Judgement – Can I Buy You a Drink?
by Romulan Diplomat Rhiana ir-Ralatak t'Riuurren

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Title   Can I Buy You a Drink?
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Romulan Diplomat Rhiana ir-Ralatak t'Riuurren
Posted   Tue May 24, 2011 @ 10:50pm
Location   A List
Timeline   SD 37
=^= A List, Deep Space Five =^=

Walking into A List Rhiana took a seat at the bar as she waited for the bartender she took a second to look around. Wearing a black skirt and a pale lime green short sleeve blouse; Rhiana wasn't wearing anything that would attract a lot of attention but she definitely made some heads turn.

One of the heads that turned and followed her all the way to the bar was a very attractive man. "Two Ambrosia's please." The man said holding up two fingers for the bar tender before sitting down. "I hope you like Ambrosia." He said with a smirk.

Rhiana wasn't one to accept drinks from a stranger but seeing that she was a long way from home why not do something different. "Matter of fact it's my favorite drink." She said her facial expression not changing.

"Rihanha?" The man asked not sure if he was speaking to a Vulcan or Romulan seeing how there were both of them on the station.

"ie, sthe hwi dochai Rihan?" Rhiana asked looking at the man as their drinks were brought to them.

"votha." He said using his hands to show that he knew some but he wasn't fluent. "arhem dva aei for when speaking to temhlayyts or clients." The man said taking a sip of his water.

"gaenoh ssiun a Terrhaha." Rhiana said with a small smirk as she took a sip of her Ambrosia.

"khnai'ra. By the way name is Frank." He said holding out his hand.

Rhiana took his hand, "Rhiana." Was all she said of her name mainly because she didn't know this man and the world of politics was messy and you really couldn't trust anyone.

"Ah the first name move. I'm assuming this isn't the first time a random guy has bought a drink for you." Frank said with a smirk.

"One can never be too careful." Rhiana said, "so Mr Frank what do you do here?" She asked taking another sip of her drink and spinning the stool so she could face him.

"I'm a trader dabbling in many different things." Frank said with a smile as he finished his drink. "Well I need to be off I've got a couple of clients coming in that I need to meet." With that Frank turned and left the club leaving Rhiana at the bar.

Dip Rhiana ir-Ralatak t'Riuurren
ne'Lleifven (Jr Attache)
Romulan Diplomat to Deep Space Five


Frank (NPC)
Deep Space Five
(Apb t'Riuurren)