Judgement – Information exchange among other things
by Lieutenant T'Pal & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Information exchange among other things
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Lieutenant T'Pal & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Mon Apr 11, 2011 @ 9:11pm
Location   TBD
Timeline   MD 37: 00100, Backpost, following "Due dilligence"
* Are you still awake? Would like to see you ASAP.


T'Pal sent the short message to Thomas, the journalist and occasional partner in more pleasurable things.

Thomas read the message and smiled. He really enjoyed his visits with T'Pal. He quickly closed his display and walked out of his quarters. Several minutes later, he stopped in front of her door and pressed the chime.

A small smile curled around T'Pal's lips as she ordered the door to open. "You were quick," T'Pal commented as he entered. Her slender fingers turned the stem of her wine glass where she sat on her settee in the lounge of her hotel rooms. She had on nothing but a silk robe, nearly the same light cream color of fabric of the couch. Everything in her suite was the same cream color with only the textures of the fabrics bringing in variety. Here and there was a understated spot color in other neutral colors, the serenity being in start contrast with her profession and private life.

Thomas looked at her and smiled. She knew how to get his attention and he knew she only did it to get something from him but he didn't care. Their meetings were always mutually enjoyable and beneficial so he had no reason to complain. He moved to sit beside her and said, "Is there some reason I should have delayed coming here?"

"None whatsoever," T'Pal answered, her full lips twitching in a knowing smile, her fingers trailing lazily up his thigh, a promise of things to come. "But first I would like to ask you for some assistance...." she said.

Thomas watched her and tried to stay focused. "What type of assistance?"

"I am interested in investing in a few local companies," she said. "I had watched the performance of four companies since I had been here. I was wondering if you could help me to make a decision?" she asked.

"I can certainly try," Thomas said with a smile. "Which companies are you interested in?"

T'Pal took a sip of her wine, looking at him over the rim of her glass. "Bradshaw Enterprises, Monteros Enterprises, D'ikos Holdings and the Box of Delights," she said.

Thomas raised his eyebrows at the names. "Those are all very well established businesses," he said to her. "Although I have to admit I'm not familiar with D'ikos Holdings."

"They are in the fashion industry and keep a low profile here," she said shrugging. "They will expand soon enough," she added casually. "Now... I have heard that Bradshaw had a few problems...." she started, a question in her voice. "

"They've had a few minor setbacks but nothing too serious," Thomas said to her. "They're a solid company but nowhere near as influential as they once were."

"The owner is Wayne Bradshaw and his 2IC is his son, right?" T'Pal asked.

"Unless things have changed recently," Thomas replied. "I'm sure you have better intelligence on the matter than I do."

"Not necessarily, that is why I need you," she said. "And of course, I do like your company...." she said with a knowing smile. "The Box of Delights.... do you think I should invest? Has the owner replaced her previous partner yet?" she asked.
"The Box would be a good investment," Thomas said to her, "though I honestly haven't heard anything about her previous partner leaving."

"Her previous partner was killed," T'Pal stated flatly, surprised that he didn't seem to know that. ~Perhaps he was not so up to date with information as he used to be. In fact, he still had no clue who she really was. "In any case, it is not so important.... I can get to the details myself...." she mused. "But for now.... let's get to the more pleasura ble side of things," she said as she put her wine glass down and pulled him up slowly, after which she lead him to her bedroom.


Security Consultant


Freelance Journalist