Unity – Meeting the Romulan
by Lieutenant Mathew Totti & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Meeting the Romulan
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Lieutenant Mathew Totti & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Fri Feb 26, 2010 @ 7:37am
Location   Romulan Embassy
Timeline   SD17 - 1500 hours

Mathew had just visited the XO and then Scheduled an appointment with the Ambassador. He received some weary looks from some of the Romulans in their embassy.

"You are?" i-Orinwen asked sharply placing the tray she had been carrying on the reception desk. A cup clinked off the side of the teapot, the ring echoing in her ears. Because of the disruptions on the station she had been on duty for forty two hours with another six to go and the last thing she needed was another Lloann'ha coming and making her day difficult; she ought to feel flattered for the trust that was being put in her but until she had slept she could not do that. "Did you hear me," she asked again addressing the newcomer.

"Sorry I didn't. Ms?" Mathew waited for a name.

"Who are you?" i-Orinwen repeated raising her hand to get the attention of one of the guards that had been stationed in the reception area.

Mathew sensed the anxiety from the receptionist and put on a Diplomat's Tone and smiled. "I'm Lieutenant Mathew Totti the new Diplomatic Operations Officer." He decided he'd try a little greasing. "And who do I have the honour of addressing."

"You made an appointment." It was a statement rather than a question. Between Gabriel and Getal i-Orinwen was beginning to suspect that manners on this station were a myth. Briefly, surprised, she returned the smile. "My name is irrelevant," she replied, "I will see if the erie'Khrein is ready for you."

Mathew thought to himself The tension in the room was well; Tense!
"Thank you" He stood at the desk waiting for erie'Khrein one of the guards was projecting his thoughts very loudly.

"This way," i-Orinwen said when she returned and led the visitor to Rh'vaurek's office. Her dark eyes lingered on the ambassador as she stepped back to allow the visitor to enter. He had called her back the previous night after Gabriel had left and the discussion had left her confused.

"You're new," Rh'vaurek observed as the door closed, he was slouched behind his desk, leg angled up against its edge.

"That I am." Mathew said sharply. He then put on a nicer tone. "I am Lieutenant Mathew Totti the New diplomatic operations officer."

"How interesting," Rh'vaurek said without a hint of sincerity. "And you just thought you'd come and say hi?"

"And ask you a few questions. Formally."

Rh'vaurek waved a hand, "Sit," he said, with a twitch of his lips as though amused by a private joke; the eyes weren't Trill and if the Betazoid part of the Lieutenant decided to do a little prying he would sense precisely what Rh'vaurek wanted him to sense. "Ask away. Lieutenant Mathew Totti," Rh'vaurek invited, not promising to give any answers.

Mathew smiled a diplomatic smile and sat back into the uncomfortable seat. Perhaps this was to make him or others nervous. Whatever its aim it wasn't working on him. "How are you and how do you like the station?"

"I'm a very busy man, Lieutenant," Rh'vaurek said, "Get to your business or get out."

Mathew sensed some kind of delicate thought web in the Romulan. "All righty then." Mathew put his hands together and locked eyes with the Romulan. "Where abouts were you at the time of the bombing?"

"Drinking," Rh'vaurek replied.

"Do you have any unofficial information for off the record?"

"Lots, but nothing I'm interested in sharing with you."

Mathew smiled and was sending out quite a strong suggestive thought. "Really are you sure?"

"Very," Rh'vaurek stated, if this one thought that Tal'Shiar General's did not take extensive precautions against that sort of thing he was a fool.

Mathew stood up and walked over to the replicator keeping Rh'vaurek wondering. "Replicator. 1 glass of water with a slice of lemon."Mathew turned glass in hand.

"Can I get you anything?"

"You can get out and stop wasting my time," Rh'vaurek said. "Use your little Betazoid brain waves on someone who might give a damn."

Mathew smiled and walked back over to desk and leaned over. "So then.What will it take to find out?"

"What do you think I want," Rh'vaurek said, a half smile twisting his lips. Wealth, women, power, influence ... he thought quite openly of a number of possibilities, wondering which one the young officer would latch onto as his desire in a foolish effort to glean some knowledge about him.

Rh'vaurek's smile irritated Mathew and he nearly snarled. "I'll be honest, I don't really care what you want so just name it!"

The ambassador remainded unputerbed and unimpressed. "Where would the fun be in that? You want to talk to me you'll damn well earn your Federation brownie points doing it. I think you need to go back to diplimatic school, boy and read up on my species. Good day." Rh'vaurek rose and as he did the door slid open.

Nahir i-Orinwen slipped in and gazed expectantly at Rh'vaurek, "See this nei'rrh off the premises, don't bother wastiing my time again, boy," he added as he left the room.

i-Orinwen turned to the starfleet visitor, "You've offended him," she said defensively, "this way," she extended an arm towards the door.

As i-Oriwen turned Mathew smiled. He had accomplished everything he wanted and knew that the Romulan possessed no information he needed. He turned and looked back at the Ambassador's office and smiled as the door shut.

Of course he could not have been more wrong.


erie'Khrein Rh'vaurek Raedhoel
and Nahir i-Orinwen NPCd by Louise


Lieutenant Mathew Totti