We All Fall Down – A course of action part 2
by Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw

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Title   A course of action part 2
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw
Posted   Tue Aug 19, 2014 @ 7:34am
Location   Docking bay 7 SS Vicoy
Timeline   a few hours after 'A course of Action'
Collin walked onto the bridge of the Vicoy wearing the standard company uniform Jet black with a colored sash to denote the different areas. The bridge was a scaled down version of an ambassador class starship and everything looked crisp and clean. He sat down in the center seat and took in the feeling of what was basicly his first ever starship command. His father had seen fit to basicly give him a full on warship and to be honest he liked the feel of it.

he called up a basic diagram of the ship wanting to know what she could and could not do what he saw well he was very glad that he was sitting down as the ship was even more of a warship then he had first thought


18 type 7 phaser banks
4 type 8 phaser banks
1 burst fire torpedo launcher with 40 torpedoes

The basic crew was but from 130 to a total of 30 regular crew and 20 attached personal the extra space was used to accomidate the internal changes that were made to the ship. ~Dad what were you thinking this ship has no other purpose then to be a war ship and yet you built it for a private company are you planning on turning pirate or something~ Thought Collin as he looked over the specs of the modified soyzu he was still amazed that the company was able to build such a ship under the nose of the fleet. He was more amazed that his father had decided to turn over this ships command to him. He had not gotten as far as other members of the family only reaching the rank of Lt commander before retiring from the fleet.

Now here he sat the commander of the companies newest warship about to head out on a mission that could see him arrested or set to lead the company. The one nice thing about it was at least he got to have his family with him on this hunt. He thought over his families motto and decided that if he was going to do something like this then there was no better reason then for family.