Unity – Romulans and Humans Dont Mix
by Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Romulans and Humans Dont Mix
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Wed Feb 10, 2010 @ 10:05pm
Location   Security Offices
Timeline   SD 17 - 01:15
Kreallia walked through the hustle and Bustle of the security offices of DS5, getting the occasional stare either from the fact that she was Romulan, or stunningly beautiful. She finally came to Gabriel's open doored office and knocked on the door frame.

"Knock, Knock." She announced.

Alexia looked up from the padd she was working on. "Good Day" she said, taking in the visitor's appearance with some surprise but trying not to show it. "Can I help you?"

"I'm here for Commander Gabriel." She stated.

"If you'll just wait here I'll see if the Commander is free." She got up and walked deeper into the office. She spoke quietly to the Chief.

Gabriel was busy reviewing the security footage taken on the promenade and different departments on the station. He hadn't gotten any sleep since the explosion and at the moment he was running on pure adrenaline, he was not in the most conversational mode at the moment. He was still on edge after the meeting with the Senior Staff in the Marine Command, and there was always Lieutenant Trellis hovering about waiting for a reason to strip him of his control of the department. The last thing he wanted to do right now was to see anybody.

"She doesn't seem the type.... " Alexia was about to say "to take no for an answer" but before she could finish the Romulan woman had already followed her through to the inner office.

"Hello Commander." Kreallia said, leaning against the door frame.

Gabriel didn't even look up from his console as he continued to review the footage. "A - I'm busy, B - Go away, C - How the hell did you get past the secretary?" He asked in a rather dismissive manner.

Alexia blushed. "I.... I did *ask* her to wait" she stammered.

Gabriel looked up and his shoulders sank as he narrowed his eyes on the Romulan before him. "And yet, here she is in *my* office, wasting *my time*." Gabriel said to Alexia, but continued to stare at the Romulan in a Starfleet uniform.

"Well you can have me waste your time here or back in the brig." Kreallia stated. "I have clearance from Commander Davies to see if you're fit for duty or not, and if you aren't, your relieved." Kreallia stated, giving a small grin.

If he were standing close to her he would've gladly reached over and strangled that damn grin off of her face. "Lieutenant, and I use that term loosely," he said as he sat up in his chair, "I don't know if you noticed, but we are in the middle of a crisis. I have more important things to be concerned about than you earning your merit badge for hand-holding." he replied in a patronizing manner.

"Oh Commander you miss judge me, I only want to make sure your fit to handle this crisis." Kreallia said, her tone suddenly strick at the end, this time she was going to play it tough and not the innocent way.

Gabriel raised an eyebrow in response and he slowly rose from his chair. "*You* have the gall and audacity to come into *my* department and try to tell me whether I am fit to handle anything on *my* station!?" He said as his voice began to ascend at the conclusion of the statement.

"I have been dealing with situations like these back when your people were supplicating to the Dominion in hopes of favorable treatment, back when the very idea of your kind wearing that uniform was the punchline of a bad joke." he continued.

"You, don't have a clue as to what you are talking about." He added as his chest continued to rise and fall.

"Who's the psychiatrist me or you?" Kreallia asked. "Who's better equipped for judging that?" Kreallia asked.

"I'm not going to have some Romulan tell me how to handle things on my station. Go back to counseling the poor Ensigns who are homesick and miss their mommies. I have more important matters to tend to." He said as he turned back towards the holographic recording.

"Schedule an appointment with the secretary." He said over his shoulder.

Alexia had flinched as Krellia had mentioned arresting Gabriel again. She became protective and put herself back on the visitor's side of Dorian's desk, effectively placing her own person between them.

"I'll book you in for an appointment, this way please" she said hastily, putting out her arm in a guiding gesture, attempting to herd the Counselor back out of the main office into the reception where the diary was kept.

"Unlikely." Kreallia said, shrugging off her hand and moving to the front of Gabriel's desk.

Gabriel was more than annoyed at this point. "You are *still* here?" He spat more so than asked.

"I would be remiss in my duties if I wasn't still here." She stated, leaning onto his desk.

Gabriel knew that he couldn't get rid of the woman short of shooting her with his phaser, in which case he'd have to explain the situation to Davies. The most sensible thing to do would be to listen to what she had to say. He looked towards Alexia and waved his hand signaling for her to leave them and shut the door behind her.

As the doors closed Gabriel walked behind his desk and sat down as the Romulan began to speak. "Go ahead" He said.

"Alright then." Kreallia smiled, taking the seat on the opposite side of the desk. "Do you feel any..........remorse for what you did to Lieutenant Tan?" She asked.

Gabriel stared at the Romulan. "I never told you to sit, Lieutenant" He responded initially. "What happened between me and Lieutenant Tan is none of your concern. The matter has been dealt with and shouldn't be re-hashed." Gabriel said evenly.

Kreallia nodded as she took down some notes by the transcript of the recording. "What about me?" Kreallia asked. "Do you still believe that I'm a duplicitous Romulan?"

"As if there's any other kind?" He asked as he sat forward in his chair. "How many people have died, just on this station because of your kind?" he asked rhetorically.

"You already know the answer to these questions, what is your purpose here?" he asked attempting to get to the heart of the matter.

"My purpose on the station or my purpose in your office?" Kreallia asked.

"I don't have time for this! Either make a point or leave, Lieutenant. Some of us actually have real jobs to do." he stated.

"Frankly Commander I think you're a pompous ass! But I need to MY job too, so sit down, shut up and lets continue!" She yelled.

Gabriel had to admit that the girl had moxie, considering that he could have her reprimanded for such a remark to a senior officer. Instead he sat down and decided to give her at least two more minutes of his time before he had her removed.

"Make it quick, Lieutenant. " he stated

"Alright, do you in your mind think you are capable of doing your job without your personal feelings getting in the way?" Kreallia asked.

"Impossible," Gabriel responded. "There is no way you can separate your personal feelings from your job. Otherwise you'd lose contact with what makes you an effective officer. If you want stoic and detached, go find a Borg." He said.

"So If there was a crime, let's say a murder, and the only people present were me, and a human, who in your mind would be guilty? Would you single out me as the murderer?" Kreallia asked.

Gabriel studied her for a moment before responding carefully. "I'd look at who had the mens rea, or mental state to commit a crime as heinous as murder." He said evenly. "I'd have to look at where the evidence led me, and if it led me to helping ease the Federation's of its Romulan burden, then so be it." Gabriel stated.

"But you would have a bias towards me, correct?" She asked.

"You're supposedly a smart individual, why don't you figure it out." he replied.

Kreallia nodded her head as if she knew the answer. "Well this might take some time, so the best way I think we can do this is if I watch you as you perform your duty." Kreallia explained, giving a false sense of cheer.

Gabriel had stopped paying attention and had turned back towards facing his holographic projection. "Alexia!" He shouted, hoping to gain her attention.

Alex had been poised for trouble from the moment she had been dismissed. She leapt up and almost knocked over a pile of padds on her desk. Straightening them and herself, she marched purposefully back into the main office and stood with her back ramrod straight ready for a fight to the death if need be.

"Our 'guest' was just preparing to leave. Please be sure to guide her safely out of our department." He stated.

Alex didn't need telling twice. She took that as permission to do what she had most wanted to from the moment this person had asserted herself into *El Guappo's" presence. She summoned Duquesne and Ensign Roberts and stood solidly at the side of Gabriel's desk until they arrived.

Duquesne was just prepared to return to OPS for Tactical duty when he was stopped in the Main Foyer by Alexia. As he entered the room he could see the look on Gabriel's face and knew that the man was close to shooting someone, unfortunately it turned out to be another Starfleet officer. Duquesne hated this part of being a Security officer.

"Thats not happening Commander until you make your choice." Kreallia said.

"Fine, fine, fine! Just get the hell out!" He said with a rising tone. "And do NOT step foot into my department again without an appointment! Do I make myself clear *Lieutenant Junior Grade*?" He said, making sure to put an emphasis on the difference in rank.

"Fine, Commander!" Kreallia said in an overly calm tone. "See you tomorrow on the Promenade, and DONT try to ditch me because then I'll get a Command order for those five weeks of counseling sessions." Kreallia explained as she walked out the door.


A JP Between:

Lieutenant Commander
Dorian Gabriel
Chief of Security

Lieutenant JG
Kreallia t'Jay
Chief Counselor/Resident Pain in the Ass

Ensign Alexia Jackson
Assigned to Security (NPC)

Lieutenant J.G.
Michael Duquesne
Tactical Officer (NPC)