Judgement – Over the Rainbow
by Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Over the Rainbow
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Sun Jun 12, 2011 @ 12:58am
Location   DS5 Sickbay
Timeline   SD38 11.55

Beaming directly into Sickbay's Intensive Care Unit and materializing out of the blue haze, several people appeared standing around the unconscious form of Rick Dunham laying on the bio bed. The blood on his face had begun to dry around his eyes ears and nose, but apart from this, his face was calm almost serene. One of the individuals who had beamed in with him and who was wearing a star fleet medical uniform, checked Dunham's vitals with a medical tricorder.

"Is he still un-responsive, Doctor Eli?" asked another of the trio worriedly; an older women who bore the rank of captain on her starfleet uniform, there was no mistaking her physical likeness to the young man on the table. These physical characteristics of Rick could also be seen on the third member of the party, he was the only one not wearing a starfleet uniform, and held the older lady's hand tightly.

Dr Eli nodded, looking at the Starbase Doctor into whose lap he had almost literally landed. "May I?" he asked, moving towards the controls of the Med-arch that was closing itself across Rick's chest, ready to be utilized to do further scans and offer life support if necessary. "Or should i leave the set up to you? .... Oh, apologies... " he held out his spray-gloved hand to Bridget. "Michael Eli... CMO on the USS Hagnon. Delighted to meet you... er... if you please?" He had barely shaken her hand before he had turned back anxiously fiddling with the settings on the arch, starting off the more detailed assessments. He began talking over his shoulder to Bridget, shuffling aside to allow her to assist at the console. "....and the patient is....."

"I'll prepare a transfusion pack just in case we need it," she said, whilst moving out of the CMO's way. His rapid-fire speech made the corners of her mouth twitch with brief amusement, but that emotion was only fleeting. Her mood became all business as she realized who was on the bio bed.

"Rick! Oh my God, what happened? Never mind. Don't tell me that. Has anyone alerted Chelsea?" She looked from the woman at Rick's side to the man holding her hand. She assumed they was Rick's parents.

Captain Dunham mutely shook her head dumbfounded. A un-controlled tear rolled down the cheek of the normally stoic and stern woman. She then let out a little sob and buried her head into her husbands shoulder.

Doctor Eli quickly jumped to his captain's aid =^= Lieutenant Eli to Commander Adams, medical emergency please report to medical =^=


Chelsea was still in her wedding dress, having moved from the Bajoran Gardens, but only a little way, having asked to be taken to her quarters to chance but not having actually arrived there as, immediately she left the little haven and ventured out amongst the guests who were still milling, she had been obliged to stop and talk to this group, that family, these colleagues, those relatives and Uncle Tom Cobbley and All.

She had finally made it as far as a corridor, where a fresh wave of just left guests, spotted her and came back to offer advice and condolences and anything else they wanted to chat about. One person even started to ask her advice on some ailment he had, as people often did when they happened unexpectly on a Doctor out of their Surgeries.

When the call came in, Chelsea made straight for the turbo-lift and escaped. No-one argued with *medical emergency* calls although few put two and two together and realised this was Rick on the table. Chelsea was one of the few who knew where Dr. Eli came from and was able to work it out. Almost sobbing as she ran, not bothering to stop for breath so that when she *did* arrive she could hardly speak. Chelsea presented through the doors of Sickbay in a blurr, travelling so fast that she knocked a nurse backwards into a trolley which clattered noisily to the floor.

If she had been in there when a lunatic had run in that fast, Chelsea would have hung them out to dry but today, this was Rick. Chelsea was already beside herself with worry about him when the call had come in. If she were honest, she wasn't in any fit state to do her job right now but she wouldn't have let anyone else near him if she were given the choice.

Flying into HDU Chelsea almost slid to a stop at the bedside.

Rather than spend precious seconds explaining what was going on, Doctor Eli handed the hurricane that had entered the room (Dr Adams) his medical tricorder which had all the pertinent data on it.

Chelsea's gloriously elegant dress was getting in the way now. She took the padd with a breathless thank you and scanned for what she wanted to see. She looked over at the patient and her heart attempted to leave her via her boots. It took all her strength and professional training to stop her stomach following it. She wasn't squeamish it was just different when it was someone you loved but Chelsea had treated Rick before, when he was at death's door and not expected to make it back. Somehow this was different. It was emotionally charged because of the wedding plans and that seemed to tilt the whole picture.

"Do we have any signs of electrocution, exposure to space, burns, wounds or trauma other than to his sinuses?" she asked, her brain processing the medical paths of diagnostics by force of habit.

"Doctor Stapleton?" asked Doctor Eli, professional courtesy and etiquette dictating that when a guess in another doctors ward or hospital that they in fact guide and answer the conversation. Plus Bridget had just finished reading the data from the bio scanner built into the bed.

Stepping up to her cue, Bridget said, "No, nothing of that kind, Che --- er, Doctor Adams," she corrected herself, with the briefest of sympathetic smiles at her boss and friend. "What we've been able to determine is that he's physically stable. No damage. All vital signs are normal. So basically, aside from a bit of... what appears to be a temporary wiring problem in his neural pathways, he's fine."

Eric Dunham groaned inwardly as he recognized some of the symptoms, he shot Chelsea a look, but her concentration was fixed on Rick who was lying on the bio bed still as a statue. He put his arm around his wife. “Okay honey, we're just in the way here, let’s leave these professional doctors to their work.” His arm hooked around her shoulder, Eric escorted Margret Dunham out of the sickbay.

Doctor Eli watched them both leave; he had a slightly perplexed look on his face. He had never seen his captain so vulnerable before, and it had him worried. He tore his gaze from the exiting couple and back to the unmoving Rick. He folded his arms across his chest and offered a suggestion to Rick’s condition. “Perhaps its some sort of poison?”

Bridget looked from Eli to the departing parents, then to Chelsea. "Nope. Already tested for that, and his blood's clean. Nothing in his stomach or intestines to indicate ingestion, either."

Eli rubbed the temple of his forehead with of two fingers, his face composed in a heavy thoughtful frown "What about some sort of external stimuli...maybe some sort of energy weapon?"

"Surely there would be evidence on the Chelsea herself if he was attacked?" Chelsea asked, equally perplexed. Inside her head the medical part was working through the only symptoms. Coma. Bleeding from eyes and ears.... ears?

"Pressure of some sort?" she asked out loud.

ELi nodded in agreement "probably has something to do with the brain area, whether pressure or some sort of external force, does he have a history of any medical conditions?"

"No" Chelsea answered, pressing a light that loaded Rick's medical file, realizing she should have done that first. She was slipping. She HAD to concentrate. She shook her head softly, thoughtful still as she gazed at the serene look on that beloved face.

"He doesn't look traumatized." she said. "Could you please get a reading on his cerebral fluid... and pressure.... There's no reason to suspect concussion because he shows no outward sign of a blow to the head or neck but blood from the nose, ears and eyes...... anyone might suspect concussive trauma to the brain itself..... I want a Magnetron Scan.. full CT.... I want to see what his brain is doing... electrolytes.... everything...." she said, beginning to sound more like a doctor again.

A nearby nurse brought over the Magnetron Scanner, it looked like a 20th century portable x-ray machine, that would encompass the persons entire head and face. She wheeled it around and began to apply the device.

"I'm on the electrolyte reading... one minute..." Bridget trailed off as she worked a padd.

"Hmmm" Something was nagging at Chelsea as she watched the readings roll up onto the monitor. She began to get a dreadful sick feeling in the pit of her stomach. She looked around and asked a Corpsman. "Where did Mr Dunham go?"

"He's here," came a grim and somewhat stoic reply from the doorway into the medical bay. Eric Dunham marched up to the read outs that where coming off the Magnetron Scanner. He had a different air about him now, one very different from the one moments ago, this one carried the air of responsibility, command and professionalism. He spoke to the room in general: “With the authority invested in me by temporal investigations Under section 17 of the temporal prime directive, I’m ordering everyone to clear the room. Now.” The statement broached no argument.

Chelsea alone stood her ground. All the other staff did at they were ordered. Chelsea nodded at Bridget's questioning glance to indicate that she was in agreement despite not moving herself. When she and Eric were all who remained in the room with the unconscious CAG, she stood with her head bowed and a sad, guilty look on her face as she waited for the room to clear.


A JP Between:

Eric & Margret Dunham + Dr Eli
NPC'd by Dan


Cmdr Chelsea Adams
CMO & 2CO - DS5


Ensign Bridget Stapleton
Doctor (General Practice) - DS5