Deception: The lesser part of Valour – In the Melee
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   In the Melee
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Thu Nov 06, 2008 @ 6:42pm
Location   Promenade
Timeline   SD3 18:03
Mokab was still bewildered by the events that just took place. He had stood way back, just eyeing the possible candidates for relief of their burdens when all hell broke loose.
From the Centre podium that the captain was stood as she was giving her speech, there came a shout as one of the stations security officers dove at her, hitting her to the floor, a second later the body fell from the upper gantry and then people started to disperse, his targets all scattered.

He pressed himself against the front of one of the shops, he didn't look, nor care which, just as long as long as he stayed out of the surge of the mass that began to tide his way. Just as suddenly, he heard the captain shout above the crowds, restarting her speech and the crowd began to clap.

~Why? ~ He questioned, what had happened. Did it really happen, was that the man he had seen in the early hours in the lower decks. He watched as a security team bagged the body, attached a comm badge and it disappeared. TO where? He wondered, slipping back into the shadows. He didn't feel safe, not in the least, here was not a good place to be at the moment.

A few minutes later, he found himself walking the lower decks, away from the crowd. His heart was beating wildly as he cursed himself for a fruitless evening. He kicked a discarded box across the floor, not paying attention to where he was, or where he was going, but he was heading in the direction of his own little corner of the station, away from prying eyes. He stopped at his makeshift residence and pulled the cardboard door apart, crawled in and pulled the door closed on the outside world.

Time passed, he didn't know how long as he didn't watch the clock, when he heard the faint whispers of talk of the assassination attempt from some of the neighbours and not wanting to feel left out, he moved closer to the front of his cocoon and listened to what the gossips were saying.

It was neither good, bad or indifferent news, but it was funny how stories got twisted by those who were not actually there. The whispers were that a security man had gone crazy during the opening of the festival and attacked the commander, shot into the crowd and fatally wounded a few.

Mokab wanted to open the door and tell them that it was a load of twaddle and that from his own position way back, it was obvious that the security officer had taken a phased rifle shot for his commander, but he decided not to, it was not his nature to make his own thoughts known. He let them have their fable to whisper about and pushed himself right to the back of the box, drew his legs in close and closed his eyes.

He listened to the various voices that passed, but it was one, who was obviously talking on a comm link, that made his ears open wide whilst his eyes remained tightly closed, as did his lungs as he held his breath and as much as was able to discern, he could not translate Romulan.


Mokab Mellibrate
Bolian of the lower decks and official owner of a handcart.