Judgement – And Altogether Oookie...
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   And Altogether Oookie...
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Mon Feb 28, 2011 @ 12:47am
Location   Visitors' Quarters
Timeline   SD37 - Late Afternoon


Adams choked on his sunrise.


Rick frowned "you ok?" said Rick in complete obliviousness as to why the former Admiral may be choking on his sunrise. "Would you like glass of water?" he said sympathetically.

"Y....y.. es.... p..pl...eease" he spluttered. When the water came Peter sipped at it until he stopped coughing.

"That's better" said Rick with a smile. "Did it go down the wrong way or something?" asked the pilot as he was referring to the drink. "Perhaps you would like something to eat?"

"Well, I have to admit, I'm as hungry as a bear coming out of hibernation. That's very civil of you son." Peter was having trouble keeping up the façade he felt he ought to be maintaining.

Rick got back up and headed to the replicator, he ordered a pizza from his personal menu from the machine. The hidden file that chelsea didn't know about with all the bad for him food types that your shouldn't eat. But he bet to himself she probably did know about it. The pizza materlised on the small little plate, Rick picked it up and carried it over, placing it on the coffee table that sat between them. with a couple of smaller plates, and some cutlery. "You must be very proud of your grand daughter, to reach commander rank and Second Officer?"

Peter looked carefully at the man opposite him. "Okay, it's like this, Rick... can I call you Rick?" He paused.

Rick smiled and shrugged "Yeah, why not?"

"I'm Peter but my good friends call me "Jack" - that's a long story..." he rolled his eyes. "But that's one for another day, Rick. I came here thinking to myself *okay old man, you've had two daughters over the years, both of which got married. The eldest Petra, just did it and let us know afterwards so I didn't have to take any responsibility for this sort of 'talk'. Petra and Mike were both pretty independent and I was around when they were young, but by the time I married my second wife and Summer arrived into the family, she was nearly 10 years younger than her step-siblings."

"I'm approaching 85 you see, I'm told I wear it well but i've been fortunate with my health and military life keeps you fit. Ellie is only 75, I was a lucky man to catch her after my first wife left me. Messy divorce. Anyway.... Summer saw very little of me, my career was getting demanding by then. She went off to Starfleet, next thing we know she's marrying a Bajoran in another quadrant." He went on.

"Again it was all packaged and wrapped up before I got to take on any of these kind of 'parental duties' so when Chelsea came along and Summer brought her to live with us, Ellie and I virtually raised her so I got to do the things I never did for her mother because by then I was retired." He smiled as he remembered.

"I bonded with her and I got a second chance at what I missed with Summer. Chelsea had no dad of her own and I'd missed my second daughter's growing up. It was a win-win situation until she went off to Starfleet too." He seemed to be wistful for a moment.

"Next thing is, we get calls to say she's in mortal danger. Everyone thought the Pah-Wraith was going to take Summer's daughter as well as the rest of her life so we panicked, I don't mind telling you Rick!" His face showed the full extent of it in one fleeting expression but it passed and he seemed to relax again.

"So now, we have her safe and the only trauma we're left to deal with is the idea that she's in love with some guy none of us knows, and the question is - will he turn out to be the type to break her heart?" 'Jack' rolled his eyes.

"So I get the chance finally to do my fatherly duty and try to find out if he's a bastard who's got some agenda, but it's not as easy as it first sounds. I mean, you think you're going to know... as if there's some sort of label that'll be stuck to his forehead... but here we are, and I'm expected to come out of this with a certificate that says I know everything - but i don't. Turns out I don't even know as much as I thought I did about my little girl, let alone you Rick! What's an old man supposed to do? Challenge you to a duel and get himself shot?" He laughed and took another swig of his drink.

"But if I don't....then Ellie will shoot me for sure." He continued to chuckle and did a fair impersonation of his wife's accent: " *You were supposed to find out about him... how is that 5 yrs later we discover he's a bigamist?* Well, how was i supposed to find that out? Beat it out of the poor guy? I'm too old to do that even if i wanted to and what would that prove? We have to learn to trust our grand-daughter. She's the one who gets to beat it out of you, son. Not me." He finished the drink and his candid explanation.

"And they say you're never to old to learn!" he smiled. "I learned something today, Rick my boy. And I'm about to learn more, I think. So, this guy before you? Bajoran you say? Just like her dad..... i can see why that worked. Cheated on her though? Bastard. Now I'm not to old to punch that one.... " he straightened his shoulders protectively. "Gimme the low down on him, would you Rick? Did she flatten him? I can see her doing that... " he began to laugh again.

"Gotta give that kid her due.... no, i'm not surprised she made Commander but I didn't hear about the Second Officer position yet but don't let on that I know, when she gets back. Proud isn't the word! CAG, did you say? Lot of responsibility getting all those flyboys and girls safely back each time there's a foray. Sorry, I'm rambling. Can I get us the next drink?" He got up, came back with another round and sat quietly watching Rick as he replied to this whole string of questions and comments.

Rick took the offered drink thankfully. He sipped at it then placed it on the surface between them next to the pizza. Rick did not know where to start, he had been told a lot and he had a a lot to tell. "May I tell you a story that may answer these questions?"

"Rick I wish you would, please.... it would be my honour to be confided in and it might save my life with Ellie... not that I'd have to tell her details if you would prefer me not to..." 'Jack' smirked conspiratorially.

Rick swirled the drink in the glass tumbler and watched the hypnotic way the liquid spiralled around the glass, he took a deep breath and exhaled to prepare for his story.
"I haven't actually been on this station that long, even with all that has happened to us, though it may've seemed like a long time, it hasn't been. Half a year? Maybe a year? It's all kind of blurred together. Time on this station has a way of moving a little differently. I suppose its because we are an isolated metal space station hanging in space. On my first day here I found myself in a fight against Romulans, are large scale space battle erupted around the station, yet the very next day I got lost and found my way in the Romulan embassy. The ambassador there was very nice. It's funny how things work out if I had not got lost I wouldn't've ended up there, and the ambassador wouldn't've introduced me to her good friend. Chelsea."

"She was still going out with the other guy I was talking about, at the time. But their relationship was already heavily on the rocks. We got to know each other, became friends, we helped each other out through difficult times....we fell in love. By this time Chelsea had finished her relationship with the other guy." Rick smiled. "Chelsea didn't have to threaten him, as far as I know a close friend of hers did it for her. Not me."

"Remind me to thank him" Jack muttered quietly in the background, rather un-politically-correctly assuming the close friend was a man.

"Things have grown between us more and more. We looked after my niece Kim together. Moved in with each other, I took a bullet for her and come to think of it a knife during the terrorist attack....our 'adventures' sorry scratch that our 'life' on the station has only brought us closer together. We both put our lives on the line every time we put on the uniform...but the uniform...our jobs....are part of who we are, at least for now. I wouldn't change it for the world. And I wouldn't have her any other way."

"I Love being a fighter pilot and Chelsea loves being a doctor, we also love each other."

Jack took in a breath and puffed it out again slowly. "Rick, I couldn't have asked for a better answer, even if I'd asked ALL the right questions instead of none of them." He looked down to hide a teary-eyed look that showed how moved he was by what he had just heard. Then he lifted his glass in a toast:

"May you both be very happy together for all the rest of your lives. I predict that's not so much a wish as a surety, judging by what I've just heard." He said with candour and chinked his glass against Rick's before draining it.

Rick proffered his glass in a toast to the retired Admiral. "Here's to you sir" Rick smiled and drank the beverage. "So what now?"

"Now we get drunk without having to worry what the women will say when they get back, cos we have performed our duties admirably!" Jack laughed, going to get another round.

"By the way... did you know that before she came here, Chelsea was cheated on by her previous fiance too. She was engaged to that creep for nearly two years and then came home unexpectedly early one shift and found the bastard in bed with her so called best friend. I suspect that's why she didn't tell us about the guy before you here.... probably thought it was becoming something she was going to have to get used to.... " Jack didn't add ~third time lucky~ nor the other thought in his head which was ~so if YOU do it too, I'm going to find you and it won't matter how old I am.... ~

Jack had decided he really liked Rick and that sort of thing wouldn't serve any purpose. This man seemed to him like a different kind to Chelsea's mistakes of the past. Jack had decided this was someone that he would have chosen for his princess if he'd had a say in it.

"Chelsea has too big a heart. She sees the best in everyone until it's too late. Takes after Ellie in that... Lucky Ellie married me in the end, she was another who was always being taken advantage of for her good nature. Mind you, my ex-wife made it clear that she thought Ellie was getting out of the frying pan and into the fire by falling for me, but I treated her right, always. Love that woman to death. Don't tell her though... i'll never hear the end of it!" He chuckled and watched his drink swirl with a thoughtful look on his face.

Rick stared into his drink, "Noooooo" he said thoughtfully. "Chelsea didn't tell me that, so will this be her second or third marriage?" He had been close to wedding bells himself once before, but that was a long long time ago, and had been a very bad mistake on his behalf to even let it get that far.

"Third serious relationship, second engagement, FIRST marriage" Jack corrected gently.

Rick sighed a little. He wasn't sure if he was aware of this information or not? Had Chelsea told him she was once engaged? "Well you learn something new everyday." He felt a little funny.

"You ever been in serious relationships before?" Jack had noticed that Rick's calm, serene expression was wavering. He wondered what he'd said wrong.

"Only once" he said vaguely not really wanting to give up the information.

"Well, at least this isn't all new ground to you then." Jack replied, a little thoughtful about why this subject had silenced the previously open CAG.

"Anyway" he let it go, unwilling to spoil their relationship so far. "What in the name of Hades can those women be buying that takes all this time? Good job we have pizza! A man could be neglected to death around here." He smirked, clearly joking as he took a slice of pizza and made short work of it.


A JP between:

CAG Squadron Leader
Lieutenant Commander Richard Dunham


Rear Admiral Peter (Jack) Adams
NPC'd by Cmdr Chelsea Adams