... as long as you take precautions to make sure I don't have any nefarious intentions... like forcing you to have fun... or making you laugh when you're intent on pouting... that sort of mean thing.... "

She finished her juice and got up, tucking the padd under her arm. "Oh, wait!" she exclaimed, in mock seriousness. "Should you be worried that i might bash you over the head with this padd? Maybe i should leave it here at the bar for safekeeping.... *YOUR* safekeeping that is!" she grinned as they walked out onto the Promenade.

"I'm willing to take my chances," Thomas replied with a laugh. He placed his hand gently on her back as they approached the door. "Been on the base long?"

Jen was aware of his hand and slid through the door before it was fully open, causing herself to turn a little sideways and gently dislodge him. She was still smiling though. ~nice try but too early!~ she thought as she began to enjoy the game.

"Oh, feels like forever.... about two years actually." Jen replied nonchalantly.

"I've only been here a few days," Thomas said to her. "I'm still trying to learn my way around."

"Ask anyone... we're a friendly bunch!" she replied, choosing to go left and along the promenade towards the railings over which the impressive sight upwards to the towering sky-windows could be admired and down several heady levels of mezzanines to the next fully extended floor, several levels down. It was quite a sight from up here especially.

"Maybe I can find someone to be a tour guide," he said, giving her a sly smile as he followed her to the railing.

~Oh, smooth!~ she thought. "Perhaps you might" she replied, deliberately rebuffing the hint for now but adding another sweet smile for good measure.

Thomas smiled at her and leaned over the railing to take in the view. "What do you like to do for fun?" he asked her, not looking at her.

"Things like taking journalists on guided tours and losing them in the arboretum....?" she smiled mischievously.

"Keep that up and my might get the impression you don't like me," Thomas said to her.

"No shit Sherlock?" she smirked, referring to a character from ancient literature and implying that she didn't and had made it very clear. It was only the mischievous gleam in her cornflower blue eyes that gave any indication to the contrary.

Thomas smiled at her and said, "Is there anything else you'd like to show me?"

"Mister Whitlock!" she seemed shocked. "What *could* you possibly mean?"

"Other areas of the base," Thomas said to her. "For now," he added, winking as he looked her up and down.

"Oh" she pretended to have realized some fictitious mistake. "Anywhere in particular you'd like to go, if you're not keen on the arboretum?"

"You're the guide," Thomas said to her. "I'll follow where you lead."

"Wait... how did *I* get to be the guide?" she looked confused. "Damn you're good at this!" it was a reproach not a compliment.

Thomas winked at her again then looked around. "Where to next?"

"How about the Security complex, the brig in particular?" she shot back mischievously, secretly enjoying the sparring.

"I would prefer to stay away from Security," Thomas replied, getting serious.

Jenna picked up the change in his tone and backed down. "Oh, but I was only kidding..." she said by way of an explanation. "I didn't mean anything by the suggestion, just teasing....."

"Would you like to go get something to eat?" he asked her.

"Yes please" she replied, more gently now that he'd shown himself not to be totally invulnerable. She hadn't meant to upset him and she wasn't even sure what she'd said wrong but she was being more careful about teasing him now.

"What sort of food do you like?" she asked, putting her hand into the crook of his elbow and guiding him gently back along the promenade.

"I love pasta," he said to her.

"Guiseppi's it is then!" she smiled, leading the way. She took him to a little Italian Pizzaria and as they walked in the Maitre D'i looked up and beamed, scurrying over to Jenna, babbling in Italian. "Hi Gio, nice to see you too" she replied in Federation Standard. "I'd like you to meet my friend Thomas.

The round Italian with a long black waiters apron wrapped around his whole lower body like a back to front split skirt, wiped his hands on the teacloth hanging from his waist and held one out to shake with Thomas.

"Welcome Signor Thomas" he enthused in a heavily accented, deep booming voice. "Any friend of la bella signorina Gienna is allaways welcome"

Ushering them to a table at the back where there were vines in pots dividing that section of the room into booths of greenery with quaint little tables, wicker chairs and white linen tablecloths with loudly coloured chequered squares overlaid.

There were neatly origamied napkins in tortuous shapes, perched jauntily and centrally where later there would be plates. In the centre of each was a small floral vase with a single bloom, freshly picked from the herbarium and a soft background musac that sounded Terran continental in its genre but not intrusive.

The walls were washed a gold and mustard hue with some terracotta splashes and the odd olive green addition in the form of a door surround or light fitting for one of the gentle uplighters that cast a minimal glow just sufficient to eat by but not to observe the fellow diners too closely.

Junior waiters appeared as if on cue, populated the table with glasses, cutlery, small plates, bread in a basked, oil in a dipping container, a burnished amber coloured candle which they lit at the table and some wine which they insisted was *on the house for the bella signorina*.

The fuss over, the pair were presented with menus and then left to make their selection in peace.

"Call for me when you are ready" they were instructed by the host who then moved back to his already rapidly filling establishment.

"You must come here a lot," Thomas said as he sat down and looked at the menu.

"I love it. Like I think I mentioned earlier, I get stood up a lot so if you go somewhere they know you, at least you can be sure you won't end up alone in some dodgy dive." she admitted frankly, poking her napkin a little sadly for a moment before recovering and looking up at him as if remembering who she was with suddenly.

"I recommend the paella" she said with a smile that pretended there had never been any interruption of normal service. "It's always to die for! Or.... the Frangalini... that's one of the House Specials and it's also seafood but with pasta instead of rice... it's delicious"

"I'm not a big fan of seafood," Thomas admitted. "I think I'll just have a simple fettuccine alfredo."

"Good choice. You won't be disappointed with anything you have here." she enthused. "So, what made you go into journalism, Thomas?"

"I was always good at asking questions," Thomas said to her. "When I was on Starbase 68 and I met the reporters there I knew that's what I wanted to do."

"How has it been going?" she began to ask but the waiter returned and she had to wait for her reply until they had ordered their meal.

"I love being a journalist," he said to her. "It's a great way to meet people."

"I suppose it is." Jen acknowledged, smiling. "Do you ever get people being a bit hostile though? I don't mean physically, I mean like when they're defensive and paranoid you're going to pry?"

"More often than I like," Thomas admitted.

"And is it true?" she asked suddenly direct in a serious tone that was hard to fathom. Was there a twinkle in her eye that made it another of her little jokes? Or was she asking seriously?

"There are people that react negatively when I start getting too close to the truth," Thomas replied.

"Ah..." she smiled softly. "I can see how that would work. I suppose that means your work is risky... in case they decide to silence you!" she looked conspiratorial and drew in her eyebrows in a cute but comical way.

"Yes," Thomas replied, doing his best to look serious. "I could die at any moment. I have to try to make the most of every day," he added, reaching out to squeeze her hand.

"oh I get it!" she shook her head as if a terrible truth had dawned on her but she didn't prevent him taking her hand which belied the pretense at having seen right through him and been shocked.

"So I'm just a tick in the 'carpe deum' box then?" she sighed loudly, sparkling.

"Not at all," Thomas said to her. "You are a beautiful woman and I enjoy your company. Nothing wrong with that is there?"

"Not when you put it like that" she had to concede. Just then more food arrived and they didn't speak much until they thanked the waiter and he left them again.

"A toast?" Jen offered up her wine glass. "You make it?"

"To good friends and new beginnings," he said, raising his glass.

"I like that one!" Jenna raised her glass and tapped it softly against his. "New friends and good beginnings" she repeated, but with a twist and a smirk.

Thomas chuckled and sipped his drink. "You never did tell me what you like to do for fun," he said to her.

"I think I did, but i don't believe you were listening." she tilted her head to one side and watched him closely, one eyebrow raised.

"I'm really hoping there's more than leaving people in the Arboretum," he said to her.

A broad grin spread across Jenna's face. "So you *were* listening!" she replied, rewarding him with a new warmth. He was growing on her. "I suppose you'd have to work the logic backwards you'd have to have been taken to the Arboretum in the first place, in order to be left there....." she smiled again. "I like picnics amongst the trees and hiking across unusual landscapes in the holosuites and waterfalls you can get behind and watch the curtain of water in front of you.... and horseback riding and skating and powerball...... and writing fiction... short stories, that sort of thing, and reading. Reading books, really old ones, on paper... that's my real secret passion." she opened up at last.

"Wow," Thomas replied. "We'll have to try a few of those sometime."

Jen blushed. "Sure" she said, not really believing he meant it. The waiter interrupted as he came to take their empty plates and bring them the menus back. Did they care for dessert? he asked and Jen looked at Thomas.

"Do we?" she asked him.

"I doubt they offer the dessert I'd like to try," Thomas replied with a wink. "We can have dessert if you wish."

"nah, I'm on a diet" she replied with a wink.

"If you want to try something I can always help you work it off," he said to her. "If not, we can get out of here and do something else."

Jenna's face went slightly pink, which suited her complexion. "I think we should just go somewhere else.... working off pudding sounds too energetic!" she smiled coyly.

"Where would you like to go?" Thomas asked, standing up and extending his hand to help her.

"I rather like The Box of Delights, where we started. Is that boring?" she asked. "We could go to the lower promenade levels, there are some interesting night clubs there... if you like to dance? Or there's a Bajoran Garden which is delightful at night, it's all lit up very artistically - but there's not much to do there."

"The Box is fine, I guess," Thomas replied. "Although I'm sure we could find something to do in the Gardens."

"You are incorrigible!" Jenna smiled. ~yes, he really *was* growing on her~

They arrived outside the Box of Delights and as they first approached they could see a throng of people inside, music throbbing and lights changing colour and hue. From the doorway they peered into the changing light and darkness and could see a crowd at a table near the bar.

Jenna looked a little anxiously at Thomas. "Um... did you mind if we're not alone here? Only there are a load of my friends over there.... would you like to join them?" she asked. "I didn't know they'd be here, that isn't why I suggested it, honestly."

She didn't know why she felt the need to apologise, she just didn't want him to think it was a set up.

"I'm okay with it if you are," he said as he grabbed her hand and led her inside.

Jen took in a quick breath as he took her hand. The others would see that and make mental note if not comment. It was a commitment. Was she going to buy into it? She decided in a split second that she would and wrapped her fingers around his, smiling at him.

As they got inside Alexia spotted them and waved them over. "HEY! JEN! OVER HERE!" she called above the noise. 'Nora looked around too and and added to the waving.

Jen and Thomas made their way through the crowd and as they got to the table, Alexia stood up and hugged Jenna who returned the affectionate greeting. "Guys this is Thomas Whitlock" she introduced Thomas as she accepted and returned hugs with all the other girls too.

Alexia with her confident nature threw her arms around Thomas and hugged him too, fully accepting him. "Anyone who's alright with Jen is okay with me" she stated loudly, moving up the bench seat to make room.

Nora held out her hand politely towards Thomas and blushed, being much more shy and reserved.

Thomas immediately felt overwhelmed but quickly recovered as he greeted everyone. He sat down at the table and looked around. "What's everyone drinking?"

There was a chorus of drinks and names of cocktails quoted and then everyone laughed. "How about a jug of "Sumarian Sunrise?" Jenna proposed. "With lots of straws!" she added with a giggle. Alexia was immediately approving loudly and the consensus was of agreement.

Thomas looked around at the group and smiled. He would have to try to get to know each of them better. "Any of you tried an Ion Storm?" he asked them. "It's quite good but it packs quite a kick."

Some agreed they'd heard of it, Nora proclaimed she'd tried it but didn't like it and Alexia proposed they give it a try out of fairness. Nora looked unhappy and decided to order separately but the others agreed to try it and Alexia noisily called the waiter over to order.

"Why didn't you like it, Nora?" Thomas asked, looking at her for a moment.

"It tasted sour to me...." she replied a little sheepishly, aware that all eyes were on her. Her cheeks pinkened and then went very red.

Thomas looked at her and said, "You're cute when you blush."

Nora turned a deeper shade of red and stammered a little, causing the others to take differing stances in reaction. Alexia thought it was funny and laughed, nudging Nora with a hiss that was much too loud "...get yer coat, kiddo...." she joked with a smirk.

Mercy smiled sweetly and patted Nora's hand sympathetically. "Never mind them, they're only kidding." she soothed.

Chelsea watched without comment.

Jenna on the other hand took it very much to heart and looked as if she was going through a whole range of emotions. She suddenly stood up and declared she'd like to dance, snatching Alexia's hand and dragging her towards the dance floor in an effort to escape observation or interpretation of her feelings.

Thomas watched Jenna walk out to the dance floor and smiled. He liked watching her move. "Jenna's an amazing woman, isn't she," he said to the others.

Chelsea raised an amused eyebrow, Alexia smirked and Mercy replied. "Oh yes!" emphatically, nodding her head with enthusiasm.

"I really like her, she's such a character. She's fun and bubbly and she's always up for a laugh, the only trouble is she has such bad luck with men.........." Nora began.

Alex drew in a sharp breath in warning as soon as Nora had started talking about Jenna and men, and Chelsea's soft Bajoran nose ridges closed downwards in a frown.

Nora had wanted to add her praise of Jenna who she really did like, but her babble had been more out of relief that someone else was the subject of the conversation, diverting attention from herself.

That was until she poot her foot straight in her mouth. "OHHHH!" she squeaked as soon as she realised what she'd said. "OOOH I didn't mean..... that is... I'm sure you're........ well, not.... Oh God!" she dissolved into a pool of misery and embarassment and returned to her original beetroot colour.

"It's okay, Nora," Thomas said, reaching out to squeeze her hand. "So what does everyone do?" he asked, looking around the table.

Jen tried not to look back from the dance floor, but she couldn't stop herself glancing over now and then as she turned. She did her best not to let anyone see this and got away with it perfectly until the one occasion that she glanced and saw Thomas take a deeply blushing Nora's hand. Her double take and frozen stance on the dance floor got everyone's attention and that in itself was the last straw. Alexia tried to see what had stopped Jen in her tracks and as she looked over to the table she *did* exactly that. ~Bloody hell, that's fast work!~ she thought but at least had the sensitivity not to blurt out.

Jenna took to the toilets, had a moment to compose herself and then told Alex who had accompanied her, that she wanted to leave quietly. Alex went to the bar and spoke to someone and she and Jenna were shown out of a back door. Alex stayed with Jen all the way to her quarters where Jenna asked to be left alone.

Respecting her friends wishes, Alex hugged her, spoke some wise words of friendly advice and then left, at first intending to return to the bar and give Thomas a piece of her mind but then deciding he wasn't worth a scene so she went to a bar where she knew Gabriel sometimes drank. Unfortunately for her, or perhaps if she had only known it, maybe it was actually the opposite, because Gabriel wasn't there and later, more drunk than she really thought wise, she went back to her own quarters in a thoroughly bad mood.

Thomas looked over his shoulder to the dance floor and paused. He turned slightly to take a closer look then turned back to the others. "Where did Jenna go?"

Nora looked around too. "I don't know. Alexia is gone too." She sat back straight again and finished answering his question. "Well, Alexia works in Admin, as a Secretary/office manager - she's seconded to Security at the moment. Jenna and Mercy are in Administration too, Chelsea's a doctor and I'm in Science." Finishing her task, Nora smiled prettily.

Thomas nodded as Nora spoke and smiled. "That's very interesting," he said as he sipped his drink. "I really think I should try to find Jenna."

"Alexia will take care of her" Chelsea commented quietly, her eyes giving no clues as to what she was thinking.

'I came in with her so I feel like I should make sure she's okay," Thomas countered. "We were having a good time and now she's gone. I'm worried about her."

"Shall I check the toilets?" Mercy offered helpfully. "Perhaps they're 'powdering their noses'?"

"Would you please?" Thomas asked, looking at her with a pleading expression on his face.

"Sure!" Mercy got up and went to the ladies. She came back again a few minutes later. "No. They aren't in there. Someone behind the bar said they left, together, the back way. He said 'The dark one' seemed upset."

"I should go find her," Thomas said, standing up. "It was a pleasure meeting all of you."

There was a chorus of nice to meet you toos and other niceties and give our love to Jenna when you see her as he left.

Thomas nodded and turned away from them, heading for the door.


A JP Between:

Thomas Whitlock
FNS Reporter


Ensign Jenna Minton
& CWO2 Mercedes Denoublier
Both Administrators - DS5
Both NPC'd by Julia

Lt Cmdr Chelsea Adams

CWO Eleanora Martinez
Junior Science Officer
& Ensign Alexia Jackson
both NPC'd by Julia