Beg, Steal or Borrow – Upgrades
by Commander Richard Dunham & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman

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Title   Upgrades
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman
Posted   Thu Jul 30, 2009 @ 11:38am
Location   DS5 Flight Deck "CAG's" Office
Timeline   MD9 17.50

Rianni had called a meeting, herself, Richard Dunham, Bruce Freeman, the Chief Engineer, and someone named Greo Tovon, a science officer, to dicuss the idea of making a runabout into a refueler for long distance fighters. She had the idea drawn out, even had the basics of how to do it mapped out in her head, now she just needed a few extra hands. She tapped her commbadge to get the one man who would be doing most of the hands on work into the office, =A= CAG to Micklin, can you come to my office, please?=A=

=A=This had better be worth my time, college girl.=A= Micklin snapped back, =A=I got sick birds here.=A=

=A=Just a stroke of genius on my part is all.=A= Rianni laughed, =A=Interested?=A=

=A=Well, I'll be damned, I knew if I lived long enough you'd do something worth watching. I'll be there in a minute.=A= Micklin replied, stepping through her door in less than the promised minute, "All right, what's goin' on?"

"You'll see, Andy, just wait a few minutes for the rest of the group to get here." She smiled, tossing him a PaDD, "Here, read this while you wait."

Dunham soon followed suit. Entering the office and dumping himself in the nearest chair he could find. He gave the CAG and Micklin a tired smile. "watcha"

"Rick." Rianni nodded, sorely tempted to ask him about his date with Chelsea but deciding for his sake not to do so in front of others.

"College boy." Micklin snarled a greeting, not even bothering to look up from the PaDD, "So this is the big idea, huh? Interestin', that's for sure."

"I hope I'm not late." Greo said as he entered the room. He had seen Richard going in just before just before him. "I don't believe we've all met. I'm Greo Tovon, I'm looking after the science department until Lieutenant Devero returns."

"Oh, hi, Lt. Cdr. Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian, CAG." Rianni said, "Please, take a seat, we're waiting for Lt. Freeman still."

"Don't even think about sitting' here, Spoonie." Micklin warned, he hated Cardassians to begin with, and officers weren't exactly a favored species of his either, "You'd be advised to give me a wide berth, boy."

Rianni lowered her head and groaned, "Don't take him personally, Lieutenant, he hates everybody."

"I don't hate you." Micklin said, "Not all the time anyway."

Dunham lowered his head in his hands and shook his head then rubbed his brow.

Freeman walked in behind a new science officer he didn't know. He was carrying a Padd making final notes of what needed to be done on the station. There were a few things he needed to do with another special project he had to do and didn't want to finish them with out the major work on the station complete. He took a open seat and kept at his work.

"Welcome to our meeting, Bruce." Rianni smiled, "Make yourself at home."

Greo sat in an empty chair away from the marine. He looked around the room at the gathered personnel. He hadn't met half of them before this meeting and he'd already been insulted. He looked across at Micklin. "Well I met Dunham already, but he didn't tell me that starfighter personnel were also on the welcoming commitee. Pleased to meet you too Sergeant."

"Thank you Commander." Bruce said looking up from his Padd. "I am sorry that I brought work with me but its been a pain lately. With the beating the station took its been a pain to get everything fixed."

"Yeah, I know, I was there." Rianni smiled, "It's going to take weeks before we have all our wounded birds fixed, fortunately Micklin's the best wrench in the quadrant."

"Yeah." Micklin nodded, "Now if we can get on with this, I do still have to fix those sick birds."

"Okay, Andy, we won't be long, I promise." Rianni sighed, "He loves his job."

"OK" said Dunham standing up. "I'll get the ball rolling. What were looking to do is convert a Danube class Runabout into a long range fuel transport for our fighter craft. If they are able to refuel the in mid flight they can increase their patrol time and range giving Deep Space Five further fire and sensor support. Some how Engineers we need to convert the roller bar on the Runabout to hold Fuel. Science we need from you is a compressed fuel solution so we can carry more. What do we think?"

"So we're talking about trying to store and carry a good supply of anti-matter and deuterium on board the modified Danube?" Greo asked. He looked across the room at Freeman. "An interesting idea. What kind of storage units would we use, converted anti-matter injection pods?"

"That sounds good." Rianni smiled, the idea was starting to really come to life, she looked to Micklin who nodded his grudging agreement with Tovon's idea, "Can it be done, Bruce?"

Bruce put his hand to his forehead and though about it. After a few seconds he pulled his hand down over his face and looked up. "I guess it would be possible. Would probably lower the efficiency of the shuttle. I don't think enough to cause a problem if its to maximize the efficiency of the fighter craft. However I don't think its practical in a combat situation. The power it would take to fly the shuttle with the extra weight I don't think the shuttle's shields wouldn't be able to take to much. Then one well placed shot and we lose two crew members."

Dunham scratched the stbble of his chin in thought. "I don't feel its for a combat situation. The fighter would simply be able to use the runabout as a mobile fuel platform to increase their patrol warp range."

"Yeah, in a heavy combat situation we'd have a capital ship in the area anyway." Rianni added, "Though, we might look to modify something bigger for this type of work in those situations later on down the road." She made a point to see if the CO could requisition another Wallace class that could be turned into a heavily armed flying refinery if this project worked.

Dunham had another idea. "While were on projects I had another thought. The Treaty of Algeron with the Romulans means we cant install cloaking devices on our ships however what about replacing the armour on a Broadsword Multi-role Assault Fighter to refract sensor scans from other ships. If we then upgrade its own sensors it can drop in at the end of a system and start scanning without detection and bingo you have yourself a spy plane..."

"Nice." Rianni smirked, "Very U-2 of you, Rick."

"Not bad." Micklin nodded, "For a college boy."

"Thanks old Man" said Dunham with a wink. " But yeah Exactly like the Lockheed U-2. Is it do able?" He said looking around the room.

"Frack yeah it's doable." Micklin said, a smile on his face, "If we can get Yella Boy to lend us some of his wrenches to help me and mine out, we can get that done, too."

"I don't mean to ruin the positive atmosphere." Greo interupted the group. "I think it is possible, I've even read about things like this, but it's going to be a bit more complicated than bringing in some wrenches. There are multiple factors to consider: hull configuration, material absorbancy, refractive angling. That's just for starters." He stood up and paced around the room as he spoke. "I can have science lab two set up a draft of simulations, run through various permutations. It might be good to figure out what we're doing before we ruin your ships." He was starting to feel like his workload was increasing by the second. Excellent, he thought, stuff I can really get my teeth into.

"Okay." Rianni nodded, "I'd hate to ruin any machinery we don't have to."

Bruce had been quiet a moment to calculate the factors from Engineering. "Material wise and personnel we are going to be a little hard with how backed up we are. But with going into the Science lab that should give you a few days for us to get caught up. When you get done in there I can get a holo-deck set up with what you have figured out there and use it to make a model before we get to the real thing."

"That sounds good to me. The holo-deck is the perfect test-bed." Greo walked back to his chair and slowly sat down. "I'll prioritise work on going over the anit-matter containment protocols and seeing if we can't squeeze a bit more into each pod. I'll then get working on the geometric and material analysis for the spy plane. I can't guarantee anything at the moment, but I think I might contact the Daystrom Institute and the Vulcan Science Academy and see if they can send over any relevant files." He paused and scratched at his ear. "Looks like I've got a lot of work to do."

"Excellent" said Dunham slapping his hands together. "I love it when a plan comes together."

Noticing the time Bruce couldn't believe how late it was. "I'm sorry folks." Bruce stood up. "I have a ship to catch tomorrow. Sadly I have some torpedoes to get replicated to test the weapons and I will be up late until those are done. Keep me posted on this."

"Thank you Mr Freeman." said Dunham

"Well, I should be off too." Greo said standing up and heading towards the door. He looked at the commander. "If it's ok with you sir I best go get science lab two up and running. I'll be ready for any data you send over."

"No problem." Rianni smiled, then added, "One thing though, I never gave Starfleet permission to perform gender reassignment on me, so please never call me sir again. Ma'am will work in a pinch, if you have to, but I prefer Commander. Anything but sir. Thanks."

"Sorry Commander." Greo said, surprised by the reaction to his slip. He nodded briefly at the others in the room and left.

Dunham gave a small muffled giggle into his hand as Greo left the office. Knowing exactly what Greo was feeling as the commander had done the same to him the first time they met and probably would and had to everybody who ever called her sir.

"Okay, very good, I think this has proven very productive." Rianni nodded, "We'll meet again in two days to discuss our progress and throw out some new ideas."


Lt Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader

Lt. Bruce Freeman
Chief Engineering Officer

Lt. Greo Tovon
Science Officer

Lt.Cdr. Rianni Monteros-thKhellian